As our summer wound down, Jake said, “Mom, August is the Sunday of Summer.”
I wasn’t sure of what he meant, but he explained that rather than being able to enjoy August, the flurry of school supply shopping, haircuts, and general back to school angst generally put us into a funk, unable to savor a perfectly good month. Likewise, Sunday can be depressing because what a few hours before had been a weekend full of promise is now winding down all too quickly.
As a teacher, I could relate because I used to struggle mightily with both August and Sundays. Now that I have a “regular” job, I enjoy them both.
Here’s hoping you are able to live in the moment today, and that your Sunday doesn’t feel too much like “August.”
You know, You could market that quote. It could make its way on to the desks of many teachers.
You have a smart kid there.
I understood what he meant the moment I read it! And even after all these (many, MANY) years since I was last in school, I still get a little excited for summers, and a little down when the school year starts anew. Can't shake all those years of training.
what an incredibly clever statement. Seriously. That a quote I will pass on. I just love it. Very bright son you got there
that really is rather clever!!
i've been really trying to focus on reclaiming the sabbath. . .
now to make august last as long as a restful sunday. . .
hope and your family have a blessed and sabbath-filled sunday!
Yes! What a smart boy you have.
Enjoy your Sunday!
That is fantastic wisdom right there. Spot on, too, I think. I still feel a little nagging tug about Sundays, but having a job that means only working about 4-5 hours on Monday tends to lessen the blow a little bit. Now I must try and remember not to rub it in when my kids or husband mope about the day!
So true. When I was unhappy in my job, Sundays were very stressful days for me. Clever child!
Perfect analogy. He's something else!
We learn to "live and remember" via our life summers, don't we? Clever son.
I love that quote. What a great way to describe it.
That is put just perfectly. I don't think I was at all ready for school to start, for my August to be over and my weekend to feel like it should last another month. I'm sighing all over the place.
I think your son summed up summer perfectly -- I feel the same way about it. By mid-August, I'm already feeling sad about how few swimming days at the cottage are left.
Thanks for checking out my guest post over at A Lil' Welsh Rarebit. Glad you enjoyed the blue pictures :-)
Kelly @ DesignTies
What Jake said about August is so true.
Thanks for stopping by The Borrowed Abode to check out my dining room -turned- office. I love your blog laout and graphics and will peek around a bit more!
Now that is a deep thought. What an insightful kid.
By the way - you won my giveaway! Can you email me with your address and I will get your prize in the mail. :)
I cannnot begin to tell you how much I can relate! I was once a teacher as well... Sundays/ summer ending was the worst feeling. I'm so happy to have taken them back!
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