Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Angel Watching Over Me?

As a little girl, I pored over my picture Bible, sang Vacation Bible School songs around the house, and prayed earnestly that God would somehow be as real to me as he was to my mom. 
“Mom! Come here!” I called out one night, long after bedtime. I was around 7 years old. My sister slept soundly in her twin bed next to mine. My mother opened the door to our darkened room and asked me what was wrong.

“An angel! I saw an angel on the ceiling, right by the door!” 
I couldn’t really describe what I’d seen. It was more a shadowy, safe presence, than anything else. Angel is the word that came to me, even though I saw no wings, no halo, no face. Maybe I'd been sleeping and had dreamed it up.
“That’s great, Anna” my mom said, not making it sound all that great.

“Go back to sleep.”
So I did.
I felt dismissed and decided to keep any future angel sightings to myself. It wouldn’t be until I became a parent that I would fully understand that having a wakened child go back to sleep can feel more important to moms and dads than whatever heavenly visitors may have stopped by. I mean, I'd actually once crawled right into Margaret's crib, my boob in her mouth, just so she and I could get a little sleep.
I didn’t mind that no one else had seen what I had, and I didn't tell anyone else about it. Seeing an angel, a shadow, or whatever it had been, was odd. Sure, I’d asked God to become real to me, but I thought angels were limited to my picture Bible or their annual shout-out at Christmas. Later, they would become "in vogue" and could be seen on everything from lovely Christmas ornaments to cheesy plastic keepsakes. I decided I'd stick with my Bible verses and songs, thank you very much, and leave the matter of angels to others.

In fact, I wouldn't give angels another thought for the next 34 years...

What about you? Have you ever thought about angels?


  1. My mother's younger brother died tragically in his mid 20s -- I was 4 years old, and I remember everything about that time. After he died, my mom told me that he was my guardian angel and would always watch out for me. I have always believed that he is watching out for me, and when I'm troubled or worried, I think of him. It brings me a great deal of comfort.

  2. I don't have experience with angels per se, but I have had very powerful moments when I feel a "presence." One time I was coming back from a run, and this butterfly followed me all the way home. I swear it was my grandmother. I couldn't stop thinking about her while that beautiful butterfly followed my every turn. :)

  3. In the bible, whenever an angel shows up, don't they always say: "Do not be afraid!" I don't know if that's because bible angels are scary or if they choose to come to us in moments when we are scared or what. But I think about them, too.

  4. I can't recall ever seeing an angel - other than the live ones walking around spreading kindness...but, I do believe in angels. And I'm sure they are here - helping, guiding and protecting us when they can.

  5. No sightings, but frequently my grandson looks to the side of the room (away from where the family is sitting) and smiles in the most charming way. He is 8 months old--and I wonder if there is an angel that he is charming. My daughter says it happens a couple times a day--and freaks her out a bit.

  6. Unfortunately, Brian (my 14-year-old) and I have become hooked on Dr. Who. So now angels tend to look a tad sinister to me, particular weeping ones.

  7. All kidding aside, however, there have been 3 or 4 times in my life when I KNOW a benevolent, compassionate presence was in the room with me. No question about it...

  8. When my second son was 2, and shortly after my oldest son had died, he was staring at the wall and I couldn't shake his concentration. It was then that he said Daniel was an angel.

  9. There's no doubt in my mind that there are presences ALL around us, all the time that we do not see. Our perception is so limited! Children seem to tune into them much more easily than adults.

    I wouldn't necessarily call them angels but that's only because "angel" has come to be associated with saccharine images of babies and women with wings. Angelic presences prior to the 19th century (when the Victorians made them all sentimental) were thought of as powerful and fierce. Sometimes frightening. Sometimes comforting.
    Sometimes bearing news.

    I saw an angel only once. I came in with my husband from eating dinner out, and we BOTH saw a light in our bedroom. It was a dim light that fluttered but it didn't make sense because nothing was on in the bedroom. Maybe just something digital we'd forgotten about? No. It was not at all menacing so we walked toward the room and as we rounded the corner, it exited the house through the screen door. And floated off. A smallish, dim, rounded light. I've never told anyone this except my brother (when I was drunk once) because modern peoples are not allowed to speak about the things they see if they don't conform to the narrow confines of accepted reality. But I feel free here, because I'm pretty anonymous.

    I believe it was the very recently departed presence of a dear friend of ours who had died not 3 days before and we were still stinging from the hurt. I believe he was still lingering around -- for just a few more days after his biological departure. And then he was gone for good. E.

  10. I saw a MASSIVE angel standing in front of my front door, wearing a football jersey with his arms crossed in front of him and he was buff too...... I didnt see wings nor did I see his face but I saw his torso and those massive muscular arms folded/crossed in front of him. I still dont understand why he had a football jersey on but I can only think its because he was defending/ securing our home and our safety. God is Good!!!

  11. Absolutely! Brody was 3 when Avery died. He told me how he saw her - but that she had pink wings and a white dress. Another time he was giggling and carrying on in his room like crazy and Matt went in to tell him to quiet down; the next morning he told me how he and Avery were "playing laughing but when Dad came in then he couldn't see her." Yet another time he told me about how Avery liked to go in the woods and hug the monster and she told him the monster wasn't scary but he still didn't want to touch it. I had no idea what he was talking about, but by then was completely convinced Avery was visiting him. A few weeks later I purchased the book Heaven is for Real for Kids. In it is a picture of a bunch of animals all together in a green forest. In the middle was a large (but gentle looking) lion. Brody pointed to it and said, "Avery likes to hug that monster but I don't want to." Then he pointed to the picture of the white horse on the page and said, "that is Jesus's horse."

    I wish I could say it lasted. It did, but not long enough. Brody hasn't had an Avery sighting in many, many months --- and I kind of miss it.

    But angels - absolutely. Kids being able to see angels - you betcha!

  12. My grandma always told me about how when she was 5 years old her own grandmother died and she saw an angel at the exact moment standing outside her house. I never doubted their existence probably in part because of that story.

  13. Something similar happened to me when I was a child. I saw what I thought was my mom, standing in my doorway, but when I called out to her, she didn't move. So I started callng out louder for my mom, and then my mom came into my room from another room. I know it was an angel.

  14. During a particularly tough time, I asked my Mother-in-Law to be there for her son; I told her he was struggling.

    Not five minutes later, he saw a cardinal in the tree directly outside our living room window.

    She answered me.

  15. I believe in angels because of children. Children have told me they've seen people they've never met and have felt comforted rather than afraid. The times that I've felt a presence I've instintively kept it to myself.

  16. I saw an angel when I was a little girl, around 8 years old. My sister and I slept on bunk beds and I was on the top. I remember waking up and seeing a bright presence standing above my sister's dresser. The angel was floating above the dresser, not standing on it and even though the figure was so bright, the rest of the room was dark. I couldn't really see any face. I was terrified!! I quickly turned my head away and ended up falling asleep under the covers. In the morning, I told my mom and dad who were delighted! They said, next time, say, Hello, my name is Rachel! I never did see another but sometimes I wonder if I will again. It's a precious gift of a memory to me and I don't really bring it up too much either.

  17. I woke up one night to see a flowing see thru figure in my hallway outside my roomates bedroom door. I remember I felt peace when I saw it and I fell back asleep. I told her about it the next day and she started crying. She told me that night she had been on the phone with her friend crying that night at some difficult life decisions she had to make. He told her he was praying for her and said her angels would help guide her. So yes, I believe.

  18. I do believe in angels. I know that they come in all forms and that just when I need them they show up.

    and I believe in the goodness of angels, the miracles they foretell and the news they help us through.

    when I was battling infertility the song I clung to was "Calling All Angels" and loved the line "I won't give up, if you don't give up" . My angel mantra I used to say.

    Ben is an angel , I know he is.

    1. I just cried with your words, I had a similar experience to yours. I do believe also my son is an angel...The wise things he says in the unexpected moments, the comfort and love he gives us daily. .and he is only five. He is the constant reminder to us that God has a purpose for all of us and is guiding us. Thank you Kir.

  19. Yes, certainly believe! I recall in college that I heard an interview on TV with someone who'd written an entire book about 'conversing' with angels by sitting and meditating with a pen and paper in hand. I chose to try it and definitely felt messages pour into my thoughts and ended up written out before me. I got a lot of comforting, loving words through this practice of writing to angels. I filled up a whole notebook! All I remember at the time was that it was a way to feel connected to a peace that I didn't have at the time, therefore it felt very, very real. "My angels" as I called them, gave a strong presence. Now of course, I feel silly for sharing this, and perhaps it was all just my mind??? But, my heart tells me otherwise. Thanks for sharing your angel story, Anna.

  20. I have felt presences all my life, since I remember. Some when my baby was born, being him the one letting me know it was there with his eyes, until he was 3 years old and told me he couldn't sleep because "him" won't let him. Pointing to the same door in the room he has looking at since he was a baby. We all prayed and asked that presence to leave. It was scary, but I don't think he was a bad presence, more like we don't knowing what to make of it...
    Years ago, I went to Florida specifically to meet a recommended healing lady who was for a few days visiting from Brazil. A friend of this healing lady let her use her office just for our meeting on that day. When I got into the building, with lots of corridors and doors I felt a little scared but then I saw a beautiful young woman all dressed in white, with a white sparkle applied in her front head. She stopped and asked me what are you looking for? I said I am looking for this lady and I forgot the office number..The young lady said, oh I know, let me show you where it is, and walked me to this door. I was very grateful and she said goodbye. I asked for her name and right after I forgot it. When I knocked the door the healing lady was smiling and we hug. I told her I got lost but this nice lady helped me, she said she knows you and to tell you that she sent me. The healing lady was so surprised, she said none knows I am here except for my friend and she is at her house. I am getting skin bumps.. I truly believe it was an angel helper on that day for us. This healing lady was very important at that point of my life. I have prayed to remember her name and haven't had luck yet. I truly believe in angels and call them to surround my son wherever he goes, or to surround us when we are driving, for protection. I do feel their it and feel so grateful.

  21. I'm not crazy for angels the way some people are, but I kind of like the idea that they are around, watching over us and protecting us from the world's evils. As a kid I prayed that God would keep spirits away from me because I was afraid of apparitions, and I can't help but think that he answered those prayers over and over again.

  22. Oh, I have one more! Though this was not an angel, I almost thought it must be an angel the first time I heard a Hermit Thrush (our state bird). It is a truly heavenly sound they make and the next time you're in the woods, try to listen for one. The one on youtube does NOT do it justice so I'm not linking it but man, it is otherworldly to hear them in real life. (I will try to SHUT MY MOUTH for a while now.) E.

  23. I don't really know what I think of angels. I do believe that there are souls of people alive in the world. If that means they come in the form of angels to some people, I guess I can get behind that. I know I feel the souls of those not with me anymore whenever I am outside and there is a breeze.

  24. One evening about 14 years ago when I was holding my first baby, Olivia and rocking her and cuddling with her with her eyes on me, I remember her eyes turned from me and she was staring up at the ceiling (for what seemed like a long time) and she had a little smile. At that moment I knew without a doubt "she sees an angel!" And I haven't thought of that until now. Wow! Thanks Anna for sharing and bringing that memory back to me.

  25. I love angels and I have a collection of some in my home. I do believe in having guardian angels around me.

  26. My father died when I was 5 and my mother died when I was in my early twenties and my brother and sister died shortly after that. I have prayed long and hard all my life to see one glimpse or sign of my dead family but I never have. As a matter of fact I have never had any prayers "answered" or even addressed in any way. I do believe in "living angels" and am lucky enough to have found a mother figure that I can turn to.

  27. This summer we were on our boat on the river. My daughter was laying on the bow enjoying the sun. She sat up after a while and calmly told me she heard angels singing. She is 11. It is hard to believe, but she has always had such a special connection to God, I just accept it. What else do you do with a child who hears angels?
