Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The See House Hits the Big-time

I am so excited! I just found out that my favorite decorating blog, YoungHouseLove, has my family room featured on it today! Yes, the very same family room that Shadow peed in last night. Please check it out. The blog, not the pee.


Heidi said...

This is fabulous!!! You did quite a makeover on this room. You should be proud. I like the big & on the fireplace and you did wonders with that chair! I like white accents a lot.

Anonymous said...

I love it!! I SO need your help! When you are looking for a cheap vacation, please come to my house. I have two Red Cross trained baby-sitters, a pool and playground at the end of the street, lots of books, movies, and video games. Could your decorating urges be satisfied at my house?... which is in serious need of decorating. A year later we have only 2 pictures on the wall in our family room.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Wow! I'm going to check it out right now!

Christy said...

I LOVE your new room. The little birdie pillow is too cute. And the etageres are gorgeous. Love the color scheme, and love the pooch in the photo. AND thank you - I'd never seen this blog before and LOVE it too! woo-hoo!

anymommy said...

Congrats, it's a beautiful room. And I don't see a single stain on the carpet ;-)

Shawn said...

Wow! Congrats to the great makeover!

It is looking so chic! And sorry to hear about that naughty doggie---but you can't see it!

Head over to my blog---I am having a small giveaway!

Unknown said...

came here from this young house. personally a big fan of gray, so i like your name!

i actually like your brick fireplace and i'm not a brick person. i think it looks better natural than painted. if i would change it, it would only be for some fabulous tile... but don't know if the improvement would be worth the time and expense. hm... always a dilemma.

we are covering our brick fireplace with tile in the next couple weeks! but our amount of brick is tiny compared to yours and really boring brick... with red tiles on the hearth. yuck.

SoBella Creations said...

Great transformation on your room. Visiting via This Young House.

Pamela said...

Congrats! You are a fabulous decorator - quite an eye you have. This Young House reminds me so much of your old house - with a young couple too!

Bad Shadow.

Keetha said...

How cool are you!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome, congrats! It all looks great!

mtz_33 said...

i love your tranformation! i was currently breaking my head trying to find a wall color that is light & airy (other than beigy/sandy) and i just LOOOOVE this color. what is the name? tia!

Ami Rae said...

I left you a comment on TYH and then this afternoon when I checked your blog (your on my igoogle home page) I realized it was your room I commented on. So I reiterate, leave the fireplace natural. I do love a good painted fireplace, but yours truly looks great! Good job following your instincts.

Sherry Petersik said...

Hey Anna,

The complements keep on coming over on our blog! It's such an amazing transformation, and people can't seem to get enough of it.

There are actually a few questions about where you got things (curtains, ampersand, etc) so feel free to drop back in on our post and comment back to all the inquiring minds!

And thanks again for sending the fabulous pics our way.

Sherry (& John)

Debbie said...

Wow! Congrats. That is quite an honor.

Marinka said...

Look at you, how fancy! Although I'm pretty sure that my living room could be featured too, albeit in the "don't let this happen to you" section.

EatPlayLove said...

That is so cool! congrats and the transformation looks fabulous, love the color of your curtains, gorgeous!