Monday, April 14, 2014

Everyone Has a Story: Listen To Your Mother Ticket Giveaway

I just bought my ticket for Listen to Your Mother's DC show on May 4.

If you are not familiar with the LTYM movement, it is a spoken-word show started by Ann Imig that will be in 32 cities this year in the days surrounding Mother's Day. 

Writers around the country audition to read short pieces related to some aspect of motherhood. Twelve to fifteen are selected to take part in each city's show. On show day, performances range from hilarious to gripping to poignant, just like motherhood. You will love the honesty and vulnerability of the performances.

I was honored to be part of LTYM DC just seven months after we lost Jack. This year there will be a show in Baltimore as well. If you love to hear women's stories, the LTYM experience is for you!

To see if there is a LTYM show near you this spring, check out the website.

I'd really love to see you at the DC show at 2pm on May 4 in Crystal City, and today I'm giving away a set of two tickets! Wouldn't that be a wonderful way to spend a spring afternoon with a friend, your mother, your Mother-in-law,

Just enter the giveaway using the entry form below and I'll announce the winner of the tickets on Friday." rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

To give you a taste of what to expect, here is a video of my reading at LTYM in 2012. Note: I think most of the performers will actually make eye contact with the audience. :)


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I'm commenting to see if this works. One thing I wish I'd listened to my mother about was to RELAX more about grades, college, etc. I could have had a little more fun w/ a lot less stress.

Rena said...

I don't know, I just want the free ticket. I stepped WAY out of my comfort zone to audition this year, so it would be fun to go for free.

Peyton's Mom said...

Hmmmmm... I still don't listen to my mother lol :) She's also the first person I always call when I have a concern about my kids or a good kid story to share. Funny relationship... this mother/daughter business. I LOVE your blog and am continuously touched and inspired by your posts. I look forward to Rare Bird with great anticipation! A dear friend lost her 9 year old godson on Friday. I'm combing back through your posts for comfort and it helps tremendously to read them. I'd love to join you at LTYM.

Clare said...

One thing my mother always told me that I never listened to was "eat your vegetables". I wish I had started following her healthy eating advice sooner, but I'm glad I have her as a role model while I perfect my eating habits.

Lindsay Richardson said...

Haha, not get a credit card, learned the hard way.

Clare said...

I wish I had taken heed to my mother's healthy eating advice sooner. Even though it's taken me a while to follow hear lead, I'm glad I have her as a role model and inspiration!

Erica Snipes said...

Anna, thank you for sharing this. I am so glad I met you...I would really like to have something more profound, loving, and encouraging to say, but all I feel is grateful to know you, and to hear and read your words. Thank you.

I can't find my blog said...

Thank you so much for sharing this again. I still, for the life of me can't figure out how you got through this without a hitch. I so admire what you've done in these past months to honor Jack. How proud he must be, sitting with Jesus, saying "Look what she's done in Your name!" Love you, friend.

One crazed mommy said...

Oh man - I would love to win..however, don't put me in for the tickets because I'm in SC, and there is NO WAY I can get up to DC due to pre-made plans with family that weekend. I would LOVE to go one year, though...maybe they will have one near here soon...I think the nearest is Charlotte (3 hours) or Atlanta (5)...sigh!

Peaches said...

Wow that would be awesome! I'd love to go!

One crazed mommy said...

OH..... I just looked it up on the website and we have one in Charleston now!!!!! Sooooo excited - maybe I will be able to go that weekend locally. :)

Grunig Family said...

My mother has always been right about everything to be honest. Even if its down the road. I should learn to listen to her intuition and it would keep me sane. I love her so much. I would love to go to a show.

Anonymous said...

She always told me that I was pretty and smart! My Mother died 34 years ago and my daughters never got the chance to know her.

Teri said...

I wish I listened to my mother when she told me to relax, go with the flow and enjoy life! While I have lived life, I haven't always enjoyed it. I am not working to embrace each day, slow down, soak up my babies hugs and laughs and just be! That mama of mine is a wide lady:)

mollysmith222 said...

To marry a kind man. That who you marry is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It is true and I am glad I listened because lord knows I didn't take all her advice. Unfortunately. :)

Alison said...

I never got the chance to watch your reading, and I just did. I laughed and cried, and I still have a lump in my throat writing this.

I so wish that one day, I could make it to one LTYM, because if they are all like yours, my God. What a gift it would be. xo

Jen said...

Your words and other moms words are such a blessing. I love how you share. Your vulnerability. Thank you. Unfortunately I too, am too far to come to LTYM. But wanted you to know that you bless me. Jack stories bless me. May you have peace, some joy and laughter today! Think of you often. Pray for you too!

Unknown said...

Anna this was amazing. Your stage presence is incredible. You are a gifted speaker, with such an important message. I don't want to be the mother to a dead child either. Thank you for expressing this so elegantly and amazingly. Jack is so proud of you. xoxo Alexa

Anonymous said...

Her advice on marriage: can he cook (yes) and how does he treat his mother (iffy)

Ten Coffee Day said...

I wish I'd listened when she told me to be happy with myeslf. I always felt fat and not pretty. If I only knew that now at 35 I would love to be a little size 8 like I was then.

Monica said...

Having also lost a child, I wish I had taken my mother's advice to savor every minute. Children are a gift and life is too short.

Anonymous said...

I cook dinner 5 days a was a chore when I was younger since my mom was a nurse who worked night shifts, but it truly lets me clear my mind as an adult. After a long day of teaching, even with two littles yelling as I cook, I love trying new recipes. I can thank my mom for helping that. Whether I liked it or not at the time lol.

Sasha said...

Honestly, I wish I *could* still listen to my mother. Then I would listen to her tell me how to cook dinner every night of the week so I wasn't always finding myself ordering out or scrambling. I'd listen to her tell me how to make my garden grow. I'd listen to her talking to my children. And I would call my dad and tell him I'd like to speak to Mom.

Lauren said...

I wished I'd really listened to her opinion of the guys I dated! Would've saved me a lot of heartache!