Thursday, September 10, 2009

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Or: Don't Read This While Eating

Soooooo, our family spent 3 hours on Sunday doing yard work for an elderly lady from church. Tom got a leeetle poison ivy on his arms.

Let’s just say this is more of a romantic buzz kill than watching “The Reader.”


  1. i'm itchy just looking at it. i'm super allergic to poison ivy, i feel his pain

  2. OMG!

    Are you sure this wasn't an alien encounter?

  3. Awww, bless his heart. That is the worse case of poison ivy I have ever seen!

  4. Omg...that's some serious poison ivy.
    I knew yard work was a bad idea.

  5. Oh my goodness! Poor guy, I feel so sorry for him!
    Hope he gets better soon.


    I am feeling a little sick now, thanks....

  7. OK that is just nasty. Poor Tom. Some of those blisters are reminiscent of your Key West sunburn....

  8. Yuck. My mom recently got it on her face from doing her own yard work, her eyes swelled shut. It would have been funny if it hadn't been so icky...

  9. Hmmm, I guess I have never had poison ivy because I had no idea that it could look like that----it's painful for me to look at so I can only imagine what it must feel like. I will definitely avoid any and all suspicious looking plants while gardening from now on!!!!

  10. Yeah. Look, I’ve seen poison ivy many times. This ain’t that. What you have here is a case of the rare and wicked swine ivy.
