After a homework-induced meltdown, and a trip to time out, Molly left this little gem for me on my bedside table. The photo is from our church's Mother-Daughter Tea, which I thought provided a nice added touch.
Later, I found this note in its place:

I think my husband made her write it. Let me know if you think a curlicue mustache is a good look for me.
Oh, I am so sorry, I guess I am laughing at your expense, but that is the best laugh I have had in a long time. Probably because I can totally see my kids doing the exact same thing.
Oh no!! I think I would have cried my eyes out! She is too little for that to be going on already isn't she? It's starting already? Do you even know what you did that made her so mad? I'm sorry too....
Oh - I'm sure she's really sorry. Poor you though. Hold onto the photo for future guilt purposes.
You bet I will, Kate! I still have the note I wrote to my mom "You are a Po Po! Not Love, Anna" She kept it in her jewelry box for a good laugh. Who knew that a girl who couldn't spell "Poo Poo" would grow up to be an English major?
my heart aches for you... but I am actually a little envious. Having a 9th grade daughter to contend with, I sometimes wish I could go back to the days of notes with pictures that said a thousand words followed by written apologies and make-up hugs. These days I have to tell myself..."She loves me, she is sorry, she loves me, she is sorry, she loves me, she is sorry..." until I believe it enough to sustain myself. I am really looking forward to the day that she chooses to love me and show it. I hear that is just as fulfilling as that naive, dependent love of childhood.
You poor thing. Wow, that brought back memories. I did something similar to my mom (I wrote it in my diary at 11 or 12 and she found it years later).
Now that I'm a mom, I can understanding how incredibly hurtful those words are but also understand that children are emotional and irrational beings sometimes.
It took me until my twenties to choose to love my mother and show it but I did not really understand my mother fully nad love her as a friend as well as a mom until I had my own children.
This is so fabulous. This is the first time I have really laughed out loud, not just LOL'ed online. Classic.
they really have to figure things out don't they? what they are feeling, how to express it? it's hard. for both sides.
I just showed this to my husband, who is a child and family therapist. He said to mention that you should sleep with your bedroom door locked. (He's just kidding) (I think).
Just make sure you don't find any voodoo dolls laying around anywhere. I am scared of her.
Save these, give them back to her when she has kids!
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