Tuesday, March 25, 2014

All things Vintage and a Fabulous Novel Giveaway

(NOTE: Giveaway is now closed! Congrats to Rachel S. from Richmond, VA!)

I love vintage things.

My house is full of old furniture that I've given mini-makeovers, and fun vintage accessories, like my jewelry box collection. My clothes tend to be more of the used, not vintage, variety, as it's my habit to do a lot of shopping at my local thrift store.

The only truly vintage articles of clothing I have are a beaded sweater that was my grandma's in the 40's, my mother's brown suede jacket from the 70's (which at size 14 barely fits over my arms and shows how much sizes have changed over the years) and a navy silk suit from the 50's. I got that one when I was still teaching school and one of my colleagues said to me, "I know an old lady from my synagogue who just died; she was about your size. Want to take a look at her clothes?" Well, I said what any career gal in her mid twenties would say.... "Of course!"

Sadly, the suit doesn't fit me too well right now, but it hangs in my closet, a hopeful reminder of the times I rocked it, including at a mother-daughter luncheon after which Margaret left me this little goodie:

Recently I was given a copy of new novel that's coming out TODAY, and it combines my loves of READING, WOMEN'S FRIENDSHIPS, and ALL THINGS VINTAGE.

Vintage, by Susan Gloss, is a charming novel set in Madison, Wisconsin. After reading it, I've decided I need to make a road-trip to Madison if anyone wants to go with me! Seriously, by the time I was finished reading, I wanted to hang out with all of the characters and go shopping at the clothing boutique that's at the center of the novel.

I loved the writing, the story-- heck I even loved the cover! The publisher, William Morrow, has offered a free hardcover copy of this brand spanking new novel to one An Inch of Gray reader!

If you are looking for the next great read to add to your nightstand stack, just leave me a comment on this post and I'll enter you in the giveaway. It's not required, but if you want to include in your comment the best score you've ever made at a yard sale, thrift shop, vintage boutique, or antique store, that would be great. Be sure to leave me your email address if it's not clear from your profile, so I'll be able to contact you if you are the winner.

This post is part of a "Vintage" blog book tour for Listen To Your Mother: Madison local sponsor, Author Susan Gloss


Anonymous said...

in 1987 I found a large sized 10k gold scarab bracelet at a thrift shop up in Ct. The original owner had passed away and her daughter brought in three of these bracelets. I bought it for $40.00 and still wear it today. That's my best ever.

ashley said...

I would love the book! Two great scores: 1960s Jackie Kennedy-esque black dress that I bought at a vintage shop in New Orleans for $100 -- fit like a glove AND three days ago, a neighbor sold me six immaculately maintained leather pottery barn dining chairs for $50/each. I felt like I won the lottery! Love to you, Anna.

~Ashley (formerly in Louisiana, now in Austin, Texas)

{sue} said...

Oooh that sounds right up my alley! I've scored a lot of things since I work at an architectural salvage store, but most recently I got an old shoeshiner box with a hand-forged iron handle. (And my dream of storing my own craft supplies in it is on hold while my kids keep their markers and glue sticks in it.)

Unknown said...

I love this picture of you & Margz. Classic!

Deb said...

I'm an hour from Madison!! Let me know if you make the trip and I'll meet you there. Love reading and love antiques. We have a house full of them, mostly inherited. Also love your incredible transparency!

One crazed mommy said...

Oooh - I love new books!!! Would love to get this one and add it to list of to-reads (I have a continual growing pile on my nightstand with 3-4 at any time...not to mention those on my Kindle) :) The last time I got a good deal was when I went to Goodwill and got an awesome jean jacket for my daughter (GAP) for $3.00 - can't beat that! I went in looking for an 80's outfit for her school production of Footloose - couldn't pass up that great find!

Unknown said...

I am home on maternity leave with my first child, and I would love a good book to read! My daughter's bed is vintage. She has a new crib, but the twin bed in her room belonged to her great-great-grandmother. It is old, but not "nice," so I painted it a deep lime green. That's not exactly an answer to your question, but it's what I wanted to tell you!

Leah said...

I'm always looking for new books to read! My email address is leah.m.chamberlain@gmail.com. My best find is a crazy mid-century modern chair that I stumbled across in my old neighborhood at a garage sale the day we were loading our moving truck! I bought it on a whim and it looks PERFECT in our new bedroom!

jenalan said...

hmm best find was not at a 'store' but roadside... an amazing all wood trunk/coffee table!! Jenny

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, that photo! It's precious in a way, even though it kind of breaks my heart for you, because it captures such a moment in time. Anyway I would love to win a copy. I've never found anything super great at a thrift store (just standard clothes, house decor, etc), but I do love to shop there.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win a copy! (And that picture kind of breaks my heart for you.)

Cassie Bustamante said...

oh this book sounds right up my alley and i am always looking for good reads! i look forward to those days with emmy, too... ugh! ;) let's road trip!

joyfulchallenge said...

I once purchased a croquet set for $2 that after researching realized it was "vintage" and resold it the next year at my yard sale for $100!

Amanda said...

I adore vintage and loooooove reading. What an exciting book to cover both :) one of my favorite things to do is go to antique malls and look at all the clothing and furniture

ella said...

oh man, that picture! I remember writing 'i hate mom' in mirror dust when I was a kid, after a particularly heated argument. Of course I didn't really hate her. I blame the pre-teen hormones.


Renee said...

Would love to be in the drawing, sounds like a great book! Thanks!
My best thrift store bargain is a red sitting chair in my living room twenty bucks! Love thrift shopping, but I live in a small town and so I have to drive an hour to get to any. So I don't get out often enough. Love your blog!

Rhonda said...

I love to read and love vintage items. I want to live in a small quirky town like Mitford or Stars Hollow.

Rhonda McKennon

Mrs. E said...

I'm in. Best score--a 1920's ornate glass mirror that once hung over a buffet.

sarabean said...

Ohh, I want to love old/vintage stuff, but my kids are too young to go traipsing around all those awesome stores yet :) We can barely make it through Target. But I did find an old, awesomely vintage-y dry sink for $20 on the one day I snuck out and left the kids with my husband last year.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry but I am cracking up at what your daughter wrote on that photo!!! It brought back memories of this HUGE Mother's Day card I got my mom when I was about 15...I used up every single inch of it to let her know what a horrible and unfair mother she was. She called it her "Happy Mother's Day now F**K You!" card:)

Norma said...

I have yet to "score"! But, here's hoping :) I love reading, so this is a perfect giveaway for me!


afc said...

i am commenting because i would love a copy of the book (always looking for something new to read).
i guess my favorite yard sale score was one of those godawful plastic light up lawn ornaments from the 70s that are used as christmas decorations (i got the polar bear with jaunty red scarf). it was free (shock!), so made it even sweeter! :)

1 Buddha's Mom said...

Sounds like a great book! It would be hard to choose my favorite yard sale find - maybe it's the tiny Buddha figures I have picked up over the years since my son's nickname has always been Buddha Bear.

Anonymous said...

I am also a sucker for a great thrift shop find! Within the last couple of weeks, I came across 4 Windsor style black dining room chairs, in great condition, for $100! Exactly what has been in my minds eye for my dining room for quite some time:)

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Sounds like my kind of book, enter me in the drawing ok? I used to love garage sales and flea markets furnished our home with many great pieces that I still love. But my favorite is not exactly a piece of furniture but it is a big book!
It is an old library dictionary from 1939, it is 8 inches thick and 12 inches tall and amazing! I had the nerve to ask the lady at the sale to give it to me for less than the $10 she asked for it. She said,
"If you can haul it out of here, you can have it for $8."
Susie aka The Recovering Church Lady

Katie K. said...

I will meet you in Madison too. I am not far from there. I love books!

Anonymous said...

Anna, I'd love to win since I'm trying to read more this year. As for vintage finds, I scored a fantastic trunk at the Goodwill a few years back. I saw it on a Saturday morning and I didn't buy it. All afternoon and all day on Sunday I obsessed over the thing and all it's rust and black glory. On Monday morning at 9 am I told my boss I had to run out for a few minutes. I was waiting outside the Goodwill waiting for it to open. My precious trunk was there waiting for me. I paid the measly 50 bucks and hauled the thing home. I cleaned it up and now it doubles as my TV stand. I don't regret the purchase for one second. I have another one too but I've gone on too long here already.

Jen said...

I would love to read that book. Not my find, but when I was a kid my mom found some old jewelry and old antique photos. I loved and still do love to look at photos and wonder about the people and their lives. Blessings.

Sandy Shoes said...

I would love to win that book. My husband is a maintenance worker at an upscale apartment complex and he brings home some of the nicest things that they just throw away or leave behind. Got a brand new shower curtain one day and a couple of weeks later a luxury bath mat that matched!

Kim said...

I love vintage things, too. One of my favorite finds isn't an article of clothing or a piece of furniture. I was at an antique shop in Vermont a few years ago when I discovered two antique scrapbooks from the early 1900s tucked away behind some old records. In addition to the carefully-pasted black and white photographs were lovely handwritten notes, postcards (which I collect!) and pieces of ivory-colored fabric, which had been from the woman's wedding dress. Such a treasure!

A Speckled Trout said...

I got an old trunk off the curb that is my coffee table. I waxed it up and it is bee-you-tee-ful and the inside was filled w/old books. One was a 1940's manual for beauticians with clues to guessing a woman's real hair color without being so bold as to ask.

And I couldn't agree more about vintage sizes. I don't even go there any more.

Unknown said...

I haven't had any big vintage scores. I used to love going to thrift stores and markets, but have not been in a long time. I did go a year ago last fall and scored practically everything I needed for a Halloween costume, though. :)

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I went to a tag sale near my home and I found a set of dishes. I didn't know exactly where they were from but I thought it was either China or Japan. They were very intricate and very old. I kept them for a long time and always thought that they might be worth something. Recently, I found out where they were from and started posting individual pieces on ebay. I originally paid $100 for the entire collection and so far I have made about $1400 selling them. My greatest find.

Anonymous said...

I'm always looking for a good new book! My best find is an old Jenny Lind twin bed for my daughter. Email is christine@nickels11.com

Bridget McCarthy said...

I'm an hour south of Madison! You'd love it. Your family would love it! It's a wonderful city with gorgeous lake views and lots to see and do! Anyway, I'm awful at finding great deals. I'm the emotional buyer so I'll spend ridiculous amounts of money on something I love, only to be told I spent WAY too much. (I still love it though!) My newest kick: antique buttons. That, green sea salt pottery and Shadow Lawn Pottery.

Kristen said...

I think I need thrifting lessons. My finds never seem as exciting as others' I read about. Perhaps this book would help!

Martha said...

I would love to win your novel! Thanks for such an opportunity. My house is filled with vintage but they're all inherited, which I love, it keeps my family close to my heart.

Unknown said...

Oh, this picture broke my heart, mostly because I'm sure my sister and I did similar stuff to my mother. I am checking out this book! xo

Poppy said...

I have an amazing 70's polyester jumpsuit that is sized a "large" - ha! Right now I can't even squeeze my leg through the bell bottom.

ellen said...

I love a good book. And I love antiquing…things I collect: typewriters, aprons, Pyrex, cake stands and chairs (I'm collecting mis-matched chairs for my dining room table).

Anonymous said...

The book sounds wonderful. My best find in a vintage shop was a lovely yellow silky pajama set.


Unknown said...

Me! (raises hand) I want it!

Stephanie said...

A fabulous black swing coat from the 50s with velvet covered buttons! I'm like Katherine Hepburn.

Shana said...

That photo of you and M always cracks me up. I love all things vintage. My best score is my 1960 dining set including table, 6 chairs, sideboard and china hutch. Love love love. No need to enter me for the book. I have been looking for a spring break read and my intense need for instant gratification + your rave review = buying it for kindle right now. XO

Pamela said...

I love it! A dear friend came to visit me in San Antonio and we bought a homemade coffee table at a yard sale. I used it in three apartments and my house. xoxo

Jenn @ buildingmommymuscles said...

oh. my. goodness. That picture is hilarious! Probably wasn't at the time, but seriously.

Auntie Pam said...

I would love to read this book, and then pass it on to my girlfriends so we can discuss it in book club! I get irritated shopping for clothes at my local Salvation Army because they sort them by color, not size. So I guess my greatest score is a matching outfit, shorts and a top!

Jen said...

Madison is not far from me! Love the perspective on clothing size changes. I was just pumped when I bought my son a Thomas the Train for $1 at a garage sale rather than $10 at the store...

Melissa said...

My grandmother taught me the love of finding a treasure at a garage sale or thrift shop and making it my own. I love that she opened up this world to me as a young child.

Rebecca said...

I'd love to have this book!
I have a few antique pieces passed down to me after my grandparents died last year - they are proudly displayed throughout my home!


Anonymous said...

Shopping for clothing is not my favorite past time. I do however love a good bargain so I go to thrift shops and vintage shops to check things out occasionally. On one trip I scored two beautiful suits both silk and in my favorite colors. They are still being worn today.
Now the best shopping is truly at book stores. I can spend the day there. My daughter is the queen of vintage stuff and has found several great treasures.

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Madison is a sweet state capitol/university town. We vacationed there a few years ago. Go!

I'm not much of a shopper, but my favorite vintage item is a dress of my mom's that I kept--her wedding dress. I had no plans to ever get married, but I could let it go. It was a 12 and I'm a 4, but I kept it.

I wound up wearing it on July 8, 2007 after a few alterations. Precious!

If I don't win the book, I'll put it on hold at the library.

Jenn said...

That picture is a classic! I'm sure I left my mom one or two of those growing up. :) This book sounds fabulous. I was just in Madison this past August for a wedding and it was beautiful. Wish we could have spent more time there. My husband's side of the family all live out there, and his parents went to undergrad at UW (Go Badgers!). So I'm in for a road trip.

Kathleen said...

My best vintage find would have to be a beaded black dress I found at a thrift store in Delaware.
Please enter me for the book and I'd love to make a road trip with you! My email is mkcdamiri@yahoo.com

SWW said...

My daughter found a prom dress that she fell in LOVE with - it had a small tear so she got it for $5.00!

Unknown said...

I sympathize with that picture! As a young, broke wife with serious dish-a-holic tendencies I scored a Fostoria berry bowl set in mint condition at a local antique mall. The vendor let me pay $5/week until it was mine! 26 years later it is still lovingly displayed and used often.

GMGKnits said...

No pretense with kids, that's for sure! Thanks for sharing bits of your life with us.

Anonymous said...

I would love the book - it sounds so good! My best score was a wood toddler bed (originally from Pottery Barn!!) for $40.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win that book. Thanks you :) My favorite score is an old little dresser.


Unknown said...

Firstly, aren't those gems a little bitter sweet reminder that we obviously have had bad days; enough so our kids could possible hate us for even a brief moment?

Last year, I scored a dry sink that almost exactly matches my dining room set for.......$50!

The book sounds lovely...lisacally6@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

an ornate piece of metal that I turned into a key rack

MaryBeth said...

Would love to have another great read!
My best score would have to be a Longeberger picnic basket for $10 in 1994.
The picture made me wonder why I used to think I hated my mother. Does everyone go through that stage?

Unknown said...

I would love to win that book! Sounds like a great read!! And that picture is too funny!

m_semz said...

I'd love the book. Can't really say that I've had any great scores, so far.

Vickie said...

I'd love to win the book!! My best vintage find was a plaid metal picnic basket for a couple of dollars!! It's still my favorite.

eorban said...

Thanks for offering this-sounds like a fun read! I don't know that I have a single 'best' find...but I love the hunt!

(The photo made me laugh out loud-you don't have to guess what that girl is thinking, she puts it out there!)


greytmari said...

I found a gorgeous true YELLOW suit jacket from Ann Taylor with the tags still on. It retailed for $325.00, was marked at 20.00 AND I had a coupon for 10.00 off. I have had it and worn it for over 10 years and it has never gone out of style.
Marilee - greytmari@yahoo.com

rena said...

I love reading your blog - and shopping 2nd hand; it's the only kind of store that carries the styles I like!

Bonnie said...

Some great Mexican sterling pieces at a steal! No clothing, though. Thanks for offering the book. I have read your blog for a long time and pray for your family often.

Anonymous said...

What a nice thing to do! My best find was a long black cashmere coat with a portrait collar that I bought at a St.Vincent De Paul store for $1. My mother put a new lining in it. I'm pretty sure my middle daughter is writing stuff like that in her journal about me as we speak. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Shellie said...

I have a very pretty yellow pottery jug with flowers that was $30. Not sure if it is a "big" find but it makes me happy to look at it. And it makes me wish I could know its history.


Greta @gfunkified said...

I found a sky blue cardigan with goldish thread throughout when I was in high school and wore it in my senior pictures. I loved it. Too bad it doesn't fit anymore!

Rachael S., Richmond said...

Printed the photo out to share with my 7 year old daughter so I can beat her to the punch... lol. My most recent find, not vintage, and only appreciated by coffee drinkers (not my husband) was a new Miele built in Nespresso coffee machine for $85 at the neighborhood community yard sale. It retails for $2500. It cost me more to order the Nespresso pods than the actual machine. :)

Jessica said...

Ooh, sounds like a lovely book.

vawriter said...

Marilyn Monroe was a size 14, they say. I used to take comfort in that. Thanks for destroying my denial. I think I deserve the book in compensation, don't you, Anna?
Fave find: $60 olive green leather 3/4 length coat in a PA consignment store. Perfect condition. Yummy.

Yardsalequeen - Chris H. said...

I love my $8 vintage avocado green Kitchenaid Mixer.

Unknown said...

The book sounds good! Alas, I'm not much of a vintage/thrift store shopper, but my boss is. She took me along on a trip a few years agao, and I got my son's entire summer wardrobe (that he wore for about 3 years) for around $25.

Unknown said...

I'm always looking for my next favourite read, this book sounds lovely! I'm adding it to my "to read" list for sure! My fave vintage piece is my engagement ring which was given to my grandmother by my grandfather when my father was born. Whilst it wasn't a "find" it is a true treasure!!

Anonymous said...

I love the nightstand I bought at a flea market...more "retro" than "vintage," I guess, and it was in perfect condition! (Until we brought it home. Didn't take long to wreck the perfection!)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The books sounds very interesting and congratulations to the winner. I love Vintage!!!

Runastar said...

It ate my comment so here goes again - my best vintage find has to be the Victorian era stereoscope I got for $4 at a garage sale last summer - I'd been wanting one for years!

Karen from Memphis said...

The thing I love the most about this post is the picture. My oldest daughter is turning 13 in a week. We are in a difficult, complicated stage. Wego round and round during the day. But then at bedtime she wants me to lay down with her. It makes me so thankful there is still a part of her that likes me and wants my company. So that picture makes me smile and know that I am not alone in these mother/daughter struggles. Actually, none of us are alone on any issue if we have the courage to share it with someone else. Thanks you for sharing with with us! You are indeed a light for all of us.

Andrea Mowery said...

Love the sound of this book - would love to add it to my nightstand pile, heh.

My favorite thrift store score is an orange scarf that I wear all the time. I paid $1 for it.

Anonymous said...

I love vintage...my home is full of it, & I will order the book to add to my growing pile to read! I missed your last 2 posts because after finally joining the hi-tech world with this new phone...I'm still low-tech at heart & vintage in age. I was wondering why you hadn't had a new post in awhile, only to discover that when I 'bookmarked' your blog...I actually bookmarked the McBeth post with Jack so figured it was your last post. Gosh, I'm rambling, but wanted to say that with 3 grown daughters, I sure remember hearing how they hated me!! Must be a "rite of passage" with daughters 😃

Kristin said...

I grew up in Madison...definitely worth a trip. I'm always happy to go home.

Alicia said...

Did you ever take that road trip to Madison? It's finally warming up here! Many fun things to do around the capital. Let me know if you need a friend for the day! Aliciaesthetics@gmail.com

Serviced Apartments Guy said...

Who doesn't love vintage?? It's such a great way to encourage uniqueness!

scatteredleaves said...

i love vintage reads