Thursday, August 6, 2009

If You're Under 35, I Apologize for This One

So I was snuggling in bed with Molly while we read a little Nancy Drew. Tom walked by and caught sight of my hot pink terry cloth tube-toppish pool cover-up.

Thinking I was channeling another terry cloth era, he said: “Well Hellooooooo Chrissy Snow!” with a big grin on his face.

When I got up a few minutes later and he saw my whole outfit in its caftan-like glory, he said, “Maybe I should have called you Mrs. Roper instead.”

Thanks. Thanks a lot.


mzbehavin said...

Did you slap him????

Tell me you slapped him.....

( I've got a real thing for slapping this week...)

Loving the blog, though!

Gretchen said...

chuckle chuckle

giggle giggle.

Chris said...

I WISH you needed to apologize for this one. Cute!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Christy said...

Hahaha! Mrs. Ropers robes ruled!

Rebecca said...

That's funny!

Three's Company is one of my all time favorites. :)

Ash said...


Sigh. I miss John Ritter.

Lynn Kellan said...

My brother used to complain that 3's Company was always based on misunderstandings, and that bothered him. He's kinda right, but what a fun show!

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

I'm under 35 (by just 20+ days or so--but still it counts) and I'm loving the Three's Company flashbacks. I'm just sad you didn't include a picture of your great outfit :). Husbands so often speak without thinking first don't they? Love your blog by the way. Thanks for visiting mine!


Kate Coveny Hood said...

Hey - don't knock Mrs. R's fashion sense, she totally rocked the maxi dress in the 70s...

Shawn said...

Wha the? Right....

By the way---come on over and get an award that I have given you!

purejoy said...

wow. i'd be speechless.
and then i'd probably cry.

Anonymous said...

funny, funny, funny! :)
My husband was not allowed to watch Three's Company when he was growing up.
He would have loved John Ritter.

Madge said...

sounds like typical husband talk.....

Deidra said...

Oh man. Too funny. But I'm still laughing at that perplexing postage stamp!

Debbie said...

I am certainly of the age to appreciate this! And what a slam.

Anonymous said...

You guys are funny.

I just have to tell you that I am always re-reading Nancy Drew stories. I can't wait to read them to my daughter.

Anonymous said...

jbhat, by the way

TheLab said...

I distinctly remember the last episode I was allowed to watch of Three's Company. I turned from the TV and asked my mom, "Mom, what's a call girl?"

Heidi said...

Hahaha!! Man, I loved that show.

Anny said...

HAAHAHAHA talk about downgrade

Oh and I'm 30 :P