Thursday, January 7, 2016

Falling Hard

So remember how on Sunday I stumbled and it set of a rush of cathartic tears?

Well, last night I really did FALL. Our kitchen was gutted on Tuesday (exciting! terrifying! expensive!) and I was showing Tim around the empty space when he got home from work. I didn't realize that the flooring was uneven, and before I knew it, I rolled my ankle, pitched forward, and ended up sprawled on the sub floor.  I yelled at poor Tim when he tried to help me up, as if he had somehow been responsible. Ugh.

It didn't feel like I'd landed on the baby-- only my shoulders, hip and knee. I was heading out to a speaking engagement, but before I left I was able to get out the mini doppler machine a friend gave me and hear the baby's heartbeat, loud and strong. Thank God!

At the speaking engagement, I had a wonderful time connecting with amazing women in my community and arrived home at close to 10 pm.

Around 1 a.m. I was in the middle of a a bad dream, a la the movie Misery, with Kathy Bates taking an axe handle and bludgeoning my foot. My first thought was, "Yay! If I'm dreaming, that means I'm sleeping!" My second thought was, "I need to pee." Standing up to head to the bathroom, I crumpled to the ground. My foot was really messed up. The rest of the night was spent in a recliner, with my foot on ice (thank you, Tim!)

Today I'm holed up in our bedroom. My foot is throbbing. Tim is staying home from work to help me, and he has devised a line of chairs for me to hang onto while I hop to the bathroom. We are talking about trying to get me to the doctor later today, and I know that's wise, but I am in too much pain to contemplate getting from here to there at this point.

Is it weird that my foot only hurt a little bit when I rolled it,  but it started throbbing 6 hours later?

Right now I'm trying the I.C.E approach: ice, compression, elevation, and making sure I feel plenty of  movement from the baby.

I'll update you as I find out more, but I wanted to ask for prayers. THANK YOU, FRIENDS!


Went to urgent care and found out it was a "bad sprain" made worse by weakened ligaments because of pregnancy. Settled in for the long haul of healing...but guess what? The very next day the pain was cut in half. And today, Saturday, I feel 95% better! Thank you for your prayers and concern! So grateful and relieved!


  1. Don't forget to rest it too. Try to stay off it as much as possible. Hope you feel better soon! Sending love and prayers.

  2. Praying. Hang in there. Ugh. Let us know what the doctor says. Hugs.

  3. Thinking of you!!! For crying out loud woman!!! Yes, please update us and go to the DRS!!!

  4. Just paused to pray for you! Keep us posted!

  5. Prayers for you Anna����go to the doctor, get it checked out and just rest, everything else can wait. Take Care

  6. Poor thing. I had that happen once when I sprained my ankle. It did not hurt until hours later.

    Feel better.

  7. No fun. Hope you heal quickly!

  8. so, not to be the bearer of bad news, but you may have fractured your ankle. I rolled my foot like that once while I was running ( kind of ran off the side of the road a little bit and my foot rolled in, under me, if that makes sense?) and I went down like a sack of potatoes. I stood back up and it was tender but not terrible, so I ran the rest of the 2 miles back home ( this turned out to be a very stupid choice BTW), showered, went out to eat, all while limping a bit. The next morning it was the size of a grapefruit and I was howling in pain. What happened was the rolling pulled on the ligament, which can only give so much, then when the ligament reached it's limit it ended up pulling off a small piece of the bone that it's attached to at the ankle. It's considered a fracture ( I can't remember the exact name) and I needed a cast for like 2 weeks. I hope this isn't what you have! But you should get it checked out ASAP.

  9. Oh, no! It's the worst when you snap at someone who's trying to help you, isn't it? I've done that, usually out of embarrassment.
    Please get that checked out asap. Your toes look a little bit purple, so either your compression bandage is a too tight, or you've got some bruising happening.
    Please don't fret, but do get it looked at.

  10. When I was about 5 months pregnant with my first child I stepped off an uneven pathway at the zoo and fell down. It didn't seem like a big deal, just embarrassing, so I hopped right back up and started back on my way. It wasn't long though before I realized how badly my foot hurt and how much it was swelling. Soon I could't walk any more at all. The staff ended up having to call the park EMTs to come cart me out of there. Turns out I had a small broken bone on the side of my foot. I spent the next 6 weeks hobbling around on one of those awful walking cast shoes. It was ridiculous and terrible. All this to say that, well, it happens to the best of us. Feel better and try to take care of yourself and that baby.

  11. Praying for you and your baby. For healing for your ankle, and for peace in your heart and mind
    that you would be assured that your little one is safe and sound.

  12. i thought I.C.E. stood for imbibing, chocolate, and entertainment.

    that may explain why i've never properly healed...

  13. Praying for you Anna. I did that once myself. One of the most painful injuries I have ever had. But what a great excuse to rest after a busy holiday season. Maybe you can catch up on your reading and blog time. Will keep praying!

  14. SHOOT! Hang in there... First - I am very glad Master Donaldson is ok!! I love the chair idea for walking assistance... hang in there - it is no fun being sidelined - I know this well - but make sure you are patient with your recovery! You only get to recover once! I'm sure you're fine (not minimizing your pain - just affirming that it will be ok). If you need me to use the Adler bat phone to the orthopedist (we have that!) - let me know - I would GLADLY call that iN! XOXOO - Heather

  15. When I saw the headline on this new post I thought I read it wrong after reading Falling Softly. Praying for speedy healing for you, but in the meantime get some rest!

  16. Sending prayers heavenward for Anna n Tim

  17. Yikes I bet you tore some ligaments, that's really painful! Hope it heals fast!

  18. Oh, CRAP!! NOooooooooo!!! I saw the title and knew this was not going to be a good tale.
    I fell in my kitchen 55 days ago, and while I know you didn't hurt yourself as badly (because you didn't have to make a trip to the ER, for starters) I am hurting for you right now.
    Please do get in to the doctor to see what is wrong so you can get best healing possible.

  19. Praying for you right now. It is late and hopefully you are asleep. But know that someone has you covered in prayer.

  20. So SO sorry this happened, Anna! Sending warm healing energy you way. Awesome that you had the doppler gadget to check on the baby so quickly. Will be waiting to hear the doctor's report. Wishing you a quick recovery! (And happy to run errands if you need help!)

  21. Praying! So sorry! Feel good ❤️

  22. Oh, poor Anna! I hope it's only a sprain (which, unfortunately can hurt a heck of a lot worse than a break)! I know from my ankle spraining prone husband. Heal quickly. Sending prayers!

  23. Oh no, I am so sorry. Take care. ((Hugs))

  24. Oh, Anna, get well soon. What a trying time this stage of pregnancy must be. Stay as strong and as calm as you can. Loads of people are thinking of you and wishing you the best.

    K x

  25. Good grief woman. Bless your heart. Praying for you. Rest up for a while. xo

  26. Get a boot. It helps sooo much, plus you can kick some butt!

  27. Anna!Girl.....Be careful:) Get you some good (and if ugly so be it)shoes and think about every move you make...haha.....can you imagine.. Just take care of yourself. Love, Cindy

  28. I used to come to your blog quite regularly but somehow, it fell out of my routine. I'd be lying in bed at night, falling asleep thinking, I need to check that Inch of Gray blog but then the next morning I'd forget. I finally remembered today and WOW, I am so thrilled and excited for your pregnancy...I know I'm late to the party but I felt so much happiness reading this:) I'm 47, just a year older than you, so I almost fell of the sofa with laughter when you mentioned needing reading glasses to read the pregnancy test:)

    Congratulations!!! This baby's going to be so loved and you do NOT look 46 at all!

  29. Good thing you and your baby are doing fine! Happy to hear you're getting help from Tim. I.C.E helped me so much when I was pregnant. I can't tell you how many times my ankles needed it and I couldn't take the drugs. Glad you went to the doctor, take care!

    Karina Rheaume @ U.S. HealthWorks Everett (Paine Field)
