Monday, November 10, 2008

Barbie Without a Beach Blanket

Jake: “Mom, if Molly’s naked Barbies were in a movie but they were real people, like teenagers, and instead of being in the tub, they were like, at a beach, would the movie be rated R or X?”

Mom: “Um, X, I think.”

Jake: “I thought so.”

Note to moms everywhere: if you have a pile of naked Barbies in the house because they are marketed to girls who are far too young to have the dexterity or follow-through to dress them in their teeny tiny clothes, you may want to think twice before you leave them lounging around in the family bathtub.

If you’ve, ahem, gotten so sick of the little shoes and wetsuits and hotpants that you threw them all away in a cleaning frenzy, you may want to get off your rear and dispose of the dolls themselves, too. What may look innocent to a little girl or her mom could scream X rated movie to others in the house. And if you have Bratz, go ahead and toss them, clothed or unclothed. I’ve heard those girls are hussies.


  1. I always thought Barbies could be a little loose, with the right imagination behind them. I just got a glimpse into my son's and my daughter's barbies' future. Scary.

    Also, I throw out random toys that are annoying me all the time. A singing teapot plagued me from the trash for days.

  2. Anna! This is like a window into the future. Let me get through potty training first - okay?!

  3. The worst, worst, worst possible thing you can ever do is throw away only PART of a toy or game, and then the child finds the OTHER PART of the toy or game, the part that you didn't throw away, and then their little heads explode. MORAL OF THIS STORY: If you're going to throw toys away, make sure you get it all!

  4. Great post and comments! I have two boys so I don't see any barbies i our future but it's always good to keep in mind that a) don't throw only parts of a toy out (I get so tempted to do that!) and b) what looks innocent to us may not look at innocent to a boy's (or girl's) mind!


  5. The worst part about the naked Barbie (or Ken) is the lack of realistic parts. I went for years as a child thinking men looked like Ken when he was unclothed. Not true!

  6. At least Polly Pocket has the decency to have perma-clothing to keep those kiddie minds from racing too much!

  7. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
    this is my future.

  8. those barbies. you really can't trust them any farther than you can throw them....
