Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Found this little coupon recently that I guess Jack gave me at some point for a birthday or other holiday. "One date of your choice with Jack. Expires: never."

I sure wish I'd redeemed it so we'd have another memory together.

But what a "date" it will be when we are together again!

p.s. If you have coupons like this sitting around, I suggest redeeming them before the teen years. I tried to get Margaret to pay up for "70 minutes of snuggle time" last week but she was not interested! :)

p.p.s. Look at her grumpy little face in her two year old portrait! Ha!


  1. Wonderful post, and yes the little grumpy face is too cute!

  2. Awww...I have some of those tucked away, too. I am sorry you didn't get to redeem it...but you will have that opportunity again someday (at least that is my belief). xo Diana

    ps-Smiling at the pout!

  3. So sweet. Ben gives us those. Usually it's 3 free hugs. For Scott's birthday he upped it to 5. I can just picture Margaret's face! 70 minutes of snuggle time;)

  4. So very dear. We think those redeemable moments will always be there. (at least on this earth) Time flies by and makes those sweet gestures from our teens all the more precious.

  5. "Expires: Never." I love that. I still have a couple of those coupons. One more way to hang onto my daughter who died.

  6. ((Hugs)) Your always in my thoughts.....
