Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Whew and Woah

So how did Andrew's first 4 HOUR stint at Mother's Day Out go yesterday?

He cried...when it was time to come home.


I had to pry two little trucks out of his hands because he wanted to keep playing.

A happy morning for him was a WIN, made even more awesome by the fact that he fell asleep on our long drive home and TRANSFERRED to his crib for a nap.

I forgot how much these little things feel like such big things when you are in the thick of it.

Way to go, Miracle Baby!

In other news, we ordered a homecoming dress for Margaret online and it came with only a few days to spare. It is more revealing that she'd anticipated. To give you an idea:

So, I may be learning to sew between now and Saturday.

p.s. I promise I did not buy Margaret a dress like J. Lo's (above)


  1. PHEW! for Andrew (and you) surviving the Mother's Day Out! And a double PHEW! for Margaret's dress NOT being the one pictured!

  2. Way to go, Andrew!! (I remember those wins). Ughh, that's the problem with shopping online - you just never know what you are going to get. Can your dry cleaner alter it?

  3. Yay for MDO! A win. Boo for the dress. Hope you can do something to make it not too revealing.

  4. Nothing tires a toddler out like a bunch of other toddlers.
