I also didn't know if Tom could handle my painting one more stick of furniture in this house. Soooooo, I ordered this pretty bench, to be picked up next Tues. I think it's meant for the bottom of a bed, but it could look cute as a coffee table.
After my dinner of potstickers, soy sauce, brownies and a Mike's Hard Lemonade in front of the t.v. as Molly played outside (can you tell Tom and Jake are out of town?), I realize I may have made a mistake.
I thought we were more than ready for non-washable off-white linen since there are no longer toddlers in the house, but I didn't consider how hard it would be for ME to keep from committing party fouls.
I did a lot of wobbling and spilling in a mere 1/2 hour, something I wouldn't have noticed had I not just purchased the aforementioned non-washable off-white linen bench soon to be used as a coffee table.
And I don't even want to THINK about how Tom's blood pressure is going to rise every time we have family movie night. He's already a bit of a popcorn control freak, giving the kids individual baggies instead of a communal, tippable bowl and only allowing clear liquids outside of the kitchen.
The old thrift shop table, all $24.00 of it, may need to stay. I'll keep you posted.
You could spray it with a fabric protector. They sell do-it-yourself scotch guard sprays at most fabric stores that carry upholstery fabrics. Or you could limit your movie snacks to water and white bread...
I, too, am having second thoughts over a make-over. Just ordered new carpet, and hoping I got the color dark enough to hide all our dirt.
Hmmmm I think it will be okay. Make the kids drink water on movie night - and you can still enjoy white wine!
Just get a big tray with raised edges to put on top and aim your spill towards that! Plus the Scotch Guard, of course...
I'm with Lisa G. Scoth Guard the HELL OUT OF IT. And any time you wipe it off, scotch guard again. And really, you should be fine. That stuff is amazing!
Also, get a large pretty tray for on it to help keep anything on it contained.
I have a white sectional and two young boys....granted it is slipcovered so it can be bleached. I mostly nervous when other boys come over and attempt to jump on it.
The bench is good looking but I would almost be tempted to stick with the old table, repainted, to avoid the stress.
OR like Lisa G suggested, scotchguard the heck out of the linen.
Scotchguard it my friend.
My husband practically rolled his eyes at me when I mentioned painting our old worn out coffee table as well! I told him I would even do it the right way and not the "spray paint everything in my sight way"! Ha
Looks like I'm going to be buying a new coffee table as well!
And thanks for the comment about my desk!
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