Sunday, November 16, 2008

You Say To-MAH-to, I Say Please Don't

Anyone who has ever been married for any length of time can talk about the ups and downs of marriage. The rhythms. The times when you are in sync, and the times you’re in the weeds.

I can tell it’s overdue for Tom and me to reconnect when everything that comes out of his mouth makes my skin crawl. Anyone else could say the same things, and I’d extend an inch of grace (or more!) but not to him.

Let me give a few examples. We’re looking for a new microwave, and today he suggested we choose “A-MAH-na.” Ugh. Who says Amana like that? A few minutes later he asked me where the “tape measure-er” was, before finding it the drawer where it has lived happily for the past 5 years. I don’t know what bugged me more, that I prefer to say either “tape measure” or “measuring tape,” or the fact that he couldn’t find it all by his lonesome.

Don’t even get me started on how he says “Hyundai.” Think about every possible way to say it in your head. Then screw it up more. Then make a weird shape with your mouth as you utter it. Drag it out over about 7 seconds. Okay. You get the picture.

Now, many things bug him about me, too. But he doesn’t have a blog, so there’s really no need to delve deeply into them here. My sighs and eye rolls would probably make the list, as well as the way I literally bite my lips shut to avoid saying something mean. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but I look like a pointy nosed shrew either way.

I also utter seemingly innocent phrases, which my shy husband thinks sound sexual. I usually do this at parties. You see, I come from a long line of women who are pretty sheltered, perhaps naive about the ways of the world. I remember cringing when my mom dropped off a bunch of “pussy willows” at our neighbor’s house and called them by an embarrassing derivation of that name that I will not type here for fear of unwanted search engine hits.

Sooooooooooo, when I complain at parties of that I’ve “shot my whole wad” at the thrift store lately, my red-faced husband claims that what I am saying is not what I think I am saying. Got it?

I know I am irritating. I even irritate myself sometimes. I just wish certain other irritating people were as self aware.


  1. 15 years into my marriage -- i can totally relate to this post

  2. I am cracking up at shot your wad at the thrift store. That is priceless.

  3. I am so glad I have on waterproof mascara!

  4. Why is it we can be so much more forgiving of other people's kids and husbands? But, I'm right there with you. You did have me cracking up at the shot my wad remark.

  5. I always set myself up for innuendo jokes too. It's like I just can't help myself!

  6. I love the fact that you point out his blog-less do they survive without one? Who do they complain to? Oh yah, they keep it all inside or maybe they just don't get as annoyed as we do.

  7. I can't even use my blog to work out my husband issues. So thanks for giving me some vicarious pleasure (did that sound dirty?).

  8. That is too much! Laughing my butt of here. Of course, Anthony thought it was hilarious that I didn't know what a "milf" was.

  9. Life is real and you are here to prove it….my husband it the total of weird…when I fell to the floor with kidney stones in pain he laughed and told me 3 times to get up so I crawled to the bathroom as he finished laughing at me….I can never be sick because he said so….those 3 bouts of cancer he says were just a mistake….I took chemo for added measure…..weird….
