Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh Self Control, Where Art Thou?

What’s the deal with Cadbury Creme Eggs being in the stores before Valetine’s Day? Because it’s totally messing with my candy schedule. I’m slated to finish the kids’ Halloween Candy right before V Day, and now this? Annoying.


Keetha said...

Those Cadbury eggs are one thing, like the marshmallow Peeps, that I truly don't like and I feel really grateful there is at least one candy I don't care for.

Those egg-shaped Reeses peanut butter cups are another story.

Liz said...

Are they out? WOOHOO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I actually had to finally throw out the remainder of the Halloween candy....I can't handle mixing the holidays. We had Halloween, Christmas, and now with Valentine's Day coming up....ugh. Enough is enough, my rear end can't take anymore!!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I hope the mini eggs make an early appearance. Those are my favorites!

L said...

Actually, I think the fact that you still have Halloween candy shows amazing restraint.

Debbie said...

You'll have to double up on your Halloween effort now. Just do it!

Vodka Mom said...

it's cruel and unusual punishment. I'm SURE we could win in court.

Unknown said...

I don't know who originally thought of the Cadbury creme eggs, but s/he is a personal hero. That said, there is no reason for drug stores to sabotage any chance of weight loss by putting them out before, let's say, St. Patrick's Day (when the saboteur is decidedly green beer).

Rebecca said...

I totally agree! In fact, just today I was in the grocery store with my 2 year old and he saw one of those eggs and went nuts. I let him hold it but told him he could not eat it until we got home (where I could distract him and take it away). Well, as I was getting deli meat, mr. 2 year old unwrapped it and was holding the chocolate egg with a death grip. By some miracle he didn't eat it until we got home at which time he said "eat chocolate now mommy?"

I caved and let him take a bite and watched the caramel pour all over his hands and mouth.

Oh the joy of motherhood!


Ash said...

These things make my teeth zing.

I love that!

Cynthia said...

Looking at this picture makes me drool. You are seriously too hilarious!!!