Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Do It Yourself Party-- Black Side Tables


I love checking out Kimba's blog for great before and after shots at her "Do it Yourself" Parties.

I'm not sure if this counts as "Do It Yourself" because Tom actually painted these for me, but I'll share anyway.

I found these smelly, broken, little guys on a trash heap in the rain. They were once on either side of a mirrored vanity, but the mirror was long gone. The veneer was chipping off and the knobs had to go.

I thought of spray painting them white, but with Tom's recent comment that I was going a little overboard with all the white in the house, Tom sanded them lightly, painted them black with an oil based paint we already had, and we switched out the knobs with the old wooden knobs from my last dumpster dive .

They are now cute bedside tables in our guest room. Total Cost: $0

Check out the other projects on Kimba's website.


Dawn said...

They came out great! So much better in black!

Beth said...

Very cute little tables!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love a radical transformation and you achieved it. So lovely in the bedroom too. I need to be bold enough to use more black.

Anonymous said...

Definately qualifies for DIY - hey if your good at gettin DH involved- good for you! I have a million DIY and am so dying to get a few finished- need to figure out which ones I can do while sitting in a chair as Dr. has me under no activity for at least 10 more days! YUCK- Well at least I am getting caught up reading all my blogs!


purejoy said...

i love the black and almost could not believe that you could see beyond the original condition of those tables. UGLY!! what a trash-to-treasure!

Happy Hectic Homemaker said...

Wow! What an awesome transformation! I love it!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

How about you - with your sharp eyes and handy husband!?

stephanie h said...

They turned out great! Love the results!

Suesan said...

I love the detail on them, you could hardly see it before with the pattern but it really stands out now!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Visiting from Kimba's party. :) I love the makeover!! Can't believe it was a $0 project!!!

Beverly said...

Unbelievable! You are amazing to even SEE the potential!

I came to thank you for visiting my blog. Wound up reading several posts and ended up a follower. Can't wait to read more!

Debbie said...

Those are great. We just "found" a mirror on the side of the road. I may go black with it!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I love a pop of black in every room - these are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow I love those. great job and good eye! thanks for stopping by worldgazing!

EatPlayLove said...

I love them and the details that were accentuated when you painted it black. They were completely lost with the strawberry scrolling! Great job!

Melissa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love this post. I'm a dumpster diver too, well, use to be until I got married and my husband told me "never again"!

I just love seeing people take every day trash and make it into something beautiful...which is what you did. It makes for great inspiration! Great job, LOVE IT!

Melissa :D

Shana said...

You are so clever. When I try to do things like that, it always turns out horribly wrong.

I'm going to email you and ask for some help with a project I'm trying to figure out. It involves not getting rid of two very old dressers -- very old as in melamine childhood furniture from the Sixties versus any kind of quality antique. When the horror of the garage sale weekend is behind me, I'll be seeking your wise crafty counsel.

Sabrina said...

Wow, I never would have come up with that. You are so creative. way to go.

Hopechest Bride said...

I love that cute stand Anna, what a great find. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Gretchen said...

Wow, I don't know how in the world you have time to do all that. I barely can clip out my coupons, so I've given up! But you can come over to my house anyday and fix up my blah boring furniture. I need some "Touch of Anna" in my house!!