Monday, May 28, 2018

You're (not?) Going to Miss This

There were many things I was quite happy to be finished with, when it came to parenting.

And yet, that's not how things are panning out, with Sweet Andrew on the scene.

Things I never thought I'd have to experience again:

10 pm poster board emergencies
Potty Training
Play dates
Science projects
4th grade math
Video games and screen-time limits
The glug glug sound right before projectile vomiting
"This is the worst day ever!"
"I hate you"
"I'm stupid"
Candy Land
Friend drama
Tantrums in public
Tantrums in private
Not making the team
Night terrors
My kid being left out
Back to school night
"But everybody's doing it!"
Boring stories about ____________ (Legos, Superheroes, Pokemon, Trains, Ponies, Calico Critters)
Chorus concerts
Eddie Haskells and Mean Girls
Time Out
Speech therapy
Mouth expanders
Standardized tests
Driving lessons
Discipline issues
Reading logs
Picky eaters
Amusement parks

There's a flip-side, of course...

Things I never thought I'd get to experience again:

Dimpled hands and thighs
Blowing raspberries
Chubby naked booties
Footy pajamas
Squeals of joy
"This is the best day ever!"
"Will you marry me, Mommy?"
Nightly baths
Hot Cross Buns on the recorder
Uno and Connect Four
Preppy clothes
School concerts
The tooth fairy
"I love you THIS much!"
Reading aloud
The barbershop
Vacation Bible School
Snow days
Making Valentines
The ice cream truck
Scooby Doo
Light sabers
Richard Scarry
Slow walks around the neighborhood
Stuffed animals
Splashing in puddles
Caterpillars and cicadas
Feeding ducks
Lightning bugs
Soft cheeks and ticklish necks
Homemade Mother's Day gifts
Local carnivals
Ruffling hair
Now I lay me down to sleep
Sandcastles and tide pools
Silly songs
Hooked on Phonics
Late night musings
Love notes
Making the team
Jesus Loves Me this I Know
Playing chase
Holding hands
Being brave
...and so much more

I am grateful.

And I know I'll do my best to handle all the stuff on the first list too, and enjoy it as much as possible, even if it won't be easy.

Except LICE.  Please God, no lice.


  1. Lice is easier with boys. Just shave their heads and get them a hat. I will never miss the chronic sleep deprivation. But I miss everything else.

  2. I miss volunteering in their schools, no backtalk, no eye rolls, no slamming doors, the ability to be all seeing and all knowing to them, the overall cuteness.

    Don't miss tantrums, potty training, not being able to leave them home alone, bed wetting and worrying endlessly about how it's all gonna turn out. I'm still not sure how it's all gonna turn out, but we are in the home stretch for better or for worse.

  3. Crossing fingers that you side step the lice this time!

  4. Funny how some things go on both lists in my mind...

  5. These lists are spot on. We were only blessed with one son and I would do it all again except potty training, I really hated potty training a stubborn little boy.
