Friday, June 19, 2009

Boys and Girls are Different

I asked the kids what they had seen during my road rash incident as Shadow dragged me across the pool parking lot on Tuesday.

Molly: I saw you fly through the air and get dragged across the parking lot. You got up and looked at your leg and walked away. I figured you were okay.

Jake: I saw you fly through the air and get dragged across the parking lot. After that, I couldn't see anything because you were behind a row of cars.

Well, I did tell them to try to stay focused on their tennis lessons this year.


  1. Oh my god Anna these pictures look even worse than the previous ones. I think you need a really tall glass of wine and some brownies. Or wait, maybe that's what I need tonight. Either way, hope it heals soon!! OUCHIE!

  2. ohmygracious! somehow i missed this story! road rash is the worst! doing it in front of your kids is even worse!!
    hope you feel better soon!
    ps scabs are sexy!

  3. Yowza, Anna! I agree with Christy - these new pictures look especially painful. Are you okay?

  4. Those scrapes DO seem to be growing!! I hope you have a huge tub of neosporin. You poor thing!

  5. That is awful. Oh my gosh, that must be one strong dog! Well, you are little, but still. Ouch! I'm so sorry and I hope you feel okay soon.

    PS My three year olds taught their friend the phrase "dicking around" which they absolutely learned from me, because I say it, not because of a history lesson. You are a doll, I am the worst trash-mouthed mom ever in history.

  6. Better you consult a doctor.....

  7. Ouch! This still makes me hurt!

    Hope you are feeling better...

  8. ANNA, the burns still look bad - I'm so sorry. Hope you are getting some relief - stay out of the sun! I like the idea of brownies and wine - but for me it would have to be margheritas.
    Have you forgiven your puppy?

  9. See my last road rash comment for advice on healing.

    I love how the kids assume you'll be fine no matter what. I was like that with my mom. It's a testimony to their faith in your superwomanness!
