Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I was at Target earlier this week and picked up a cool dark green purse for myself for Valentine's Day. Years ago I told myself I would never resort to shopping for presents for myself for holidays. I was certain the strength of Tim's and my love would manifest itself in thoughtful, romantic gifts year after year after year. The fact that he bought me a coupon organizer for grad school graduation should have tipped me off that something was amiss, but alas, I forged ahead with stars in my eyes.

When I showed Tim and Margaret the purse a few days ago, Tim was offended that I'd picked something out for myself. "I've already planned on ordering you something for Valentine's Day!" he said.

"Is it chocolate, jewelry, flowers, or this green purse?" I asked.


He whispered in Margaret's ear hoping to get her approval. I may have overheard something that sounded an awful lot like "wireless mouse" which IS something I 've been wanting, but that won't look quite as cute out and about as my new green purse.

Feel free to take a trip with me down memory lane to revisit Valentine's Day 2006-2008 with the Donaldson family. And a Happy Valentine's Day to you!


  1. Dee

    Green purse trumps !! ( hinted , hinted, hinted for a birdbath from Cracker Barrell - finally just told him - but he's the best!! God knew exactly who I needed on this journey !)

  2. Yes, I will absolutely shop for my own gift. That way, I know I will LOVE it. :)

    Cute purse!

  3. Wireless mouse--definitely not as cute as this purse! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family.

  4. I am all for the green purse. The wireless mouse won't be offended!

  5. Wireless mouse--definitely not as cute as this purse. Best wishes to you and your family on Valentine's Day.

  6. I've been married to Brad for seven years, and I don't think we've exchanged gifts for at least five. Sometimes we give each other gifts, but not when we're "supposed" to. So, yes, I have bought myself gifts.

    Take the mouse though, just because you bought a handbag you can consider it as PART of your gift.

  7. Love it! I think I need a green purse from my valentine too...ha! I'll give him the receipt and a thank you!

  8. Love the green purse! At Christmas I sent photos of everything I wanted to my husband. He did great!! ;)

  9. That purse is terrific? I might have to get myself one...

  10. This post made me laugh! I adore your new green purse. It looks so classy. Tim should be relieved because when it comes time to tell someone you got it for Valentine's Day, they'll think he has outstanding taste!!

  11. Cute purse (or 'bag' as we say here in New Zealand!). Hope you have a lovely V Day. Xx amanda

  12. Oh my goodness I had a good laugh at your '06-'08 link. I have to give you a pat on the back for being so open and SO honest about your expectations. And then ask why is it so hard for them to "hear" what we're saying?

    I'm fortunate enough to have a spouse who is much more romantic than me on those days that matter. It's the days in between he needs to work on, lol.

    Happy day!

  13. I'm laughing so hard. :-)

    Aaaah, my friend.

    My husband is good at romantic gifts, but he always messes up Valentine's Day.

  14. I knew before marrying my husband that I'd have to either buy my gifts, or tell him what to buy. Honestly, although romantic gifts would be nice occasionally, there are so many other reasons I love him, I can't complain too much!!

  15. I love your green purse, Anna. And happy valentine's day to you!

  16. LOVE this! I believe firmly that shopping for yourself is the only way you will ever get what you really want. I love your new purse. :)

  17. I love buying myself gifts! Glad you bought the purse, it's really cute. My wireless mouse is awesome but not really what I would want for Valentine's day.

  18. I received jumper cables as a gift once. I now shop for myself as well ;-)

  19. What a great color. Very fresh!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    But what are you getting Tim??

  20. to you, from you with Love!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  21. To you
    From you
    with Love

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. Realizing that subtlety was lost on my ex-husband, I used to show him pictures of exactly what I wanted him to buy me for special occasions. He still didn't get it for me. Now that we're no longer married, I just buy myself whatever I want. Not very romantic, but much more fulfilling. Love your green purse Anna. :)

  23. i love the green purse. Happy Valentine's Dat to you and the Family.

  24. I bought myself that green purse two weeks ago. Just because.

  25. Ugh! My Hubs likes to joke about Feb being sweeps month for him because of my birthday, V Day and our anniversary. It always gets a laugh and people tease him about buying one card for all three, blah, blah, blah. Nope, usually not even one card...the old "Hallmark ripoff" bit. Ugh!
    I like the green purse plan much better and will implement it next year for sure.

  26. I suspect V-day refers not ONLY to Valentine's day but to one Eve Ensler inspired movement? ;) I could be wrong. But having a popular blog is tricky because you have to be careful. My (now dormant) blog was not particularly popular but I couldn't believe how much I felt I had to censor myself. It got so frustrating. I once was going to post a link to a product I thought was fabulous -- as a thank you -- completely harmless, right? My spouse says to me, "but I don't know if he's a legal immigrant so you might get him in trouble if you call attention." UGHG! Just let me write! The self-censorship can become challenging. e. in vt.

  27. Love the green purse. Good call!

  28. That green purse is awesome! I don't normally buy myself anything for holidays, except I always do for Valentine's because I've always been single on that holiday, and I want something to look forward to on that day...I like loving on people and want to feel excited myself, so I buy one thing new to wear every year. It works!

  29. Love that purse! I told Scott I would like flowers for Valentine's Day. Sometimes it's just easier to tell him.
