Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Part Where I Lysol My Mouth

You know you’ve been around too many Girl Scout Cookies lately when you see something on the counter and assume it’s a smidge of Do-Si-Do filling, but after putting it in your mouth you find out it’s the scunge your daughter has just cleaned out of the dog’s chew toy.



Anonymous said...

Aaaggh!! yicky! Eat some more cookies... til you get a better taste in your mouth :)

Christy said...

I gagged just reading this! I like the first idea - eat more cookies!

Shawn said...

Nasty, nasty!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I've done something similar - but not even close to grossness!

Mags said...


Dreamybee said...

Eh, the dogs are fine, you will be too. LOL. Ew!

Sokphal said...

How many bottles of Lysol have you gone through now? Eeewww...

bernthis said...

oh man now that is an image! Yuck!

Jbhat said...

Oh my god. I have been known to do that too. I have a very funny story about it, and if I ever start a blog, that would be the place to tell my tale.

I'm glad I'm not the only voracious eater of anything-that- might-possibly-be-a-speck-of-food out there.

Shana said...


K said...

Thanks for making me laugh! Too funny! I don't blame you, those girl scout cookies can make you do some crazy things ;)

Anonymous said...

oh my, the first thing that came to my mind was "priceless" I'm sure there could be a master card commercial centered around this post..

Girl scout cookies- $3.50
Lysol- $2.50(guessing)
using the lysol you just bought to clean your mouth after finding what you just put in there was not samoa smudge... Priceless

Debbie said...

Oh please tell me you just made this up because you knew it would be funny! Please?

Chrisy said...

That's disgusting! It's as bad as picking up your 9-year-old son's underwear that you're pretty sure is clean, but you look around to see if anyone is watching, then give it a quick sniff... and pass out.

the mama bird diaries said...

Listen, if it has any chocolate on it, it's still edible.

Maggie May said...


yeah i said it

my daughter just joined Brownies
look out cookies

Nora said...

Eeeew! And I am just on my way to the kitchen to eat some GSC's, too...

Anonymous said...

MMMM mmmmm, good!

Heidi said...

How awful!! I'll be thinking about that one for a while...

Stimey said...

Oh dear. I think this might be the worst thing I have ever read.

That said, it is absolutely something I would do.