Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Makeup Eraser

Margaret reminded me that I was going to post about one of our favorite products several months ago...oops!

Better late than never.

She is my product girl and has introduced me to the likes of BB cream and eyebrow plumper. Her advice is usually spot on!

She also knows I love to save money, so when she asked for a $20 washcloth last Christmas, I was not enthused. She accurately pointed out, however, that we were spending at least $6 a month on makeup removal towelettes, so if the washcloth worked, we would actually save money.

Here it is:
Well, it works!

And at almost one year in, we have saved a bundle, reduced waste, and the cloth is still going strong. She uses different small areas of the cloth for 3-4 days in a row before it needs laundering.  It comes out of the wash perfectly clean and ready to use again. The cloth is chemical free, and although I don't know how it does its magic and sorcery, it gently removes all of her makeup using just water.

I am glad not to be purchasing disposable wipes anymore, or having raccoon-eyed makeup stains on our other washcloths and towels. The Makeup Eraser is available in stores like Sephora and Nordstrom, as well as on Amazon.

This is not a sponsored post; we just enjoy the Makeup Eraser and think you will, too. Affiliate link provided for your convenience.


  1. How funny, I just saw this our grocery store in France and thought it was a joke. Now I might just grab one!

  2. What is this eyebrow plumper of which you speak.... asking for my puny little brows...

    K. Dane

  3. I am almost out of my makeup removers that come in the little container. I will look for one of these. Sounds like a great product. xo Diana

  4. Thanks for the heads up - going to buy one for my teen ☺ beautiful pics of your babes on your last post and a thought provoking article. It's too easy to take our partner's for granted eh xx

  5. Hmmm....might be worth looking into because I certainly spend a fortune on those makeup remover wipes.

  6. I will have to look for this! We have something that sounds similar: face cloths from Norwex - a line of chemical-free cleaning products for the whole home and everyone in it. If you haven't ever heard of that, you might want to look into it! xoxo

  7. Yes, more about eyebrow plumper, but eyebrows are embarrassing, and what is BB cream? I've googled, but get too many results.

  8. Please send info on the eyebrow plumper!

  9. My daughter (the real makeup hound) and I swear by Micellar water, but still need a cloth or cotton pads to use it. Amazon has a great price on a two-pack of these makeup eraser cloths--might have to give them a try! Thanks for the hint.
