Tuesday, July 10, 2012

That Stinks: How to Lose Friends and Un-influence People

So, I'm still in computer Hades right now. Most of these problems stem, I believe, from the big storm last week. I'm a firm believer in turning computers off to "let them rest" before trying them again, mostly because I have no other computer skills up my sleeve, so there's been a lot of that going on. And some cursing. I also managed to spam (and possibly lose) many of my friends by sending them a blank email when I was trying to let them know about a fabulous jewelry party/charity fundraiser I'm having in Jack's memory. More on that later (p.s. you're all invited!)

The other thing going on is my dealing with an incredibly stinky dog. I scrubbed the little drip pan under the fridge (did you know you have one?), freshened up my garbage disposal, and emptied all of the trash cans in the house before I convinced myself that the horrible odor in the house was either me, or the canine who follows me around so closely she might, as well be up my...you know. When I took a whiff of her back, it smelled like decaying animals. Nice.

We took a pleasant (not really) bath together and I used all manner of products to get her de-smellified. Yes, I was IN the tub with her because it was the only way to get her in. That, plus some Meaty Morsels.

I spent extra time at work today hoping the smell would continue to abate while I was gone. Unfortunately, as soon as I got home, the dog ran to the side yard and started rolling in...you guessed it...animal carcass. Just can't BEAR to take another bath with her, so for now I've spritzed her with dog shampoo spray and I'm trying to keep my distance, which is impossible.

We have a lot more to catch up on, my friends, but for now could I just ask for your prayers? The past few days have been hard emotionally, for reasons that have nothing to do with technology or smelly pets.

Thanks and Love!


Paige P said...

She could very well need her glands released. I would take her to the groomer, if not expressed every so often they can get infected, the scent is the first sign it needs to be done.

The Bipolar Diva said...

Prayers coming your way Anna.

Queer Christian Collective said...

Prayers your way! I agree with the woman above, try taking poochie to a groomer or vet if the smell continues. You seem like a good mommy so I'm sure she'll enjoy a bit of EXTRA pampering ♥

stacymichele said...

Take care of yourself Anna! I'm thinking of you.

fiwa said...

You sound exhausted. I'm sending prayers. Hang in there!

Princess Kate said...

Absolutely extra prayers coming your way. I'll even add hugs, peace, and comfort as well.

Thinking of you always.

Anonymous said...

Gross. Have you tried Febreeze, haha?

I want to email you to find out where I might send you something.


darsden said...

I think about you every day! I pray for you and your family everyday... (bighugs)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I will definitely be at your fundraiser!

And I don't blame you for drawing the line at two baths with the dog. So far, I've only had to bathe Alice once - and I'm such a prude, I wore my bathing suit. Of course, I also did it with the hose outside, so the bathing suit was kind of necessary...

Love you.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Meaty Morsels always help me to get in the tub, too. Also, if you tell me what's wrong, my son might be able to diagnose your computer problem. I can't manage without him.

OSMA said...

Definitely sounds like a case of anal glands. I know, so gross. Usually a quick trip to the vet, sometimes even just a walk-in.

I'm sorry you've been having a hard time lately. I've had you on my mind so much, as we all have, and just wish our mental mettle could help you more in ways you need it to.

I volunteer to take your pooch to the vet if that helps. Unless you think of me as the Dog Grim Reaper in which case I won't blame you if you artfully decline :). Ugh.


LauraBeth said...


Sending some HUGS your way. You all were on my mind so much these past few days.

Driving around town in the past week or so, I've seen at least 4 other cars with their Jack magnets... It warmed my heart to know that all of us are strangers, yet joined by our love for your precious son.

Keep me posted on the jewelry fundraiser...

Love, prayers, and hugs from the other side of town.

Ps... One of these days I need to show you the miniature blue jay (figurine, not a real bird!) I recently got.

booksandcandy said...

I too have been thinking about you so much lately.
I will send some extra prayers for you as well.
The above commenter said something about Jack magnets is there a place I could get one even though I don't live anywhere near you?

Pip said...

You are one dedicated dog momma! Thinking of you every day sending prayers and hope. Pipxx

Elizabeth said...

Sending prayers your way. ((((Anna))))

Gigi said...

I'm no expert but what is your computer doing? Is it a laptop? I've got a few tricks if you want them.

As for the dog - I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

Sending extra love and prayers your way! Karen VR

Mimi said...

Ugh, Anna that is awful. I'd be so disgusted. Why do dogs do stuff like that! I once had to grab a dead bird out of Bailey's mouth during a walk. It was horrible. I let out the most primal scream, when I reached in to get it. I shudder just thinking about it. The things we do for the pets we love. Check out barks and bubbles to clean shadow up. They are great and not to expensive.

Shell Flower said...

Sending you good vibes from the West Coast. Hang in there! We haven't forgotten about Jack any more than you have (and most of us have never even met you all). I hope the charity event brings you closer to Jack somehow, and that you raise some money for something he would have loved to support. It still sucks that he's gone. It will always suck. I just hope it stops hurting so much, and it will. Eventually. Lean on your friends, they are still there for you as much as they were right after the accident. Maybe they don't say so as much anymore, but they'd all jump at the chance to help lift you up. I know I would.
P.S. I was visiting my parents recently out East and my mom has an "Everything is possible with God" candle holder in her room that totally made me think of you and Jack :)

Stimey said...

You always have my love. I'll send more today.

Geri said...

Prayers, always.

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Could you just ask for my prayers?

I don't know, could you?

Of course!

Lord, may Anna feel in your grip.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I don't know what's up, what's causing the additional stress during an already excruciating year, but I believe God does know, and loves you. God bless you and your family.


Anne said...

You are always in our hearts and prayers.We continue to pray for you all.

Anonymous said...

Could you set up an online jewelry sale fundraiser? I'd buy. :)

Cami said...

Continued love and prayers to you and your family!

A Speckled Trout said...

A jewelry party? I'm kind of a hoarder with a Visa at those things and it only takes one glass of wine.

Spamming your entire email list? Yep, happened here this week.

Resting your computer? Like a pork roast.

Smelly dog? Bathed mine the other day and now I'm considering another possibility. Here, kitty, kitty.

Prayers for you and your peeps? Done, done and done.

The Green Family said...

Anna, There really isn't a day go by that I don't think of you and your family. Extra prayers for you today, hope they help. ♥

IrishRN07 said...

Dear Anna,
Prayers said, songs sung, walks taken...for you and your family. We'll keep 'em coming, don't you worry.


Meredith Self said...

ewwwww. ewwww. ewwwwww. potty talk walking around next to you.

thinking of you all day. light. light. light.

NanaDiana said...

Saying a prayer for you to get through this tough time AND for your stinky, smelly dog- xo Diana

Kim said...

praying for you even as i type. and i have a very sensitive sniffer and understand that stinky things can make emotional pain that much worse...

Laura at Ms. Smartie Pants said...

I've been thinking about you and hoping all it well. Funny how when we are worn out the little things can really be frustrating like computers (my current frustration is a new phone). As always you are in my prayers! Take the dog to the groomers it's worth the 35 bucks and getting it off of your plate!:)

Jess said...

thinking of you and your family. hope things ease up soon.

Dawn F said...

Hi Anna - just discovered the magic potion for our smelly puppies - 1 part white vinegar to 1 part antibacterial liquid hand soap. No wet dog smell even! Good luck. Thinking of you.

DawnGes said...

I'm so very sorry, Anna. I think of you often and pray for you more.

Much Love...

DawnGes said...

I'm so sorry, Dear Anna. Think of you often and love you beyond belief.

xoxo, Dawn

Renee from Ohio said...

Extra prayers coming your way, Anna.
Like someone mentioned above, is there any chance I could get a magnet for my car? I would love to let that be a conversation starter here in Ohio: a chance to share about your Jack, ask them to pray for you, and to share about the Lord.
I'm coming to NOVA at the end of this month...please email me if there's a chance I could get my hands on one. I would also like to give you a big hug!!

Mrs Changstein said...

Oh my. We have a dog that likes to eat poo. Takes doggie breath to a whole new level, let me tell you. (I hear it's lack of potassium, so lately, he gets some banana in his kibble. We'll see!) Plus, when Frankie really smells, I've been known to febreeze him. Sadly, very effective. Hugs & prayers from the west coast. You are never forgotten. Plus, someone said 'Jack magnets'...love to get me one of those!!!! xo, Cindy

New Mom said...

Praying for the peace that passes all understanding!

Kathy at kissing the frog said...

I think about you a lot, Anna. Sending a prayer and an extra hug!

Cynthia said...

Prayers for sure! I wish you were here with me!

Anonymous said...

in addition to the glands, pet stores have deodorizing sprays that you can spray on her butt. The things we do for our pets...

Sending positive thoughts from Seattle!

Kris said...

You have my prayers always.

Victoria said...

Continuing to cover you all in prayer. On another note my husband works in Vienna - he has his own IT consulting firm - and I would happily send him on over to you to see if he can figure out what's going on!

Jill said...

Oh lady - what a week! Oh how I remember the smelly dog days ... Looking forward to your jewelry show! xxx

Theresa O said...

Continued prayers for strength and peace each and every day for you. Always in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Anna-lots of prayers to you and your family. God Bless and comfort you.
Falls Church neighbor

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Praying for you, Tim and Margaret ALWAYS, With Love

Daphne said...

{HUGS} and prayers and support and cyber-love all coming your way. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Anna- You touch my heart. I have a son that died as an infant and I know, in part, the pain you feel. After four years I still have days where it hurts so badly that I cannot breathe, but most days are better. I send you prayers for strength and understanding and love and guidance through your pain.
I look forward to hearing about your fundraiser - it helps to DO things.

Cheryl said...


Deborah said...

i've experienced the dog situation. we had a neighbor who was a hunter dump deer parts in his side yard right next to us and our dog kept going back to it and rolling in it until we figured it out and yelled at our dumbass neighbor to clean up his mess. blech! i'm guessing your dog will do the same until the animal remains are removed. sounds like a job for your husband. :)

i wouldn't spend a lot of time on the computer. if you or your husband can't figure it out, take it the the geek squad and get them to recover what you want to keep, then dump it and get a new one. don't add stress!

as for the other unspoken trials and tribulations i know you face daily... makes me wish there was an easy button i could send you. my dad died in april and i was thinking this morning that i will never "get over it" but i will learn to live with that loss.

mrscravitz said...

Not sure if anyone else has posted this remedy yet, But when my cat gets sprayed by a skunk I use:

1 qt of Hydrogen pyroxide
Mix in about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of baking soda, (Depending on how long you can hold your breath, cause Skunks STINK.)
and a few drops of DAWN Dishwashing liguid...

Pour over dog/cat, rub in and rinse!


Donna said...

Always thinking and praying for you and your family.

anymommy said...

Love, light and prayers coming to you always, Anna. I think of you every day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Sorry about the orders. ((HUGS))

Claire Plante said...

Extra prayers for you today. I am just so sorry.


Unknown said...

Just getting caught up on my blog reading. Its strange because for the last two weeks you've been on my mind so much, and I have been praying so much for you. I heard a song, by Christa Wells, called Weightless, which led me to another of her songs called A Thousand Things. The lyrics made me think of you. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDbVmv0rek0

I also have a very, very stinky dog. I bathe her and she find more gross things to roll in.

Unknown said...

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