Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DIY Day-- Dumpster Dive Edition


Here's my latest dumpster dive project. I pulled this chair out someone's trash. I liked the shape, but the suede was marked on with pen and had a few small tears. The picture doesn't really show the stains, but trust me on this one. I also thought it looked a little formal for me.

I glued the ripped suede down with a glue gun and then spray painted the entire chair, suede and all, with my favorite Heirloom White spray paint. The arms got oversprayed b/c I was trying to cover up some pretty gross stains and got carried away.

If I had it to do over again, I would have at least tried to clean the suede before I started spraying. It has kind of a mottled look about it, which I like.

Molly doesn't like how the paint feels on her feet when she stands on the chair in her dirty bare feet to look at herself in the mirror each day. Hmmmph!

And Tom thinks it looks a little trashy.

But I'm loving it! And even if it's not our most dramatic transformation, or the loveliest piece of furniture in the house:

1. it was free

2. it is comfortable

3. it's not in a landfill

4. the whole project took under 5 minutes, if you don't count the minute it took to wrangle it into my car

5. the living room isn't lit well enough for close inspection anyway


Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

I love your chair! How does it feel? Does the paint stay on the suede? I've seen fabric spray paint but I'm not thrilled with the color choices they offer. If regular spray paint actually works then I might just be trying this :).

Jennifer Juniper said...

I would have never thought of this, but it turned out looking cool! I'm with Beth, is it comfortable to sit on?

Blue Creek Home said...

I love that you were brave enough to try it. I guess you didn't have anything to lose since it was free.
Well, I don't know how it feels on my feet, but it was a huge success.
I love it!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Beth and Jennifer,

It's not soft. I'd say that while you wouldn't want to sit on it in Daisy Dukes, it feels totally normal with pants on. I was hoping I could find some sort of dye that would keep the suede soft, but I was too impatient and went ahead and painted it. Thanks so much for commenting.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

This is funny to me - it totally works, who would have thought?

caren said...

I think it's a keeper! I have the same mirror that is the top - the long rectangle was my Grandmas.

Did they see you taking it out of their trash?

jaime @ a place out west said...

Great project! I love what you did with it - amazing how paint can transform things so easily.

Hit 40 said...

Outstanding!! I would guess you have a big truck to gather your loot? Just watch out for items that have cat pee on them. No getting out the smell of cat urine.

Anny said...

I love te mottled effect - I never would have thought of spray suede!

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Wow-I never would have thought to spray the fabric. Looks good to me!

Magic Brush said...

I used spray paint on a ottoman once... it was hard to the touch, but I loved how it looked! and I love to Dumpster Dive also!!!

Christy said...

I love it - you're so brave to just paint the entire thing. And I LOVE that collection of mirrors hanging over it - so stylish and unexpected. I want to do that in my house somewhere now...hmmmm....

Its So Very Cheri said...

I LOVE the look.
I have heard that after you paint fabric you need to go over it with sand paper and then clean off the dust and paint the fabric again-let it dry and do it again and by the 4th time the fabric won't need to be sanded and will feel soft like regular fabric.

This is my first time to your blog and I hope you will come by for a visit and become a follower and subsrcibe and I waill do the same. I also started a new KNOCK OFF KNOCK OUT party and I bet you have some things to put in the party-it's every Monday.
Its So Very Cheri

Shanty 2 Chic said...

O my! What a great change! Great work, the chair looks so much nicer! ~Ashley~ shanty2chic

Ashley @ AshleysBusy said...

Ha, trashy? I think it looks fabulous!!!

Amanda said...

WOW! i cant believe someone was throwing that away! what a great job- I would never have thought to paint the fabric. WOW oh WOW

Tiffany said...

It looks good to me! My husband would think I was crazy. Oh, wait, he already does! : )

lauren @ gathering moss said...

i think that chair is FABULOUS. and i think you should try that sanding trick that cheri suggested. and i think the dumpster diving where you live is infinitely better than where i live...

L said...

You are my hero! Thanks for the tip about the Daisy Dukes, though, I'll be sure to leave them at home ;).

LizO said...

I'm always saddened by things that people think are only destined for the dump. Some can be brought back to life with a bit of TLC.

I found three usable chair last week and while I haven't fixed them up yet, I just felt they could be saved.

Good going on that project!

purejoy said...

your husband better watch out or maybe you'll spray paint him white!!

and when you get tired of the crunchy suede? you can recover it and discover a whole new area of creativity!!

today's word verification on your site:
the sound you make when you're trying to smash one more beachtowel into an otherwise crowded linen closet.

Lucrecia said...

Super cute! And I love that mirrored wall!

Anonymous said...

Well you sure did dress her up. She looks great I think. And I love the shape too. That would have sold me on taking her.

Vodka Mom said...

I LOVE it! Are you sure you're not related to my sister???

Crystal said...

So cute, and I haven't worn daisy dukes since well...I can't even remember so I'd probably love it!

I have a poll up on my blog about my BIGGEST decor dilemma. Come on over and vote, I need all the help I can get!

Unknown said...

Pretty! I love your table andthe silver candle sticks, nice mirror's too!!

bernthis said...

well done my dear. something I myself would never have done as I don't imagine things in that way but I applaud those who do.

Unknown said...

Great find and wonderful job painting it. You have a beautiful collection of mirrors. My first time to your blog, very enjoyable.

The House That A-M Built said...

I can't believe you found that in the trash!!!! what a transformation! good on you! A-M xx

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see furniture on the side of the road I think of you! :) It looks great!!

Pseudo said...

I think it is pretty and so is your entire room.

Debbie said...

It's looks great! I so love turning cast-offs into treasures.

Pam @ This Humble House said...

Why not? I like your attitude! Free is free so why not try to do whatever you can to make it better? Thanks for sharing your real life with us! (I'm now a follower of your cute blog)

~ Pam

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

I think its fab!

Pat said...

So cool! I love your living room! I have been dumpster dipping for years but never had the creativity to make it sound so fun!

Rebecca said...

WOW. That's amazing. I can't believe someone threw that out.

It looks great.

I think stain might have worked on the suede and kept it soft but of course only if you were OK with making it a darker color.

Rebecca Corvese said...

Wow! I wish I could find a chair like this in the trash! What kind of neighborhood do you live in! lol... I'm having a nice giveaway on my blog right now... stop on over and enter to win!

Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Anna!

Looks great!! Excellent french lines to it!

You get the dumpster divers seal of approval!

Stop by for the $100.....

love, kelee

Jen @ homeinthecountry said...

Wow! That is fantastic - and FREE! Whoa. It looks really great! Thanks so much for leaving a nice comment about my bathroom! Love your blog - you have a great sense of humor!

Unknown said...

Dude, that is impressive! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

I know you love a good chair, check these funky things out