Friday, January 9, 2009

Things that Make Me Go Hmmmm....

Why is it that when you are driving and ready, spork in hand, to eat your Taco Bell Border Bowl, there are only green lights on the horizon? 13 green lights in a row?!

And why, later the same day, when your bladder is about to rupture and you are estimating how many ounces of urine your cloth car upholstery can absorb, it’s nothing but red? Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that you would even attempt to eat a border bowl in the car while driving! :) I would want to savor it all at once!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

See - if I want to eat in the car, I don't wait until I'm driving. I park and turn on the radio/recorded book. It's like a guilty pleasure for me.

Ash said...

It's a conspiracy by the maker of Depends.

Yum, Taco Bell.

P.S. there's something on my blog for you.