Tuesday, April 21, 2009

An Inch of Gray Giveaway

Since I’m going to be busy the next few days figuring out how to make CHICKEN PUDDING, I thought I’d do a quick giveaway instead of a long blog post.

What’s in it for you? A $15 Starbucks card! Feel free to tell your coffee-loving friends. If you would like to link to the giveaway, even better, and you’ll get an extra entry!

Just comment with the words,“I love Chicken Pudding” by Friday at 3 pm. By that time, Colonial Day will be over and we’ll all be coasting toward the weekend.


Anonymous said...

I love Chicken Pudding! and Underdogs!
Too bad I don't like coffee!

Becky said...

I love trying new recipes - and I love Chicken Pudding! I'm sure it will be delicous (in an 18th century kind of way).

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I love chicken pudding! Do you think I could buy some at starbucks?

jerarbw said...

I love chicken pudding?
I love chicken pudding.
I LOVE chicken pudding!!!
:) Amanda

Mags said...

I love Chicken Pudding!

C. Groves said...

I love Chicken Pudding! (yuck!)

Amber aka: AmBam, Amborghini, Ambular, BerBer, and Bambi said...

I LOVE chicken pudding...even though I don't know what the heck it is...but I know that I REALLLLY LOVE Starby's!

Lisa G said...

I googled Chicken Pudding because I wanted to see exactly what we were talking about. This is what came back: Take of the flesh of rabbits or capons, two pounds; of suet, one pound. Add parsley, thyme, marjoram, cloves, mace, and nutmeg. Chop all very fine on a chopping-board; then put in four spoonfuls of grated bread, mixed with cream and the yolk of an egg; mix all well together, and therewith fill the bodies of chickens (not too full, lest they break in boiling), which boil in milk and water, with a blade or two of mace, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a little salt. Make the sauce with sweet butter and juice of oranges, beaten well together.

After seeing this, I cannot honestly say that 'I love Chicken Pudding' but since I got the actual text in my comment, I hope I'm entered into the giveaway.

A pound of suet, ugh!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Lisa G-- That is disgusting! I am so happy that I must have the abridged recipe. I can use plain old chicken breasts and NO SUET! Ewwww.

Keetha said...

It's those words together - I love Chicken Pudding doesn't exactly trip off the tongue although I have total faith in you and your chicken pudding.

jen said...

i love chicken pudding ...
i can't believe i even typed that.

and funny ... (really funny, considering that i'm commenting on the wrong post) ... i just wrote about grandious illusions and jealousy within the bloggy world on my latest post too.

glad i stopped by ... may i follow you too?

bookworm said...

Okay, I love Chicken Pudding, at least for this blog I do. Thanks for offering the much sought after Starbucks card!

Katherine said...

I love Chicken Pudding...in bed!
(I once heard that everything can be funny if it ends with "in bed").

L said...

I love chicken.
I love pudding.
I love chicken, pudding, and your blog.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE chicken pudding! :) I really really Love coffee...can't live without it!

Anonymous said...

I love Chicken Pudding (and Chai Lattes)!

Christy said...

I LOVE CHICKEN PUDDING. I hope you take a photo of yours and share it with us.

Ria said...

I am not sure I love chicken pudding, but I definitely love Starbucks coffee!
Good lucking cooking chicken pudding!

Shana said...

I love chicken pudding!

That's such a lie. Sounds disgusting. But I do love coffee.

Debbie said...

My daughter would love me if she knew all I had to say was I Love Chicken Pudding to possibly win her a Starbucks card.

Shawn said...

I love chicken soup, chicken roasted, chicken stir fry, chicken barbecued, chicken with sauerkraut---hang on, SCRATCH that---AND chicken pudding!!!

So, I want to win, cause I want me some of that hot chocolate---or the pastries. No, I don't drink coffee---but please still consider me!!!

Marcie said...

I love chicken pudding!

What do I love more?


AdriansCrazyLife said...

I'm pretending that I LOVE CHICKEN PUDDING for the sake of participating in this contest, but I'd have to try it in person to be sure. But then again I LOVE flan and everyone else thinks that weird stuff too.

I do like your blog name. I have *several* inches of gray, so I can relate!

Just Us... said...

I loooooooooooooooove me some chicken pudding! And Starbucks!!!

Thecoxs said...

I love chicken pudding and we love our friend Liz too!!

Rebecca said...

I love Chicken Pudding!!! And I love giveaways!!!

And last but not least, I love your blog.

That's a lot of love for a Friday morning. :)

Sokphal said...

I love chicken pudding. I wish they sold it at Starbucks! I think they'd make a killing! I'm hoping they start making pork pudding next!

Ms. Molly said...

Maybe I can learn to love chicken pudding?! I love old recipes if that counts.

Doreen said...

I love Chicken Pudding! haha Never had it actually but I DO love me some Starbucks!! :)