Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For Everything Else...

Telling the workman who helped hang your pocket doors, “No thanks. We will paint them ourselves. We’re handy that way and besides, we want it done immediately.”

Savings: $75.00

Calling the same workman exactly one year later to see if he will please paint the doors that you and your husband were too lame to get to.



Anonymous said...

I love this!!! Something my husband might do!

Vodka Mom said...

i am still laughing.......

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Oh Anna - that's TOO funny!

That has my husband written all over it. Our house is a graveyard of unfinished projects.

Rebecca said...

That's FUNNY! :)

Madge said...

us too -- except we go more like 5-10 years. and we don't hire anyone to do it.... ok, it's not like us at all -- but i wish it was.

Christy said...

That's hysterical! We did that with an electrician this past year...THANK GOD we caved and called him or our daughter's room would be still be dark.

Shana said...


Debbie said...

I have the matching paintless windows!

Anonymous said...

I hate painting french doors....taping up all those panels...ugh! Well worth the 75 bucks!

Heidi said...

This is funny. We had a similar incident with our baseboards that never got put back after they were taken down to put in carpet many years ago. We moved and those baseboards never did make it back on the wall.

Jbhat said...

Welcome to my world. I'm glad you are just going to have it done. Those doors will look even cuter when they have a coat of paint.

Maggie May said...

wonderful post!!!!!!