Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School Navy Blues Update

Phew! We had a great morning and Molly was already in her jumper before I even woke up. Love that first day of school adrenaline rush! Sure we helped her put her socks and shoes on, but I feel so relieved!


holyyogini said...

Hooray! Love the pigtails!

Shana said...

Crisis averted! One school day down, 10 months to go!

Vanessa said...

What cutie pies! Like the signs too :)

Pamela said...

Yay! And they do look so back-to-school eager! What a fun, exciting time.

I have a few September resolutions myself. A much better time for me for improvements than the traditional January 1.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the signs!! I'm jealous you all started so late....we started back on August 13th! :(