Monday, April 4, 2016

He's Here!

Andrew Luke Donaldson arrived yesterday, on Opening Day of baseball season.

2:41 pm

6 lb 9 oz, 21 inches long.

Adorable and perfect!

We are in love.

Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes!

I'll share the birth story sometime very soon after I retire my ice packs and adult diapers.

Speaking of diapers, if you would like to celebrate Andrew with us by making a donation to one of two causes that help moms and babies, please consider a shower gift to

The DC Diaper Bank


World Vision's New Mother and Baby Kit.

More to come!

With Gratitude.


  1. Yay!!! And he is beautiful. Congratulations!!!!!

  2. Yay!! Congratulations====he is beautiful!!


  3. He is so beautiful. Congratulations, you all must be thrilled beyond measure. I hope that Tim and Margaret were able to make it back in time for his birth! Blessings to you all.

  4. Congratulations, what a beautiful baby!

  5. sooooo thrilled for you all! Jack is looking down and smiling at his baby brother!

  6. oh my goodness, he is adorable! Have tears in my eyes...celebrating a wonderful and perfect gift from above! Can't wait to hear all about it and more pics and to hear how big sis is doing. Kathy H.

  7. Yesterday evening I suddenly had a feeling that you'd had your baby. I thought that was crazy since your due date was still more than two weeks out, but here he is! I am so happy for you all. What a sweet boy and what a great name. Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations and much love to you all!! He is beautiful!

  9. Congratulations on the birth of beautiful baby Andrew! He is absolutely perfect! I'm so thrilled for all of you!! Congrats again!

  10. Oh! What wonderful news! Congratulations! Dear dear boy! I can't wait to hear more. But until then, all my prayers to you & your family!!!

  11. Congratulations!! Wonderful news

  12. Andrew Luke Donaldson you are so beautiful!!

  13. Congratulations!! Wonderful miracle. Love and blessings to you all
    Mandy xxx

  14. All the best to you and your family--he is adorable.

  15. Praise the Lord! What a beautiful boy! Congratulations to all of you.

  16. So happy for you!!! Just teared up :)

  17. He is beautiful! Congrats to all!

  18. Congratulations! He is gorgeous!

  19. He's beautiful! Congratulations!!

  20. Anna, I read and loved Rare Bird. I'm also a writer and recommend it every time I teach on memoir.

    The last time I taught, back in February, I looked up your blog again and read the good news of your pregnancy. I randomly (?) thought of you again today and decided to check to see if the baby had arrived. How fun that he has only just done so. How special that everyone is safe. And how fitting that in what was your season of sadness you will also have joy.

    My only son is also named Andrew. May your "strong one" live up to his name and heritage. He is precious. Blessings!

  21. Congratulations!! I have something I made for your baby; can you send me your mailing address?

  22. Congratulations!!! He's absolutely adorable and I can't help finding his resemblance to Jack (especially on the 2nd picture).

    Welcome Andrew!

  23. Congratulations on beautiful baby, Andrew. So happy to read that everything went smoothly.

  24. Congratulations to your entire family. What a lovely boy he is!

  25. Congratulations! Andrew is one of my favorite names and Opening Day is my favorite "holiday" of the year. Go Cubs!


  26. He is absolutely perfect! What an asdorable little man. Huge congratulations to you all and well done you,Anna xxx

  27. Congratulations!! He's beautiful!

  28. randomly popped onto your page today and saw so so happy for you and your family.
    congrats to the moon and back.

  29. Anna, your blog often brings tears to my eyes but today they are tears of joy. Congratulations to you and all of your family. He is adorable.

  30. Congrats! He's beautiful!!!

  31. So happy he's arrived and everyone is happy and healthy! (Well, as much as you can be while recovering from childbirth :))

  32. He is beautiful! Congratualtions!!

  33. He is seriously adorable. Congrats! I love his name!

  34. Congratulations!!! He is precious!!!

  35. Oh my goodness, CONGRATULATIONS!! That wasn't the post I expected to see �� So happy for your family. He is beautiful! Blessings to all. - Anna from Chicago

  36. Congratulations!!!

  37. What a handsome young dude! So glad he's here.

  38. A miracle! He's just beautiful! Congratulations to your entire family.

  39. " But the child who is born on the Sabbath day
    Is fair and wise and good in every way."
    Thought this quote appropriate for the occasion!

    Congrats and my very best wishes!

    - Joan in PA (My son was also born on a Sunday.) :)

  40. Praising God and celebrating your precious baby! You came to mind earlier today and I said a prayer! Congratulations! What a special time for your family. So happy for you all!

  41. Congratulations! He is precious ��

  42. Oh my God he is beautiful! Congrats!!

  43. What a perfectly gorgeous newborn. Gosh, he doesn't look brand newborn at all! He's perfect!

  44. What an amazing tribute and connection to his older brother...
    realized that his middle name must be a tribute to Jack's favorite verse “Nothing is Impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

  45. He's gorgeous! What a beautiful little boy! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your whole family!!!

  46. So happy for you and thanks for sharing it so quickly with us! He is so beautiful, truly. I thank the Lord with you for such a real blessing and we all get to share the joy in it. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  47. So happy for you! Wishing you lots of warmth and softness in the days ahead!

  48. He's so perfect and precious!!! Happy BIRTHday, Andrew! What a MIRACLE you are - just like your big brother and sister!!!! LOVE! So happy for your gorgeous family, Anna! :-)

  49. Woo Hoo! So thrilled for you all. Best news I've had in ages. What a lucky boy to be born to you two. Blessings and hugs and squeals all around.

  50. Congratulations!! So happy for you all!!!

  51. He's precious! Hope you're feeling well and enjoying the newborn snuggles.

  52. He is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to you and your family!! :)

  53. Congratulations! I never comment but follow your journey and my heart is full with this post. Love to your entire family.

  54. What a spectacular baby! God Bless!

  55. So happy for you. He is simply beautiful.

  56. Oh wow!!! He is ADORABLE!! I am so happy for you and your family. Opening day of baseball?? I can't help but think that's a sign from a big brother:). XO, NoVa Mom Jen

  57. Congrats! He's gorgeous!
    Diapers sent. :)

  58. Congratulations to you & Tim! What a precious gift! He is beautiful. Great job!!

  59. Congratulations to all of you. He's a lovely wee bairn.

  60. Yeah! He is beautiful! I am so glad that you are both well! Take care of yourself, and congratulations!

  61. Mazel Tov!! He's beautiful blessing to you and your family.

  62. What a precious boy! My heart is overwhelmed for you and your family ❤️ Congratulations!!

  63. What a gorgeous little boy! Congratulations!

  64. Congratulations! So happy for you <3

  65. Congratulations! My son is a handsome, dark-haired 17 year old. I think of you and Jack often. Enjoy every minute with little Andrew Luke!

  66. He's gorgeous. Congratulations! Hope you're feeling well.

  67. Huge congratulations to you all - he's gorgeous!

  68. Wonderful, wonderful news!! Congratulations. I hope Tim and Margaret were back from Florida in time!

  69. He's gorgeous! So excited for you all!!

  70. God is very, very good. So very happy for all of you!

  71. Congratulations! He is perfect! SO happy for you all.

  72. Congratulations! He is so precious and I am so happy for all of you. {{{HUGS}}}

  73. He is beautiful! You must be so excited! I hadn't read your blog for a long time and a few months ago, stumbled across it and you were six months pregnant. I was so surprised! And happy for you...

  74. Congratulations! He is beautiful! So happy for you all!

  75. Congratulations!! He is adorable!!

  76. Oh Anna, Tim, and Margaret! Congratulations! And happy birthday and welcome to Andrew! Look at that face! Those hands! He's going to be a mighty man some day, I can tell. The subtle significance of his middle name--I love it. It's a well-chosen tribute to his big brother.

    Happy healing, and happy nesting and resting. Hopefully those adult diapers will soon be a thing of the past.


  77. I followed your blog years ago, and I had to stop when I was crying too much! I still think of Jack often, though. I heard about your good news today and I just wanted to wish you and your beautiful family all the warmest wishes in the world!

  78. So, so happy for all of you. Congratulations!

    (another) karen

  79. Welcome, Andrew! So very happy for you all!

  80. As someone said above, God is good. May he bless all of you as you welcome this sweet baby into your family.

  81. My heart is so happy for yours. What a beautiful addition to a beautiful family--all 5 of you. God's richest blessings to you, Anna, Tim, Margaret, Andrew, and Jack...always Jack.

  82. So happy for you. He is beautiful.

  83. So happy for you. He is beautiful.

  84. Congratulations to you and the family! He is beautiful!

  85. He's beautiful! Congratulations!

  86. Ohhh, he is just such a sigh of happiness. I didn't know you before today. A friend on facebook liked Glennon's post announcing Andrew's birth and somehow the magic of Facebook thought I'd be interested in it too and put it on my laptop for me to see. I didn't understand Glennon's post at first, I read her blog once in a long while and who were these new names, that I knew weren't hers? So I read further, and googled some and read about your book. I am glad I found your story, and especially glad I found it today at it's happiest peak. It made it so much easier to read the grief knowing of this gift from God and Jack at the present time in the story. I have an Andrew and a Luke and three others as well. Congratulations on his birth, this is so beautiful, he is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story, I look at my five each day and hold my breath because I can't believe how blessed I am and how much I love them and I am so fearful of what could happen. So amazed and thankful that even with so many, nothing too terrible has happened. Reading your story I realized that even when something does happen, it doesn't take away the love, the beauty or the blessing or any future anxiety. Thank you, I needed this today. And Congratulations, he is a beautiful blessing.

  87. Happy tears and heartfelt smiles for you and your family on Andrew Luke's arrival!! Such a wonderful blessing! Congratulations Anna!

  88. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family. What a beautiful bundle of joy!

  89. Hi Anna - congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby! I have followed your story from afar - thank you for always being so honest and vulnerable and real. Your writing is a gift that has touched and inspired so many. Enjoy your sweet baby (and his lovely smelling head!) :-)

  90. Awwww, he's absolutely beautiful and look at those hands! They're huge! Congratulations:) Jack is smiling down on his new little brother:)

  91. April 3rd is my youngest daughter's birthday as well! She just turned 9. Congrats to you and your family. I have to say I was shocked to log-in to see if you had posted anything new....Yep! New baby!! God is Good.... all the time, and all the time God is Good. :-))

  92. The miracle of new life takes my breathe away. Welcome Andrew Luke!!!

  93. He IS perfect!

    Many blessings and a big THANKS BE TO GOD!!!

  94. God bless your precious baby Andrew. This made my day!!!!

  95. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for all FIVE of you, Anna. HUGS!!

  96. Jesus what an incredible miracle. Congratulations on your new gift, happy birthday Andrew xoxo

  97. My heart is so very happy for you. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!

  98. He's precious! Hope you're feeling well, getting some sleep (yea, right!), and enjoying those baby snuggles.

  99. Congrats!!! He's just beautiful!

  100. Awww, super big congrats! I don't think I've ever been happier for someone I didn't know! Wishing you and your family all the best!

  101. Wow! How gorgeous. How sweet. Congratulations to you and your family.

  102. Congratulations Anna and welcome to the world Andrew! So happy for you and your family.

  103. What happy news. He is perfect. Congratulations!

  104. I hope your first week is going well! When I found out you were expecting, I had just had our second baby... Our own baby Jack! I was still in the newborn haze and wanted to remind you of that hazy time in the first couple weeks of having a newborn. Now our boy is four months old and I just want to send my love and joy for baby Andrew. And a word of encouragement if you happen to be in the fog- as you probably can remember with your first two, it gets better! Not that I'm a pro or anything... It's just that I just went through it myself. Sleepless nights and sore everything, but then the fog lifts! Praying for you all and I'm so happy for you.

  105. Congratulations! I find it very interesting ... I hadn't visited your blog in over a year and for some reason you popped into my head and I thought, let me check out inch of grey and see how she's doing. And right on top i read "He's here!" My first thought was no way! A new baby?! So I went back and got caught up. What a wonderful surpise! So happy for all of you!

  106. I'm so pleased for all of you - congratulations!

    K x

  107. Congratulations on the birth of your precious new son, Andrew Luke! I imagine that you have many mixed feelings trying to integrate the loss in your past with the joy of this very special new gift. Life is like that, and like the title of your blog, very few things are just black and white. In the bigger picture your mother and Jack are watching your family with pride and deep seated love. They already fully understand that you will all be together for eternity. Enjoy your life at this very special juncture of time! "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!"

    God bless you! May you experience every moment of joy and peace as you welcome Andrew Luke into your family!

  108. Congratulations to you and your family Anna - what wonderful news! Xxx

  109. Wonderful news. Congratulations to you all. From Connie in Queensland, Australia.
