Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Gray/Pink Teen Bedroom Reveal

Thanks for the great response to the High/Low post about Margaret's gray/pink teen bedroom makeover! I have photos today of the room's current state, although it was hard to get the colors to show up perfectly with my phone.

We still have one MAJOR thing to do, which is to create a gallery wall on the long wall opposite the bed. This is where the room will really get its personal style, and considering how much time teens spend in their beds, eating, studying, watching Netflix, etc, she'll get to see it a lot. Margaret hopes to start by having some of the photos she's taken enlarged and printed in black and white. Can't wait to see what else she chooses. I tried to get whole room photos today, but clothes strewn about thwarted me. Hope these snippets will do!

This photo shows the nailhead trim headboard, bedding, Target lamp, and small mirrors from TJ Maxx.

To the right of the bed is an antique dresser that used to be my mom's. It could use a new coat of paint, but for now we just spray painted the knobs gold. This dresser has been every color of the rainbow.

On the other side of the bed is the Target lamp I LOVE on an end table I got out of the trash when Margaret was 2.

Further left is a rubbermaid storage shelf that we already had. We just bought gray/white cubes from Target to go in the top cubbies. 

She enjoyed picking the accessories from Target:

On the same wall as the rubbermaid storage is the vanity area. The vanity gets a lot of use. Here's the ghost chair, the Target desk and fluffy pillow, plus a gorgeous gold mirror I found by the side of the road.

One last thing: 

On the "don't you love social media?" front, here's a NEW mirrored night stand to replace the wooden one I got out of the trash! My childhood friend Brad and his wife saw the blog post last week and offered us 2 of these for free. They were just languishing in their exercise room! Margaret is THRILLED. "Doesn't that just take it up a notch?" she said. Yes, yes it does. I like it even better than the one I found on Amazon.

Her room is less cluttered than before, and she's really enjoying it and the sense of calm it brings, except for the pile of clothes on the floor. 

Now to get to that gallery wall... 


  1. This is so beautiful! So elegant and refined- my teenage self (and actually my 24-year-old self) is super jealous! Especially of that vanity and the mirrored tables. Enjoy Margaret!

  2. So pretty! Enjoy it Margaret, you so deserve that room!

  3. I love it! Great job. I know she will love it for a long time to come.

  4. Thanks for adding the "except for the pile of clothes on the floor."
    This makes me feel infinitely better about my own daughter's room...
    It looks like a closet exploded in there.

    In her defense, we offered to redo her room two years ago and she accepted. Just before we were going to do the makeover, we had a big Christmas party and for fun, I let all the kids (some of whom we'd never met) sign her walls in Sharpie - like a yearbook. They covered all four of them and had a blast.

    Then one thing led to another, and we never got around to redoing her room. She didn't seem to care or ask about it. But now, two years later, her room is still all graffitied - add the pile of clothes and it looks like some crazy teenager lives there. But Karly is a straight-A 17-year-old already accepted to her first choice college. She doesn't care how it looks or what anyone else thinks. And NOT redoing it saved us some money.

    But man. I really need to do something about it. Seeing how you redid Margaret's room on a budget really inspires me.
    I don't know how Karly's brain functions in all that noise! (Figurative noise. Not literal. But still. SHARPIE!)

  5. beautiful! it is so much fun to see what they decide to have in their rooms as they transition from kids to teens. I always hope the rooms will stay as neat as they are when we get done re-arranging and decorating... ;)

  6. Beautiful. Yesterday, Our homegoods had the mirrored bedside table that you were looking for...maybe you have one near you and they magically have the same items (it was $139, I think)

  7. Its soooo pretty! I love that lamp, and always give it a second glance when cruising through Target. Well done!

  8. It's really a lovely room, perfect for a teen girl. Very soft and pretty as well as very practical and functional. The clothes will be on the floor for quite awhile and then, before you know it, she'll be thinking that she's a grown-up and will pick them up and put them away. My daughter was a slob for her teen years and then, voila, wasn't! Ha!

  9. Love the room... especially the bedspread, lamp & headboard. I love Gma's chippy dresser ~ I would leave it that way. You ladies did an awesome job. :)
