Friday, November 7, 2008

Just Wondering

Did you ever start writing a blog because it was a creative outlet, kept you from watching too much tv, and helped you document your family’s life?

Did you then start to read a lot of other people’s hi-larious, riveting blogs, stay up too late, ignore your family, and get an icky feeling that your blog was really lame by comparison?

Did you start out writing for yourself not even knowing what comments were and then find yourself feeling a little twinge-y about the huge number of comments other people were getting?

Did you get really busy with kids, work or life and quit blogging as often as before and wonder if everyone would stop reading?

Did you remind yourself that this whole blogging thing was really supposed to be for you in the first place and that it shouldn’t ever make you feel crappy, un-creative, and “behind?”

Yeah, me neither.


Shana said...

Hey, I don't know much about blogging other than it is kind of fun. I promise I'll keep commenting as long as you keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I read every single blog you write!! I love your blog even when I don't comment. I love the ones that make me feel normal because they are so... normal. And I love the ones that make me feel normal because they are so wacky. Does that make any sense?!
I hope you will keep blogging even if I am not creative or confident enough to comment. You are way "ahead" of me!

Debbie said...

I've done all of these except take the break from blogging. Once I go going, it was so addictive! And yes, the family has suffered a little. I'm hoping they haven't noticed!
I don't know how you found my blog to comment on but I am so glad. I'm loving yours and breaking my "No new blogs on my reader" rule for you!

Mags said...

I recently found your blog and enjoy reading your posts. Keep it going!!!

Jennifer said...

Long time lurker, first time poster. Love, love, love your blog. I relate to so much of what you write - and it makes me laugh out loud. Keep posting!

Madge said...

im' sorry. what is this thing called blogging you are talking about. i have never heard of this. comments? no idea. obsession with it? nope. no clue.

Marinka said...

LOL, isn't it amazing how it takes over your life? I keep waiting for Blogger to start charging us a million dollars to keep our blogs. Can I borrow some?

Anonymous said...

I've done all of the above. Sworn I was going to give it up, but then just kepy coming back for more....

Gretchen said...

I love your blog because it is my type of normal. Interesting, but not mundane. I feel like I can expect anything from your blog. Sometimes thought-provoking, sometimes funny, sometimes just "this is what I did today" and even sometimes a little bit Martha Stewart (those chairs & table are AWESOME!) I like your blog so much!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I don't want to sound like I'm being negative about anyone else - but generally, people who get a lot of comments worked for them. No one is so brilliant that they have an immediate following.

That being said - I think it's more important to focus on the people that keep coming back and always have something signifcant to say to you (not just "lol" every time).

I'm a faithful follower. Remember when I was your main commenter? Those were simple times...

Rebecca said...

I'm with Madge. Blogging? Obsession? I have no idea what you're talking about!

Actually, I could have written that post myself a thousand's EXACTLY how I feel sometimes about blogging in general and my blog in particular.

Thanks for putting it out there!

K said...

Did someone say obsession, addictive? Let's just say I could make a career out of changing my blog's look, not to mention posting, commenting...

Anonymous said...

Nope, never. :)

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Thanks for all of the encouraging words! I'm sorry I sounded whiny about comments. I was more wondering how I can take something fun and creative and turn into a cause for feeling guilty or inadequate. It's just a skill, I guess!

jen said...

i went to sleep thinking the exact same thing last night.
is it wrong to check your comments before going to sleep and after waking up?
why should i care??? this is my creative outlet???

rena said...
