Friday, January 20, 2012

My Theme Song

A friend gave me this amazing song a few weeks after the accident. It has been my theme song, constantly playing in my car, even though some days I believe what it says and other days I don't. I love how the chorus is Jack's favorite verse:

Healer by Kari Jobe

My thought for today is Mark 9:24 "...I do believe, help my unbelief!"

And in a stellar parenting moment, I kept Margaret home from a field trip to the KENNEDY CENTER this morning and now she's watching "Toddlers and Tiaras." Classy.


Chrisy said...

Lovely song. I adore your honesty. Handsome picture of your boy! xo (Redmond's home with me today, too. Third sick day, although this morning his only complaint was that he was "pale".)

Stimey said...

It's the classic high vs. low culture conundrum. :)

I have a kid at home watching Looney Tunes, so I'm not far behind you.

L said...

Love that song so much. And right there with you for a perfect verse for today (and most other days, too).

Wendy said...

Love that song. I'm praying for you this morning. ♥

Lee Ann said...

Love it! And "Toddlers and Tiaras"..that show is like a train wreck. You just cant look away! :) Enjoy your day vegging out!

Lee Ann

the Hawks said...

we love you so much, even those out here in blogland.

twenty bucks says she remembers staying home and watching silliness more than the Kennedy Center

Anonymous said...

embrace the day....junk food and inane video games next! I suspect she's happy just being with you and that's really all that matters. Good job, mom!

Anonymous said...

Some days are meant for nice clothes and the Kennedy Center...others are meant for pajamas, snuggling with mom, and bonding over ridiculous tv. Neither is better or worse and I am sure she is enjoying the time with you!


Anonymous said...

Anna, It sounds like a good cuddle day for you and Margaret. Oh, and you should join her in watching Toddlers and Tiaras because there is no better show (other than Dance Moms) that will make you feel like you are the best mom that ever walked the earth!

I love the song Healer....and another one that makes me think of you every time I hear it is Blessings by Laura Story. Take a minute to listen if you haven't heard it.

Love you friend,

NanaDiana said...

Anna- What a touching, moving song. I have never heard it before. It is hard, isn't it, to trust and believe EVERY DAY? Sometimes, I am my own worst enemy and afraid to ASK for a healing because that means, somehow, letting go of what I have and know. xo Diana

Unknown said...

I can't listen to the song now (my kids are also in front of the tv, huh huh) but I will as soon as I get a quiet moment.

Sending you big hugs and lots of love.

Anne said...

Wow what a beautiful song.And I think Margaret is going to be just fine.
Keep you all in our hearts and prayers.

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Music is an amazing and remarkable thing isn't it? Blessings to you.

Jen said...

Anna, I love how music ministers to us long after the songs end... Hugs to you today sweet friend. I wish we could have coffee together :)

A Speckled Trout said...

After school yesterday, my tiny dancer and I watched an episode of Dance Moms, where mothers pay lots of $$$ to have their daughters verbally abused by someone too fat to show a move if her life depended on it.

Like a moth to the flame......

SouthLakesMom said...

Well if the darn weather won't give us a snow day to stay home and watch junk TV, we just have to make our own moments! Good for you!

Jenn said...

I've never heard this song nor of the artist, I will download all her music. So perfect, so beautiful. Music is a very powerful source of healing, especially with music with lyrics that hit you right in the heart and gut.

Thinking about you every day, while I work on Trusting and Believing.

I think Toddlers and Tiara's was my fault...sorry. However, you must admit it pulls you in and you can't let go! It makes us all look good, and don't you know I reminded the girls that when they were watching at my house! :)

Love you.

Lisa said...

Music got me through some really low patches after my mom died. Wish I had this"s great.

Love me some low-brow's kind of like therapy...or escapism, at the very least. Enjoy. :)

Anonymous said...

Margaret may have remembered the Kennedy Center, but I bet she will have better and more lasting memories of the fun times she has with her Mom.

TheLab said...

I'm glad you have that song, especially for those quick moments when you can believe it.

"the Hawks" was SO right: "twenty bucks says she remembers staying home and watching silliness more than the Kennedy Center" How true.

I've thought of this a million times over the last few months - how some moments must seem clear, and you can almost say, OK God, OK we're gonna do this, we're gonna make it, I believe you. And how those moments must be fleeting. I've been praying for God to give each of you (including your sister, brother, Tim's family, ALL of you) some God-sized kind of balming understanding, and peace that is so peaceful that it doesn't make sense to anyone else.

What a BEAUTY Jack is! He and his sister. Wow. I love looking at both of them. And can't wait to meet him someday.

Anonymous said...

Anna-God bless you and your wonderful son.

michelle said...

Toddlers & tiaras...ugh, who has that kind of ENERGY?! I can barely get the ponytail in my kid's hair for a sporting event! But really, field trips in the cold are not much fun. I chaperoned my daughter's class trip to DC last winter. Sure it was cultural, but I'd much rather have been cuddled in front of the tube. (us Virginians are so spoiled with our proximity to the capital!)

Your children are so photogenic. I find myself wondering what mischief your sweet girl is harboring, & my throat catches whenever I see your captivating boy. And I am overcome with a phantom urge to fold them both into my arms (& you as well) and never let go.

I loved the song. Praise songs are such a balm to the soul, even when we are resisting comfort with all our might. I hope Tim is finding a modicum of comfort for himself. You are all firmly in my talks with God.

mariann said...

Beautiful beautiful song! Have to laugh about Margaret staying home watching T & T -- those shows are like potato chips -- you can't watch just one! Madison is an HGTV junkie! I love 'say yes to the dress' and I used to watch some awful tripe where someone shuts down the hair salon and then re-opens it. You just cannot look away! Everyone needs those days! ((((hugs and prayers)))) Mariann

Meredith Self said...

I trust in you, too, Anna. (Not meaning to compare you to Jesus...just saying). Spirit is working through you. I know it. And you are one of the classiest people ever...question is, was there any dress up at home? wink.

Love that verse. There's surrender in it. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Anna, this beautiful song had a line from Psalm 103 which your Jack and his classmates memorized in 3rd grade. They memorized all 22 verses but I've pasted the first five for you below. You are in the "pit" right now my friend, but He will redeem you from this "pit". Keep seeking Him...we are praying you through this process. Some healing will happen on earth and some in heaven.

As for "Toddlers in Tiaras", that was a better pick over the program at Kennedy Center...I fell asleep!

Love you, Karen

    Psalm 103:1-5
 1 Praise the LORD, O my soul;
   all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,
   and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
   and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
   and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
   so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

I don't know what it is about those silly shows, but they are so addicting! If I'm not careful, I can get sucked right into Keeping Up With the Kardashians! OH MY! :)

MaryBeth said...

Love that song Healer. My friend gave it to me when my son was going through cancer treatments - and Kelleygirl I love Blessings as well. Those two songs along with your verse for today - help my unbelief - sum up my life.

Praying for all y'all.

michelle said...

I heard your theme song in the car this morning while waiting for my daughter's last Saturday bus (consequence of the August earthquake). She turned up the volume & I smiled at the memory of your video of the kids rolling down the sand dunes. As I sent her on her way I sent up a prayer for your family, and my own. xoxoxo

Kim said...

I think your verse is my favorite in the whole Bible. No wonder Jesus said, "The WORK is to believe." It is hard work. Love the song and will sing it with you praying each day that its truth will feel real.

Unknown said...

Some days you just have to go with it. Awesome song, thanks for sharing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The song is beautiful.

I love your parenting moment with Margaret :)

Anonymous said...

I love that song and every time I hear it, I pray for you. Always in my thoughts and prayers.

You crack me up!! I love that Margaret played hookie for "Toddlers in Tiaras"! Nathalie wasn't impressed by the show at Kennedy Center. I think Margaret had the more interesting morning! That show and "Dance Moms" are the 2 that I stumble upon and just can't stop!

Alexandra said...

.I do believe, help my unbelief!"

How could I have NEVER known this verse.
Thank you so.very.much.

Anonymous said...

I love that thought of the day I still struggle to believe.
I love how honest you are how open, how you put everything out there.
Please be kind to yourself a day home to snuggle and just take a break sounds good. Think of you everyday.

Anonymous said...

I took my daughter out to lunch one day--we had ice cream, only ice cream. She remembers it as if it was yesterday--"Ice cream for lunch". What fun! Praying, praying and still praying for you. Always. Friend from school.

Gina said...

Beautiful song. Held by Natalie Grant is a good one, too.

prenni5 said...

Beautiful song..really touching! Your comment about Margaret watching Toddlers in Tiaras made me LOL! :)