Monday, October 26, 2015

Baby Gender Reveal! It's a...

Last week was pretty terrible, but it got a whole LOT better toward the end. My morning sickness had abated, so I felt energy I hadn't had since summer. I wanted to get things done! I wanted to enjoy the fall weather! 

On Tuesday, a friend and I went for a walk, and I felt a sharp pain in my back. Kind of like 4 1/2 years ago when I reached into the fridge for a jug of milk and felt a pop. Yep, my back "went out" and since I'm pregnant, there wasn't much to do about it except ice it, use a heating pad, and be in pain. By Friday, I could barely move. Thoughts like, "How will I ever take care of a baby? I can't lift anything with my torn shoulder, and now I can't even walk!" flooded me with insecurity and doubt.

Saturday I woke up feeling better and we decided to go ahead with a gender reveal party with our Bible study group and their kids. Tim and Margaret did EVERYTHING for the party while I rested my back and read. 

At around noon these guys showed up with the most gorgeous cake they had made from scratch! Inside, the cake color would indicate whether we are having a girl or a boy. Dawn and her family (including baker extraordinaire, daughter Ellie) had known the gender for A WEEK but did a great job of not giving it away. Well, Jack's friend on the left did say a little something as they were leaving that made Margaret and me wonder...

Margaret and a friend did the decorating, and had a little chalkboard set up for people to vote BOY or GIRL. They also made necklaces to wear, indicating people's guesses.When our Bible study groups got there, in the late afternoon, we were, gulp, ready to find out!

Here we are about to cut into the cake. Wait, where did Tim go? He was out in the driveway waiting for the pizza guy.

After we found Tim, it was cake cutting time! Some people wondered if Tim and I had peeked at the contents of the envelope and knew the gender already. Nope. We wanted to be surprised.

If you would like to see a one minute video clip of the cake cutting, head to the An Inch of Gray Facebook page. I tried to put it here, but it wouldn't let me.

Oh, if you are going to go watch the video, don't read any further until you have done it. I don't want to ruin the surprise.


Ok? Good.

Here, are the photos right after we found out:

IT'S A BOY! Sooooo exciting!

I kept apologizing to Margaret that we didn't get her a sister with whom she could wear matching preppy dresses or show how to do makeup, but she handled it beautifully!

My back held out, and it was a wonderful experience to share with a few of the friends who have walked with us so closely through the good and bad, including my sister, her 2 precious kids, and others you will recognize from Rare Bird like Cindy, Jenn, and the young pastor.

Everyone was gone by 6:30 pm, and Tim, Margaret, and I set out to eat the huge bowl of homemade guacamole we forgot to put out for the party.

p.s. The cake was DELICIOUS!


  1. What an awesome idea!! How exciting!!! Congrats on your baby boy!!!! I can just imagine the anticipation prior to that first slice:). All the best, NoVa mom Jen

  2. Congratulations!!!!!! And I hope your back is better!

  3. Oh Anna:

    I watched the video on Saturday and frightened our cats with my very loud cheer! I cried such tears of happiness for your family. You've got this and I think a teenage boy named Jack certainly had a hand it to see you are not done with Lego yet.

    All my best wishes for a smooth pregnancy and delivery.


  4. So very happy for you - so exciting for all of you!!!

    Been meaning to post & tell you that you should ask your doctor if you would be allowed to use an inversion table. Weird, I know, but if you would be allowed to use it, gradually, & gently, it may help your back & shoulder. My darling husband got me one with infrared heat & it is a miracle for my frozen shoulder & my neck that always goes out.

  5. That's wonderful! Congratulations!!! Best wishes for smooth sailing in the coming months!

  6. I already posted on FB, but I still have to come on here and say congrats again. I'm SOOOO Excited for you all!! :)

  7. Whoa, where have I been???? Hiding under a rock! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW BABY BOY!! Hugs!! So happy for you, wow wow wow!!! Love the announcement, love all the smiles on y'all faces.

  8. All the best I am so happy with your news! Now Margaret is a big sister and Jack has a little brother. He continues to watch over you all from above. Hugs now from Blue Ridge, Georgia Dina

  9. Fun way to find out! That's thrilling to have a little guy on the way! My husband and I chose to have the surprise in the delivery room (two little girls - now 7 and 4). That was fun, but it was much harder to decide on a name for two genders.

  10. Hi ! I am sooo happy for you. I just finished your book Rare Bird and feel like I know you as a friend. My sweet daughter Sanders age 12
    Died June 11 in a zip line accident while away at camp. She left behind a mom who is trying each minute to care for her 11 year old son and husband who is almost beyond repair. Seeing your family and their genuine smiles gives me hope. A word that I thought would never again be in my vocabulary. Thanks for your inspiration !!

  11. Holy guacamole, that's so great! Congrats to you, Tim and Margaret on expecting your new little boy -- you're a far braver woman than I! Much love...

  12. I just read your article in the Washington Post. Congratulations! Here's to creating new fingerprints and footprints in the days and years ahead. WOW.

  13. I have to say Anna, you are incredibly generous to share all this with your blog-people. It's the kind of thing that many people would be too afraid to mention till they were practically ready to pop, but you shared the news early because you are a generous person -- and brave! -- and you clearly enjoy spreading joy whenever possible. And BTW, you could easily pass for 35. E in VT

  14. OH, sorry, one more thing. a B E A U T I F U L piece of writing about Stephen Colbert in GQ (I promise, it does relate to you and your grief-journey) that I think you will get a lot out of. Colbert is a pretty serious (though completely irreverant) Christian and lost the 3 people he loved most in the world when he was 10 years old (they were all on a plane that crashed). he talks about how God helped him survive (and lots of other things). by the end of the piece i was weeping so loudly my spouse started to get worried: love, E in VT

  15. What!? This is incredible. Huge congratulations and very best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and dear baby son. So extremely happy for your family. What a story.

  16. So pleased for your family and the happiness this news brings. Stay well.

    K xxx

  17. I have not posted in years, but am following you, Anna, and am thrilled for you and your family.

    I just attended a baby shower this past weekend and wrapped the gift in paper that declared "A BABY IS HEAVEN SENT!" That sure seems to be the case with this one!

    Please pamper yourself as much as possible -- you deserve it and it will be good for the pregnancy. I hope your back and shoulder improve -- again, try whatever is recommended by reliable sources, as you want to be in good shape for baby holding. :)

    My brother is 11 years younger than I, and I was like his little mother. My Girl Scout troop members earned their babysitting badge using him -- we all took turns diapering him, I love to remind him now, LOL! Margaret's friends will be begging to come over and share in the baby experience.

    I so felt your pain years ago, and can feel your joy now. Thanks so much for sharing -- best wishes to all of you!

  18. Oh, congratulations! You look awesome by the day, seriously you are looking younger every day! I'm so happy for you guys even though I don't even know you.

    I threw my back out when I was pg with my boys - what a nightmare. I couldn't even walk. I was like 7 weeks and didn't even want to use the heating pad. This too shall pass.

  19. I just finished reading your book, it was heartbreaking but so so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story and I'm glad it didn't end with the book and I can continue to follow along with your blog. Congratulations, I'm so excited for you guys and praying for an easy pregnancy from this point on!

  20. Blessings on all of you as you prepare for a blue-wrapped bundle of pure love! May God so richly bless you. I'm excited and I don't even know you all!

  21. Obviously no one can replace Jack, but I was rooting for a boy! I think it will be especially healing for Tim to have a son again.

    Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy. Just think -- Sarah in the Bible managed it, and I'm sure God will provide for you, too.

  22. I'd already seen this on facebook but it makes me smile to read about it and see the photos again. I'm really happy for you, Tim, and Margaret. God must have some very special plans for this boy.

  23. Beautiful,

  24. Wonderful blessings to you all - I hope your back continues to feel better. I think cake is the perfect medication as well as celebration. Congratulations on your baby boy to come; I'm positive Jack is smiling and watching over you all!

  25. This made me cry, Anna....I have been thinking about your family sooooo much lately. I am so happy for you, and keep imagining how excited Jack is for you, too.
    Lisa G. in CT

  26. Last night I went to my book club and a friend said, "Did you hear Anna is having a boy??!!!!" The wee, little Donaldson baby is making ripples all the way to Kansas City.

    I share your back/shoulder issues. Came across this website last month and it has helped tremendously. You might want to check it out.

    So happy for your great news. Feel better :)

  27. So very happy to keep seeing the posts and comments and all the love being showered on you and Tim and Margaret and her little brother. Praying for all good things. Hope your back is better soon.

  28. Cheers, Anna. Baby Boy. Very excited for you. Wishing you the best. Cheers to Margaret too!

  29. A baby boy! Amazing and wonderful. It's so great to virtually share this joy with you after virtually sharing your sorrow over the past 4 years. I just know this baby will be the perfect addition to your sweet family!

  30. Totally laughed -cried- screamed when I watched the video. SO excited for you, Tim and Margaret. Congratulations!

  31. Anna, I'm so excited for your family! I've been on the run for the last year and a half or so and haven't had time to read. It seems now I finally can. I've thought about you and your family a lot and wondered how you all were. Margaret has gotten SO big! It's nice to be able to catch up with my favorite people, hopefully I'll be able to stay put for a time and keep in touch with the people I've missed. With much love, and congratulations! xoxo Diva

  32. Look at that CAKE! Sounds like the perfect party. The video is great. I'm so happy and excited for you all!

  33. When I was 10 my baby sister died at 4 months old of SIDS. Two years later my mom was expecting again I wanted a sister so badly but I stead it was a second baby boy. As an adult I am so glad to have my mom all to myself. I love our mother/daughter bond and it turns out brothers are great!

  34. So happy for you. I was hoping it was a boy!

  35. Anna - just wanted to share this story that I came across. She's a first time mom at 47 - found out she was pregnant just one hour before she delivered a healthy 8+ baby!

  36. Haven't checked in a while and I couldn't be more moved and more thrilled for you over your news! Congratulations.
