Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Checking In...

We are on vacation in the land of generous people. Remember the last time I was here and had to rely on the kindness of strangers? That was a healing trip with plenty of alone time to write and to cry.

This trip is louder. It is a time to fish, play four square, eat crabs (and carbs!), and polish of pan after pan of brownies. The weather has been amazing. Shadow is having the time of her life chasing tennis balls up and down the huge hill that leads to the pond. I keep saying, "Jack would LOVE this!" It's hard to make a trip without him, but the alternative is to do nothing, ever, which I think would be worse.

My sister brought a 1000 piece baseball themed Jigsaw puzzle for us to set up on the table. Yeah, Jack would have loved that.

We have no wi/fi, so I'm at the cutest little country library just checking in to say hello to this caring community we have here. I hope you are doing well.

Oh, I also wanted to share the really crappy view off the back deck of the house we're borrowing:


  1. It sounds like a wonderful place to be. Jack WOULD have loved it....I'm glad you all are too.


  2. Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip! Enjoy the rest of your stay!!

  3. So glad you are all enjoying your trip - and you are correct...doing nothing would be much worse, and I'm pretty sure Jack would not have liked that at all. And that crappy view...must be painful to view each day! ;) Truly is gorgeous and hope the rest of your trip is wonderful!

  4. Jack would have loved that you are enjoying your life and that you think of him and what he would love. xo Diana

  5. It sounds like a wonderful trip and I am sure Jack would love it! I'm glad you went. I agree that doing nothing would be worse. Keeping busy is better. ((HUGS))

  6. So glad you are having a wonderful time and making even more memories. I'm sure Jack would have loved it.

  7. Enjoy your time! know Jack would be happy about that. But he is still with you, ALWAYS. And, that crappy view...WOW!

    Hugs to you.
    Lee Anne

  8. Sounds like a great trip! Enjoy the carbs and everything else, especially that crappy view. :)

  9. Looks beautiful, and also, now I can't get brownies out of my head.

  10. We vacation in upstate NY in a tiny town that until this year had no wifi or internet or even cell phone connection. It was lovely to completely unplug for a whole week! Sounds like the perfect trip for you. I could do some damage to brownies too!

  11. It looks like paradise! Enjoy! Nova Mom Jen

  12. Have fun! I agree that doing nothing would be ten times worse. That picture makes me very jealous :)

  13. Happy that you are enjoying a rejuvenating time with family.

  14. Looks lovely...

    Best wishes
    K x

  15. Hope you are having a wonderful time!
