Just made a list of products I remember from childhood to young adulthood. These take me back to various eras of my life. Now the jingles and slogans are dancing around in my head.
Johnson’s Baby Shampoo
Ivory Soap
Johnson’s Baby Aspirin
Dimetap Elixir
Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers
Love’s Baby Soft
Clairol Short and Sassy Shampoo
Jean Nate
White Shoulders
Impulse Body Spray
Oil of Olay
Alberto V05 Hot Oil Treatment
Aquanet Hair Spray
White Rain
Johnson’s Baby Oil
Bain de Soleil Orange Gelee Sunscreen, SPF 4
Dep Gel
Paul Mitchell Hair Spray in a huge can
Bare Minerals
Johnson’s Baby Shampoo
Ivory Soap
Johnson’s Baby Aspirin
Dimetap Elixir
Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers
Love’s Baby Soft
Clairol Short and Sassy Shampoo
Jean Nate
White Shoulders
Impulse Body Spray
Oil of Olay
Alberto V05 Hot Oil Treatment
Aquanet Hair Spray
White Rain
Johnson’s Baby Oil
Bain de Soleil Orange Gelee Sunscreen, SPF 4
Dep Gel
Paul Mitchell Hair Spray in a huge can
Bare Minerals
Moroccan Miracle Oil
I guess the list will soon read: Geritol, Preparation-H and Botox.
What products represent your past?
I guess the list will soon read: Geritol, Preparation-H and Botox.
What products represent your past?
I LOVED Dimatap as a kid, as well as baby aspirin.
King Vitamin
(very nutritious combination)
ha ha...I remember many of these products and it took me back. Here are some that I remember:
Shower to Shower
Bonnie Bell
Calamine lotion
Patchouli oil
cold cream
Well that's it. As you can see, the long term memory is starting to fade :0)
Isn't that St. John's baby aspirin? Smells like oranges? I can still taste it...
Add Tinkerbelle cosmetics for me - and then Clinique lipstick for Freshman year of high school.
I was also into that Halsa Hair thing that was supposed to help you "discover your highlights."
Calgon anyone?
Ann-- I used to BEG for the Dimatap.
Kate-- You are right-- St. John's Baby aspirin.
I love hearing what everyone else remembers.
How about Q-T (The original self-tanner) and Avon's Sweet Honesty cologne?
Loved Baby aspirin too.
I just cracked up today at hair salon talking about that dreaded Sun-In. I think there was a regular bottle and then super-duper serious Sun-In (in a red bottle perhaps?)
I remember the heavy, greasy weight of Vicks' on my chest.
Calamine lotion, big time, since I'm a mosquito magnet.
Cocoa butter.
8-Hour Creme.
Ivory soap floating in the bath.
Oh, how about Nair? Stanky.
Ohhhh, I loved
Jovan Musk
Breck shampoo
Ivory soap
aquanet hair spray
ivory soap
I absolutely had forgotten about Dep gel! I'd tack Aussie Super Scrunch on this list of memorable items from the past, and le'jardin perfume. Every Christmas, I also use to get a tube of multiple Bonne Belle Lip Smackers and a giant bottle of Bonne Belle 10-0-6 astrigant in my stocking and thought it was so cool. Oh, this post makes me smile!
I was a 4 lb baby and had all kinds of allergy and lung issues... I was always on Meds and this was before things were flavored!! Dimetap was my FAVORITE!!!
I also once ate an entire bottle of flinstones vitamins. My mom had to call poison control LOL
Tenth through twelfth grade, I had my one cherished bottle of Beautiful by Estee Lauder perfume.
I used to bathe in Cinnabar perfume. Yowza. Oh, and vinyl records.
It's St. Joseph asprin for children, and I take it at age 63 at the advice of my dr to avert heart attack and stroke. Because aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome in children, it's now marketed to baby boomers.
i used to ride my schwinn to the local drug store on main street in our little town in minnesota and try on jean nate. i thought that was IT in the world of perfume.
Aqua Net. I am personally responsible for several holes in the ozone layer ;-)
Chloe perfume, I think it was all about the shape of the bottle for me. ;)
Love's Baby Soft
Baby Oil (for tanning)
Jean Nate
(and many others)
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I'm thinking of the commercials and jingles too.
Dippity-Do, anyone? I was a California girl, so Coppertone and chlorine has to be right up there as favorite scents.
How about English Leather and Old Spice? I married a guy who still uses it 40 years later.
SPF 4 made me laugh! I remember using oil for years and years...argh!!! Mine would include white rain hair spray and body sprays from bath and body works!
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