Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ragnar Relay

This weekend a team of 12 people will be running a 200 mile Ragnar Relay in Jack's honor. They will run through the night from Cumberland, MD to Washington, DC in a collision of athletic prowess, sleep deprivation, body odor, and hysterical laughter.

The team includes Tim, his sister, my sister, his cousins, family friends, Jack's baseball coach, and an EMT from the night of the accident who has become a friend. They call themselves "Jack's Lanterns" and they race to bring light out of a dark situation. I thought you would like to read this awesome article my sister wrote about the team and why she runs.

Scroll down a few pages and you'll see a familiar face.

Go, Jack's Lanterns, Go!


Japolina said...

What a sweet article by your amazing Sis.

Anonymous said...


Well, love and Lego.

Go Liz and team!!!


Sybil@PeaceitallTogether said...

What an awesome tribute! Loved the end of your sister's article :)

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog since before "the accident" Every time I read it.. I just feel so unsettled...I don't get it .. I don't understand why such a tragedy should happen to your family, the loss of such a special child( but really the loss of any child) don't get it , don't get it don't get it...
I do know the loss of Jack has made me try not to always understand ... but just to feel and appreciate.. and be thankful and be angry for you your loss.. jumbled feelings... Sisters are the best.. and I'm glad your sister is there.. again.. just jumbled feelings.. but always prayers coming your way.

Gigi said...

Go, go, go Jack's Lanterns! Sending my thoughts and prayers your way.

tracy@sellabitmum said...

This is so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love everything about this. Go team Jack!


Anonymous said...

What Japolina said!Best of luck!

Denise said...

Anna, I just read your post from two years ago, the story of what happened. I'm wrecked; I knew there was an accident, but since I'm a fairly new reader, I didn't know the details. I'm so sorry for you, your family, for all of us and our never-ending stories of loss and love and grief.

And as has already been said, what an awesome tribute. And why not? He's an awesome kid.

Love to you and yours.

Christy said...

So amazing, all of them - and you! GO JACKS LANTERNS GO!

ella said...

How cool! I have friends who have done Ragnar and they say it's a great experience. I hope we get to read a post race report!


Cassie Bustamante said...

way to go, jack's lanterns!

Anonymous said...

That photo of brother and words:)! I would totally love to get in on the donating of Legos, $, whatever--such a wonderful idea and way to keep Jack's spirit going.

I loved the magazine photos. I think I have virtual duplicates-- only with a blonde haired Jack. I definitely recognized the Mecca--Legoland!

Wishing Jack's Lanterns the best of luck. I am all about running as therapy (though I've never done more than 26.2 so I stand in complete awe).

Sisters are awesome. My sister's boys are like my own too.

What an incredible family and group of friends. Great article-thanks for sharing.

Go team! NoVa mom Jen

Unknown said...

Lovely article! I missed the Lego's ideas in past blogs, so I think we'll incorporate that into a local #payitforward movement our community is involved in due to the tragic loss of a young woman from epilepsy. #AJO

My girls and I have decided we'll donate boxes of lego's in honor of Jack and Alyssa.

We'll be watching results for Jacks Lanterns with interest. Go team!

mindy m. said...

Longtime reader here and was surprised to see my hometown as the race's starting point! We will pray for the safety of the runners!

Unknown said...


I'm unable to read the article, because my computer is being ridiculous. The team sounds amazing! A good friend sang, "It is well, with my soul" at Ethan's funeral. I never thought I would or could understand it "being well". It doesn't mean that it's ok that I lost my child, but it's okay for me to live life with those around me, for I will see him again.

Jenny said...

What an amazing tribute to your sweet Jack. I love the idea about giving the Legos to children in the hospital in honor of him. I love too the picture of the Lego box saying "all things are possible." Is there a way to donate to the cause?

Thank you so much for sharing here. And the name, Jack's Lanterns couldn't be more perfect. Good Luck Team!

Lisa said...

Praying for a safe run. Go Jack's Lantern's

Lisa said...

Praying for a safe run. Go Jack's Lanterns

Niki said...

so safe. xx

dreaming is believing

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so awesome. Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you running with the rest of your family?

Stimey said...

I hope they had an amazing run!!!! I hope we hear more about it here.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get the link to download successfully on my decrepit phone, but every time I clicked on the "unsuccessful" download, up popped Buckshot's shelter picture...and you know Jack was the reason I was able to get to the shelter to rescue him. Mysterious ways, huh?!


Peg said...

thought about you guys this weekend. A hot day, but what a wonderful day to celebrate Jack and the Lanterns.