Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Contribute in Jack's Name

Thank you so much for your love and support. I am almost, almost but-not-quite-yet ready to get back on here and write and rant and process and share and cry with you, my friends.

But first, I know a lot of you have been asking for ways to make the world a better place in Jack’s name. In addition to one of Jack’s favorite charities, Operation Christmas Child at Samaritan’s Purse –- (there is a button on the second page of the donation process to select a memorial card), there will be a scholarship set up in Jack’s memory at Dominion Christian School. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please send a donation to:

Dominion Christian School
10922 Vale Road
Oakton, VA 22124

There is an additional fund that our family will be able to use for future projects in memory of Jack. We are excited to include Margaret in these decisions. Any contributions to this fund may be sent to:

Jack Harris Donaldson Memorial Fund
Apple Federal Credit Union
PO Box 1200
Fairfax, VA 22038-1200

Thank you for your loving support during this heartbreaking time. Above all else, we are grateful and dependent upon your prayers as we figure out how to live and breathe. Your outpouring of love has been amazing, and we are thankful that so many of you have been touched by Jack’s life.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Last year we sent out three OCC boxes from my classroom. This year I will share Jack's story, and I know we will send out more. I'm clicking over there now...

Write and rant all you need to. My friend Helen, whose daughter Vicki died in November, was embarrassed to be "caught" crying in the bathroom at work weeks after Vic died. I got made at her and demanded she know crying for the death of her daughter was okay.

Boy, I'm a bossy one, eh?

Thinking of you daily and wishing I could ease your burdens, praying that God is giving you moments of peace.

Alicia said...

I think this is the first comment I've left. Just want to say I've been thinking of your family daily. xo

Cassie Bustamante said...

thank you, anna. i will share this on my blog this week as well and help spread the word. thinking of you.

www.thewhitefarmhouse2.blogspot.com said...

Such a great way to keep Jack alive. It seems that he has touched so many lives and made the world a better place. I know he has touched mine. I don't think a day has gone by lately without atleast 10 thoughts of him. I will definitely be posting about this on my blog. Thank you for sharing him with so many. Much comfort and peace to you and your family. I am constantly amazed at the graze and courage that you have gotten through this tough time. I think a little ranting and raving is in order!

Cubanita said...

I've never posted on your blog before but have been following for a long time. I am cut through to hear this news and am praying for you and your family Anna. Especially your daughter. Praying, praying, praying....

Kim said...

thought this blog might be of some comfort to you. http://thegypsymama.com/
praying for the grace you all need for each and every moment.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that people can help support you in these ways.

I'm thinking of all of you.


the mama bird diaries said...

Thinking of you every single day. My heart aches for you all. Thank you for giving us something we can do. xo

Anonymous said...

Always on my mind and in my prayers.

Julie said...

Despite your unspeakable grief, thank you for sharing this this. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.


Mrs Changstein said...

Thinking of you daily and praying more often than that here in British Columbia, Canada.

Laura at Ms. Smartie Pants said...

Your story hasn't been far from my mind since I first heard about your horrific loss. Words just seem so empty, so insignificant, so unworthy, but somehow I have to let you have to know how much your story as impacted me and my family. I try to find the words to explain my situation and delete and try and delete, it just sounds insensitive and whiny! That is not my intent so I'm not even going to try to explain, just know in honor of Jake, this mama is doing some thing differently with her family, breathing in and taking it all in and so very grateful for each moment! Blessings to your dear family, in our prayers always!

Cat Alford said...


Thank you for allowing us a meaningful way to help aside from our daily thoughts and prayers.

Much love,

Danielle said...

Continuing to pray for your whole family.

Christy said...

Oh Anna, thank you for sharing this information with us. I seriously think about you all the time, and pray for you and your family. I wish I could do something to ease your pain. I wish I could pop over and hug you and let you cry on my shoulder. But alas, I can't. I miss you and I love you. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Man, I am so with Ms. Smart Pants... I've got so much on my heart but worry that my words will sound trite or hollow. The Lord hears these groanings and has compassion. I haven't been able to blog since Jack's passing... nothing seems important enough to be worthy of posting. But today, I will. I'll be passing on this information on my blog. Jack's life has had a tremendous impact on my life. Know that you haven't been out of my thoughts and prayers.

Jennifer said...

Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to do something in Jack's name.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that not a day has gone without me thinking of you...I have a son and a daughter and your loss is unspeakable..I am praying for you to stay strong and reach out to all of your friends and family who would do anything for you..

Thinking of you in NYC

Marinka said...

Anna, your family is in my heart and prayers. I think about you constantly. Thank you for this information.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Soooo looking forward to seeing you! Love you.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of you and your family every day. I am a mom of 2 in NOVA and the first thing my husband and I said when we heard of Jack that terrible Thursday was that there is a family out there (close to us) going through something no family should have to go through. What a wonderful way to keep Jack's memory alive....will continue to pray for you. ~Shanna

prenni5 said...

This is great Anna; thank you SO much. I feel so helpless and this allows me to do "something." God Bless!

Kitty Kruse said...

We're all still praying for y'all. I've been wanting to tell you that my Anna ends her bedtime prayers every single night with this: "and I pray for Jack that he's having lots of fun up there." I love that, it makes me smile. And I agree with mama bird, thanks for giving us something we can do.

Lisa G. in CT said...

Praying lots...hearts are especially aching for Margaret, as well as you and your husband.

Thinking of you all often,
God bless.

Mec said...

I continue to pray for the comforts of God's peace to wrap around your family.

Anonymous said...

Anna, we're still thinking of you and praying for everyone who loved your son.

for a different kind of girl said...

This year, our OCC boxes will be sent out in memory of Jack, and I'll share what you've shared with us with my sons while we get our gifts ready.

Thinking about you every day. xoxo

TheLab said...

Thank you for this information, Anna. I can't say it enough - we have been praying tirelessly for you all and will continue. The Lord makes millions of things during my days think of you, millions. And each time, we go right to prayer.

TheLab said...

Kimber said it - I nearly shut my blog down, how could I let anyone think that I was thinking of anything else? We are praying, praying, praying, crying for you, and praying some more. I've posted for prayers for your family, and I will post this as well. What amazing charities he loved.

Unknown said...

As soon as I saw you had another post up and I clicked over, the tears started rolling. I was just thinking of you today, how hard it is now when you're "supposed to get back to your life." It is so impossible to do but there's this unspoken expectation that it has to be done.

I pray. I pray that you will have strength and the faith to continue to believe that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.

I am so glad Jack loved the Operation Christmas Child. I had the opportunity to participate in the distribution one year and if you ever wanted to read about it (one day) to see the good it does, I wrote about it here: http://aladyinfrance.com/2011/08/31/what-do-you-have/

Sending you love. Praying.

Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

Hi Anna,
It's so good to "hear" you! I love all those pictures of Jack, Margaret and the rest of you!

Alexandra said...

My tears, oh, my tears for your whole family.

I can't imagine: learning how to breathe all over again.

You are so right.

Thank you for letting us know how to help.

It's so hard to want to do something, but not knowing what.

Thank you.

Law Momma said...

Sending you love, Anna, and sending love to others in Jack's name.

Dorie Howell said...

I drive past your street every day (we are friends with some of your neighbors) and pray a quick prayer for you every time I pass the cross on the road, the bouquets of flowers and all the blue ribbons displayed in our precious little town. Jack's memory is going to live for a long time. Thank you for making a place where we all can contribute to his precious memory.

Sharyn said...

I know I haven't posted but I think and pray about you every day. I'm so happy to know that the charity nearest and dearest to my heart was close to your son's, too. This year I will send a special Christmas shoebox for Jack... and I will print Matthew 19:26 on the box.

All things are possible with God... including your beautiful son changing the world after he has left it behind for a fuller one.

Loving you.

Vodka Mom said...

my heart is with you each and every day. i send you love.

and peace.

Anonymous said...

We've never met, but I think of your son every day. When I dropped my daughter off at school this morning, I gave her an extra long hug and thought of your Jack. When I was losing my patience with her later today, I caught myself and thought of your Jack. When I was walking in Vienna last week, I reached out and touched one of the blue ribbons and thought of your Jack. In some small way, your Jack is living in my life right now - teaching me in small, but very precious moments. I look forward to honoring him - and your family - with a donation. Bless you.

susan jakovina said...

I continue to think of you and your family every day. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos of your beautiful boy.

Erika said...

stranger still praying

Stimey said...

These are all such wonderful ways to honor Jack. I will send my contribution today. I continue to think of your family daily. Much love.

deborah quinn said...

The grace and goodness that you and your family show the world, during this darkest of dark times, inspires all of us. What a testament to the beauty of your son.

Ann Imig said...

Thinking and praying, and feeling so grateful for the memories of Jack you've documented here on your blog. Keep them coming. It is an honor to know him through your pictures and words.

Sending love.

Anonymous said...

We have never met, but I think of you every day and send love and strength to you. A lot of people in town do not know about your blog, but know of your story and we all mourn with your family. I hope you can feel the love we all send to you. Peace to your beloved son.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. I've never left a comment before, but I enjoy your writing about family life immensely - I have boys the same age as yours and can't even begin to fathom your grief. I am praying for you and your family.

I will think of you often in the coming days and weeks,

a Milton, Ontario, Canada reader

Emily said...

Anna, can I say that ever since I've learned of your son's death I've thought of you all constantly? My daughter is 12 next week...Your family is so dear to so many of us, although we're strangers you're in our hearts. I keep praying that God will give you some measure of comfort, some relief from mental anguish, some way to find joy in little things. In the next breath I think, "This is just shitty. The whole situation." We're all here breathing with you. Just keep breathing.

Joanna Adams said...

Dear Anna,

I posted a message to you after reading about what happened to Jack.
I'm English, but I came across your blog a while ago and felt, perhaps rather presumptuously, I knew a little of your family. I have honestly thought of you, and in particular your daughter, every day since Jacks death.

I wanted to let you know how profoundly, your family have affected mine. Aside from feeling a genuine grief at the loss of such a beautiful young man, I have been astonished at how your belief in God has held you together

Honestly, I am not a religious person at all. I probably do believe in God, but I don't attend church or pray. I simply try to live an honest, decent life as best I can.
BUT.. your faith, your resolve, and your strength makes me rethink my relationship with God.
If ever any one thing has made me begin to believe in a benevolent God, then the support He has clearly given you recently, would be it.

Anna, I am really not sure why, when so many terrible things happen in the world, why THIS terrible accident makes me react like this.

But, it does.
I have two sons under two years old. Who, because of you and your son, I am now considering baptising and bringing
up with faith in God. I also now, make sure to cherish each second I have with them.

Thank you Anna. Thank you Jack.

A Cozy Cottage in the City said...


I am happening upon your blog through Cassie's post @Primitive & Proper. I don't know the details as to what happened, but all I know is that you lost your beloved son. I can't even begin to fathom how you and your family must be feeling. But, from what I can gather, I see that you have strong resolve in God & your faith and that is truly what helps us all overcome such a sudden tragedy. I just want to extend my thoughts & prayers to you and yours. I have two boys of my own, and as I had posted in Cassie's blog, I can't even imagine what you must be going through... May God help you during this trying time.


Deborah said...

His loving, comforting arms are holding you all close as He surrounds you and fills you with His peace...the peace that passes all understanding.
Remmebering you and yur dear family in prayer Anna xoxo

In His love & friendship,
Deborah xoxoxo

Karena said...

Anna I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.Jack must have been a most special young man.

Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

Art by Karena

Lisa G. in CT said...

I love that picture of him with his nose against the monument - thank you again for sharing him with us. Praying daily - want you to know we'll keep praying..
Lisa G.

Catherine said...

Oh my god. Why do these things happen to such obviously good people? To people who dress their kids in beautiful little uniforms and send them to school and care enough about them to take first day of school pictures? I bet the lunches were nutritious and tasty and packed with love, too. My heart is aching for you, dear lady, and your family. I hope that you find strength and courage in the days ahead and I hope that you can feel the light and love being sent your way by all those touched by your story.

Franny said...

May God hold you and your family very very close during this time that is too hard for me to imagine. May you feel Jack near you everyday for as long as you are on this earth.

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

I have been thinking of you since you lost your beautiful son Jack. I am in awe of your faith at such a devestating time, and it has strengthened mine.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband and your precious daughter as well as all of your family and friends that were touched by your beautiful smiling boy.

Thank you for posting the information for donations so that we may all do something to preserve his memory.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,
I will continue to pray for you and your family, and my heart goes out to you.

Leah C said...

Oh Anna, grief is so personal...it belongs to you...so rant, rave, cry, talk...do whatever you need to do as you "learn to breathe" again. We'll be here listening, praying, and supporting you & your family for as long as you need.

Thank you for the fund information...sending a donation in Jack's honor.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have lost a child and reading the post brings me right back to those weeks after Eli died. I would not wish it on anyone. Please know that I ( an internet stranger)am thinking of you and your family and sending you peaceful thoughts. Take it one day at a time, or one minute if you have to and be gentle with yourself. Words do not express how sorry I am.

Alisha said...

I just wanted to ay that I am so sorry :( I got here from Rants From Mommyland, and the story is just heartbreaking. I wish I had the right words to say to you and your family. May his memory live on always.

princessjamiekay said...

i'm so very sorry

Jos said...

you & your family have been in my thoughts daily. I'm a local reader, I noticed the last 2 thursdays the sunsets have been extraordinarily beautiful. not sure if you saw them but both times they made me think of your beautiful son.

mypixieblog said...

Still thinking of you all and wanted to let you know how much your story has touched me. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers... his mark in this world won't be forgotten.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless You.

Amelia said...

You and your family are often in my thoughts. As I go through my day you will pop in my mind. I close my eyes and send you healing thoughts. I am so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

There are no words to convey my sympathy, but I will let you know what I am doing in Jack's memory: 1) I am going to call my brother today, just to say hi. We aren't that close, but I want to work on being a better sister. 2) I am going to send my 3 year old nephew (age-appropriate) Legos. And 3) Next time I see my mom, I am going to cuddle with her. I am 31. So thank you, Jack. You have already made a difference in this stranger's life.

Anonymous said...

Prayers, for your grieving family. I'll also hug my babies a little tighter. May the Lord grant you divine peace which can only come from Him.

Lindsey said...

I am a former student of yours and you have been in my thoughts constantly since I read about what happened. I clicked over to read the story from another blog and was shocked when I saw your picture. You were such a special teacher and I am heartbroken that this has happened to you and your family. You are in my prayers.

Heidi said...

Anna, I'm thinking of you often. I keep saying this and I'll say it again..thank you for sharing Jack with us. I just feel so honored that you would allow us into your lives in this way. You're amazing.
love you xo

smilinjo said...

I used to do OCC with my girls but when they stopped going to Sunday school we sort of let the tradition go by the way side. Today, after reading this, I have already saved out a shoebox to fill in memory of your son. Please know that you have love and prayers for strength and peace being sent to you from a small island off the coast of Maine and I can only hope, that in some small way, the knowledge that people you have never even met are grieving with you will provide you some comfort.

Elaine said...

(arrived here via Glennon at Momastery)

I ache for your loss. Praying for you all.

Christen said...

Thank you so much for sharing this charity with us. Always sending love to you and your family.

Vodka Mom said...

ann. I love you so.


Unknown said...

I was blog browsing this morning and found you. My kids are asking why I'm crying. Praying for you and your whole family. What a special, beautiful boy.

H said...

Thank you for telling us how we can help. <3 In my prayers...

Stephanie George said...

Praying. Praying. Praying.

Anonymous said...

I do not know your family, but pray and think of you every single night since I heard what happened. It lives in my heart in a way that I can't even explain. I lay on the floor playing Leggo's every night with my son Tobin and think of you and your family. I hug him and my daughter even more if that is possible. I am trying to appreciate every moment of being a parent in a more full, conscious way. One that is not distracted by laundry, grocery lists and checking e-mail. God bless you and your family now and always.