Thursday, March 13, 2014

Old School

Back in the stone age of blogging, say 6 or so years ago, bloggers sent around questions like this to get to know each other better. I thought it would be fun to join my friends Kim and Elaine in answering Old School Blogging questions today. Feel free to answer any of these questions in the comments section, or if you are a blogger, please link up with other bloggers HERE or HERE to make new friends.

What is the last thing you watched on TV?
The Americans on Amazon Prime. Tim and I are trying to watch at least one episode every night after Margaret goes to bed. We are staying up too late, but I'm glad it's a show we both want to watch. I love the outfits from the early eighties, but Felicity, I mean Keri Russell, looks a lot more stylish than most suburban moms I knew back then.

When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
I just let Shadow out to pee. It is so windy today! I'm guessing she's NOT getting a walk unless things settle down a bit.

What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Lot's of  stuff. Family wall calendar, pictures of the kids. I'm in the kitchen.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
I would buy five acres in the Shenandoah Valley and put a GORGEOUS cottage on it so I could see the mountains from my porch/es. And by cottage, I mean adorable yet spacious house with all the bells and whistles. Preferably yellow.

Tell me something about you that most people don’t know.
I like to organize other people's stuff. I think I would do a good job of helping elderly people think through what to keep when they are overwhelmed with the task of downsizing.

Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
Telemarketer. I don't pick up the phone. Ever.

If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?
I would blow open the kitchen to the living room and dining room. I would do it TODAY. I'd also add a screened porch, b/c I miss my old one. And I'd have ferns on it, if I had someone else to water them and keep them alive.

What was the last thing you bought?
A scarf from Everyday Icing and a chair from Working from home has become expensive for me because of pop-up sales on my computer screen. I also have a slight chair problem. I give them away, but somehow keep ending up with more.

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? 
Sky diving, but only if I am strapped to an instructor. No way would I trust  myself to pull the cord!

If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
I'm weird and tongue tied around famous people. See also: "Anna meets Cheryl Strayed, Maya Angelou, and Kelly Corrigan and says NOTHING." If this hypothetical includes those living or dead, I'd take a gyro and fries with my mom and my son Jack over ever meeting any famous person.

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
I don't really have any stores I'm that into. Homegoods, maybe? Marshall's? I should probably pick a clothing store because I'm sick of all of my clothes, but I don't even know where to start. Friends tell me Nordstrom Rack is awesome...

Is the glass half empty or half full?
I would say half full, but my family would probably say I'm half empty!

What’s the farthest-away place you’ve been?

What’s under your bed? 
Baseball cards.

What is your favorite time of the day?
Mid-day. I would be a happy camper if all of my interactions-- social, business, amorous or otherwise-- could take place solely between 10-2.

What Inspires You?
People who overcome obstacles. People who are humble and are not worried about personal reputation or glory. People who aren't afraid to get involved in messy situations. Foster parents.

Your turn! If you are a blogger and want to do some Old School Blogging, just cut and paste the questions, grab the badge over at Elaine's, and Please link up! 


  1. I'm so inept at blog hopping, I think I did it wrong! lol
    I put MY name, not the name of my blog. Ugh.
    But I did it. ;)

  2. so fun to read! love the americans though have only watched a few episodes with chris. read wild by strayed as well- she is so intriguing! and i wish this crazy wind would just blow itself away.
    and i have a really fun idea.... since you love organizing other people's stuff.... um come on over!

  3. I said that early morning was my favourite because of the peace and coffee - but I am also partial to mid-day. I think it is most productive time, as well. Once I get to mid-late afternoon I start to run out of steam. :)

  4. Anna, I couldnt find your email to private message you....sorry. I am doing a 2nd annual 'water run' in memory of my son who drowned-Ollie and all other victims-jack, I would like any of your input in bringing awareness to drowning, and we will be having photos of the victims of drowning along the course and be honoring them! I would LOVE for you to be a part in some way....
    my email or just fb or blog me...
    Tifany Hebb-Ollies momma
    from one angel momma heart to another

  5. Ha ha! these are cute and i enjoyed reading your answers.
    Love that signs sign


  6. I LOVE The Americans! Totally hooked. And I was just saying to my husband how she looks a little too fashionable for a suburban mom in the '80s :)

    Love knowing more about you. xo

  7. So can I hire you to help me get rid of stuff. I keep putting it off. Too many telemarketers lately. Love the pictures. Fun post and you inspire me like no other!!!!!!

  8. Love this. I want to watch The Americans, but stupid Canadian Netflix doesn't have it. I would say glass half full too, but I think my family would also say that I am "half empty". Yes, yes to the gorgeous cottage and I'm laughing about the ferns because I would have to get someone else to water them too. We can't keep any plant alive around here.

  9. We should So totally go shopping together sometime!

    Also, Can I please come hang out at your cottage?

    Seeing that you linked up made me smile big. :D xo

  10. I don't have a blog but love these so will answer in comments:


    took a walk around the lake

    two embroideries I bought in Vietnam, a oil painting from Australia, a van gogh print, a watercolor from peru and print titled wineocerous, and a painting of a building I managed construction on in the 90's.

    I would build a brick tudor in the same neighborhood I am in. It would be about the same size as my house but would have a yard big enough for a lap pool. It would have to be in my same neighborhood and would have all the charm of my 1932 home but with a few more amenities.

    that I shower every morning and again before bed, not matter how late I go to bed and even if I showered after a late workout. It calms me before bed.

    My sister.

    I would turn my basement into a walkout and put a nice master down there.

    new bedding.

    sky diving, also with an instructor.

    Tom Brokaw. He has lived such a fascinating life.

    Nordies, and I would prefer if the personal shopper would just do the shopping while i had a glass of wine with a friend.

    half full

    Mauritius, and I would love to go back, lovely people and the only place I have ever been referred to as America. Apparently they do not see American travelers very often.

    probably dust bunnies. : (


    Words. I love both well written and well spoken words. I constantly highlight books or copy and paste from blogs.

  11. I can't answer all those questions but when I saw your Looking for Signs, it made me look at my office wall. Brian Andrus is a favorite artist of mine and his work, "Waiting for Signs" speaks to me.

  12. Just started watching The Americans. it is sooo good! I really enjoyed getting to know more about you. Baseball cards? Your collection or were they Jack's? xoxoxo

  13. I love this, Anna! And all your answers...especially 'who you would want to have lunch with' and the kind of people that inspire you. You always keep it real & true. Oh, also loved seeing all the pics of the kids! Sending my love.

  14. I know it's not the point of the post, but look how pretty you are in your wedding photo. Love the flowers. So pretty.

  15. Here's mine:

    E. in Vt.

  16. Anna, I love your outlook & want to be your friend! Hugs on Jack's upcoming birthday.

  17. I miss old school blogging and would totally do this if my blog wasn't broken. Which reminds me - I have to call that "code guy." Also? I have ALWAYS wanted a yellow house.

  18. I love reading the answers to questions like these, and discovering new blogs along the way.

  19. Dang pop up screen enticing you to buy all of the things...haha. I get it. I started freelancing and having to do shopping...I mean research on the internet.
    Yea, them telemarketers...grrrrr...

  20. I totally get how working from home is expensive. Amazon Prime can also be a black hole for a lot of our income.

  21. i LOVE your look for a sign sign!
