Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year

Hello Bedford Falls! Hello you old Savings and Loan!

Ok, so I haven't been as far afield as George Bailey, but it sure SEEMS like longer than just a week since I've been here with you. During that time Tim and I celebrated our 18th anniversary at a B & B, and I got Margaret to join me in a little furniture painting project, hoping that some cold hard cash (if it sells) will inspire more mother-daughter projects.

I hope your holidays were good, and if they weren't, I hope you are proud of yourself for just making it through. That is no small thing.

Now that we are easing into 2015, I hope to do a little more writing and speaking, and a lot less snacking.

My BIG NEWS for this winter is that my fleece-lined leggings and I will be going on a World Vision trip to Armenia! When I was invited, it only took me about 5 seconds to say YES! I am looking forward to seeing first-hand the work World Vision does to improve children's lives. I also have A LOT of learning to do about Armenia, its history, and its culture. I can't wait to share my experiences with you here.

I thought for starters you might like to read this World Vision blog post about Armenia and our upcoming trip.

P.S. If you are in the Richmond, VA area, I'd love for you to join me at First Presbyterian Church on January 27. Here's the info.


  1. So exciting! You're going to do amazing things.

  2. Way to start a New Year!
    Thrilled, and cannot wait to follow along your journey ... you will write this so well ... you go girl.

  3. Congratulations Anna, that is fantastic news!

  4. SO exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  5. OH that is just amazing!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Just one more piece of this world that you can bless and LORD knows they need YOU. Will be praying for your planning and preparation and your travels and experience my friend!!

  6. Cool! My World Vision sponsor kid is in Armenia, his name is Artzun :)

  7. Wow! That will be an amazing trip! Derick and I have been with World Vision, Canada for twenty -five years. I love the updates we get on our boys throughout the year. Can't wait to hear all about your trip. xo

  8. Okay. I think i erased my comment. Pooh. But how cool for you. I must admit my first reference point of Armenia was the Kardashians. Talk about Firsr World blinders. Look forward to learning more from your visit. Awesome.

  9. I lived in Armenia for a year, and I LOVED it. People are friendly, food is great, countryside is beautiful. You will have a terrific time, I'm sure. If they send you to Russia next, come visit - we're in Moscow now.

  10. Be safe in Armenia. Sounds like a wonderful voyage!

  11. That's AWESOME, Anna! What a great thing to look forward to! I can't wait to hear about your trip.
