Even though it was 91 degrees today I know FALL is here. Why? Because I just bought me a 1 lb 4 oz tub o’ candy corn! I’m ready to get down to business. I usually share 1 or 2 pieces w/ the kids then eat myself into a stupor.
Molly and Jake aren’t much into candy anyway, so there’s no compelling need to share. In fact Jake said yesterday when Molly wondered where her Halloween (and Valentines and Easter!) candy had gone, “Oh Mom ate it. We’re more into the getting and she’s more into the eating.” Oh so true.
I don’t really love the taste of candy corn, but it’s right up there w/ the smell of new school supplies and buying 2 big mums that I’ll kill within a month for ringing in the new season.
Molly and Jake aren’t much into candy anyway, so there’s no compelling need to share. In fact Jake said yesterday when Molly wondered where her Halloween (and Valentines and Easter!) candy had gone, “Oh Mom ate it. We’re more into the getting and she’s more into the eating.” Oh so true.
I don’t really love the taste of candy corn, but it’s right up there w/ the smell of new school supplies and buying 2 big mums that I’ll kill within a month for ringing in the new season.
I usually limit myself to one big container of candy corn a year, but I wish the stores would hold off a little in stocking their shelves. If I start too soon, say August or the 1st week in September, I sort of forget about the gorge-fest by late October and opt for a repeat performance.
What says “fall” to you?
Food-wise - I get really into soup. I mean the kind I can buy at Balducci's or Whole Foods. I don't actually make soup.
My big indulgence doesn't become available until after Thanksgiving. I LOVE Starbuck's egg nog lattes. I know - people either love or hate egg nog. I'm one of those people that love it. Especially in coffee.
Yum. I don't even like coffee, but that sounds good to me!
I feel like fall is now a forgotten memory for me. I grew up in Missouri and lived in IL too for a while. Fall meant cooler weather, sweatshirts and jeans, going to college football games on weekends or watching said games with friends on weekends, going to the pumpkin patch and the apple orchard, raking leaves, and making caramel corn and roasting pumpkin seeds. I haven't been through a fall yet here in TX but I think it will just be like summer, only shorter daylight. Everyone says the winters are really mild and really short. But the truth is I think I will miss the full change of all the seasons.
I can't think of a food right now but I love the chaning leaves! Fall is very pronounced in the east coast and when all the beautiful colors show up on the trees, bright red, sun yellow and even the browns, I get giddy with fall fever.
I usually hold out until sometime in October. Then I buy myself a bag of Brach's candy corn and go crazy. Then I'm so sick from it I can't stand the sight of it. Until next October.
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