We are deep into the receptacle stage of parenting right now.
Throughout the house, there are places to park the baby when we need to put him down. Bouncy seat in the family room. Exersaucer and high chair in the kitchen. Johnny Jumper in the bathroom doorway. Bumbo in the living room.
I remember when Jack was little, I strictly limited his time in the exersaucer, not wanting it to inhibit his development. Now I'm just hoping to get Andrew though the next stage of childhood without being licked to his limit by Charlie the dog during floor time, rolling somewhere unsafe, and, well, these Hello Fresh dinners won't cook themselves.
Sometimes we just need a safe place to put him.
At five months, he's now big enough for this fun seat my (much younger) cousin told me about, that hangs on our kitchen counter:
Remember this stage? He can't quite sit up unassisted, but he really wants to. He starts out okay, then does a forward bend to make any yogi proud, tilts off to one side, and ends with a surprise (to him) landing, looking up at the ceiling.
When Jack and Margaret eventually sat up on their own, I was blown away by how straight they kept their backs. To a baby, posture is serious business and could teach this mama a thing or two about not slouching over the computer.
It will be nice when Andrew can sit up and all of these plastic receptacles can be passed down to the next child (in a DIFFERENT family, mind you), but for now, they keep the little guy happy.
However, carpet time will always be the best time, because it comes with built-in fun--- FEET.
Pretty soon he'll be running around, and you'll have a whole new set of containment devices. Oh, how I loathe the baby gates that require you to know the secret code of 'pinch here, lift there'!
Beautiful, beautiful boy xx
Wonderfully and fearfully made - the Lord did some of His best handiwork!
He is so adorable! And getting to the fun stage of babyhood.
Fun post that kept me smiling from beginning to end...
Love you, Karen
I miss these days! Such a precious time with Andrew.
He is beautiful and you are doing such a great job!
It is not easy being a mom but experience helps, love helps, and lots of places to entertain the baby really helps!
<3 <3
Oh I wish I had one of those.
And I wish I had had more cuddle time with Little Miracle.
He's so precious! I love the feet-sucking, smiley, cooing middle (but not yet mobile) baby phase, right in the middle of the first year. It's a joy to watch those development milestones vicariously.
What a doll!
He is so precious!! I hope my children give me a baby to enjoy someday.....
He is unbelievably cute! I remember "parking" my kids in all those places. Oh, to get a minute to get something done!
So, so adorable! I remember this stage with my son whose all grown and has children of his own now. Always love checking and finding new pictures. :)
Wish so much I could reach my feet like that. I can hardly polish my toes. So great to see babies happy, nibbling on their feet. Cheers!
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