Monday, July 19, 2010

Dear Neglected Readers:

I've been writing a lot this week, but posting? Not so much. Unless you count posting at 1 a.m. and then taking it down 5 minutes later. You see I live in fear of hurting people, or more truthfully, doing stuff that will come back later and bite me in the butt. Therefore, I second-guess a lot of posts. This leaves me drained and An Inch of Gray a little light on the posts. Never fear, I've asked Tom to attempt to cover my gray for me today with my beloved Nice'n Easy Root Touch Up, so I'm hoping for fresh tidbits to share with you tomorrow.

With Love,



  1. Blogging angst stinks. I've certainly had it. I recently deleted some posts that had been up for a while, for similar reasons. Have fun having your hair touched up - and we'll be here when you're ready to return!

  2. i know exactly what you mean. and i also hate how one blog reader can drive what i do {or don't} write.

    looking forward to what you have to say. i love listening to your heart.

  3. Oh, I do that too--have my husband help me find all the gray.

    AND, I also write more than I should. But I've yet to hit publish. I've got a sizable rump, but I'd rather keep it bite free!

    Looking forward to fresh tidbits.

    BTW--I know a woman who was so upset about some things in her marriage, she wrote some awful posts and named names. She does this a lot about anything that ticks her off, but this was really detailed and ugly. A church in the area was called in, and they said, "You know, you really can't call yourself a Christian AND write these kinds of things." She took them down...but she remains oblivious to bites in her butt even though she delights in hurting others.

    So you are wise.
    Very wise.
    And hopefully, except for the above spillage, so am I!

  4. I am the SAME way. I've not posted a blog post all month, but I have actually written a TON of them! At the end of each one, I hit the draft button and that's that.

  5. Wish I could be there to help cover those grays... and look forward to your posts whenever they appear. I appreciate your kind heart so much! XO Love, Liz

  6. That post you wrote made me think all day today. Many things that had me shaking my head 'yes,' and filling my mind will all kinds of points agreeing with you. All that say, though, I know how you've felt. I haven't written things because I'm sometimes a little fearful that people will read it and turn their computers over, trying to see if this is THE fadkog blog they're used to, muttering something about the cover being wrong, that kind of thing. It's perhaps odd how we let that run us, but I get it.

  7. I do the post-retract-post-retract dance all. the. time. Blech, it's annoying, all of this trying to take others' feelings into consideration yada yada blah blah. Unrelated-but speaking of covering your roots, I've discovered a great new parlor trick. When I back comb the to of my hair? The grays do this magnificent little "boing!" action and stand straight up. Awesome.

  8. Oh, but isn't it great that we can get the therapy of writing it all down, even if nobody else sees it? Just hope nobody hacks your blogger account.

  9. Okay, now I'm dying to know what you deleted. I'm nosy like that. :)

  10. I like how even in this post about not posting, you manage to sneak a great metaphor in there. Nice is good. So is not getting bitten in the ass. If I had an actual hefty number of readers, I'd likely be more concerned about posting my stream of consciousness ramblings. (Hey, wait. Could there be a connection between those two things? Maybe I'd have more readers if my blog weren't so unedited and unconsidered? Nah...)

  11. I hope you save those drafts because I'm sure they're read-worthy. Jake & Molly could publish a book when you're dead (or too old to care!)
