Thursday, January 17, 2013

Out of the Mouths of Babes

So, in going through folders of the kids' stuff last week, I found some more gems to share with you. One is a "song" written by 4 year old Jack. And by song, I mean non-rhyming stream of consciousness. And by "written," I mean sung to me as I furiously struggled to write it all down.

And, in his little preschool way of being on a roll and having my undivided attention, Jack went on for a good four pages. He riffs about God, the Bible, Adam and Eve, Jonah, hitting, and going potty. Wishing I could hear his little baby voice rocking out to this song, but I'm glad I have it written down.

I thought you would especially like the chorus,

"If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"

And some verses:

"Everyone as a heart inside you
So if you're lost
He never takes his eyes off you
When He's looking at you
He's looking at everyone in the world"

"So If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"

"I'm telling you the truth, I'm telling the truth again
So really God is looking at you the whole day long
He never takes his eyes off you
He is everywhere"

"If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"

"If you're up in Heaven, you'll never bump your head
fall down the stairs
or have to go potty again
But down here you have to do those things"

"And Still God can find you
Whenever you're lost God can really find you
He can see inside your heart
Try to make people with really small hearts really
do good instead of bad"

And a safety tip:

"If Jesus tells you to do something, he's telling you the right thing
but not anyone else
If someone tells you to get in his car, don't do it."

"If you're lost, God can find you
If you're lost, God sure can!"

We do believe that when Jack was lost in the water, God never took His eyes off of him. And if you are feeling lost, He can find you, too.


  1. oh that is the sweetest thing i have read this week... and i love the safety tip. and of course its actual relevance.... so true.

  2. So sweet that you took the time to write down what Jack sang/said to you that day. You are an incredible mother in the patience that it must have taken, along with the fun and joy, of course! He was indeed a super special one of God's loved ones. Thanks for sharing---I may just go down to the basement and dig out some of the old (and I mean old, like 30 years old!) papers of my two "kiddoes" to read them and remember again.

  3. You remind me so often to document as much as I can of my girls' little lives! Love the raw faith of a little child. Even when I struggle with my own faith, I'm reminded to have faith like a child.


  4. I love this.

    I love what Jack sang (and you wrote down)
    but I think I love what you wrote at the end even more.

    Thanks for the blessings and testimony that you continue to share.

  5. What a wise and insightful four year old!

    Thank you for sharing his beautiful words...They were such a blessing to read.

  6. What a wonderful song by Jack! I am doing a Ladies Bible Study of Genesis right now and this makes think of the words of Genesis 16:13 "You are the God who sees me". Jack is reminding us all of this today!

  7. Jack really was AMAZING!!! At the young age of 4 he thought those thoughts....Incredible! Brought smiles and tears to my eyes. So special you have that written down!! Hugs to you Anna!

  8. I wish I could give you the biggest hug...ever.

  9. I mean are the cutest mom for writing this down as he sang it to you. Brought a huge smile to my face. I hope it does to yours too. What a treasure to have. And yes, Anna, his eye was always on Jack. Hugs from Purcellville.

  10. Best thing I ever read! What an amazing boy.

  11. I love when my kids share the heart of God's truths with me. It is amazing how insightful kids can be. So glad you have reminders of these truths Jack knew.

  12. A gift given to you from Jack. Somehow God knew you'd take solstice in the words of your loving 4 year old one day.

  13. I love his skinny little shoulder. He was such a bright and insightful kid.

  14. You know, I've never thought to write down those little ditties Lil sings, but now I feel I should, as this is priceless and beautiful.

    Thank you, once again, for sharing your sweet boy and his beautiful heart with us.


  15. Wow, Anna. Wow. You and Jack really amaze me.

  16. Thank you, Jack. God found me tonight. And you made it possible. I really needed this today.

  17. What an incredible child. I remember a song my son made up and sang to us about the Holy Spirit and conviction. At 27 he seemingly has lost his way, but I know he knows the Truth, just as Jack did.

  18. That little hat is precious.

    Love that quotation from Genesis that someone shared.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  19. And the angels sing! Such a wise soul, your Jack. Huge hugs to you from across the globe.

  20. 4 yr old innocence and sweet memories. Thank goodness you have so much to remember that vibrant young man by.

  21. There are so many ways to be "lost" in a lifetime. Thank you for reminding me that God is there in all of them!

  22. Beautiful. An adult couldn't have said it better!

  23. Oh, Anna! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful song from your little boy. I used to make up songs about Jesus as a little girl as I walked around our huge yard in Tennessee. What wisdom your little guy had; I struggle to maintain that faith sometimes.

    And hooray for never having to go potty again! Excellent safety tip, too.

  24. Beautiful. words. love. faith. xo

  25. I love this ... and even more than ever, know that Jack knew his Lord and Savior intimately, and is with Him today. The separation hurts, I know, but the assurance is well ... divine.

  26. I don't even have that insight at 40-something. God bless that child. Way beyond his years. He's still all around us. Peace my friend.

  27. I'm completely bawling! This is amazing! Jack IS the missionary he always dreamed of being! And God, in His Providence, gave Jack a loving Mom who recorded these words and a blog to communicate them to us too!

    As you may have just learned, Jack's good friend just lost his Granddad unexpectly this morning. I do believe Jack has some wisdom to share with him at this time.

    Love you! Karen

  28. A-mazing. Your sweet boy had so much wisdom at such a young age.

  29. I have an ache in my throat, wonder in my eyes, and my jaw on the floor.

    What a soul Jack is!

  30. I love Jack's song and believe in the refrain more every day. God's eyes never left him as His arms drew him near. Of this I am sure. xoxo

  31. Thank you for posting those with photos - it's fun to see how Jack sparkled in life while sharing such wisdom!

  32. Oh my gosh - I love this so much! God truly never took his eyes off Jack. And Jack knew that.

    Also - could it really be true that in Heaven, I won't be the only one who puts the toilet paper on the roller? We won't even NEED it?

    Precious memories.

  33. His safety tip made me giggle. What a treasure.

  34. Just a little note to let you know that I'm still thinking of you and your family. I'll never tire of seeing your boy's sweet smiling face.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. it's been said that jack was meant for great things. the lives he's touched since his passing are proof of that. i don't know you and i never knew jack, but your willingness to share his words and actions, have more than once been an answer to my unspoken prayers.

    "if you're lost, god can find you." he can indeed. thanks for the reminder.

  37. He had big faith for such a young boy and I am sure God never took His eyes off of him! ((HUGS))

    Thank you for sharing his precious song.

  38. This was just so beautiful. I read it with my 12 year old daughter, Ava. And we talked about your submission to the grace of God. And how much easier and more understandable it would have been if you chose something else. But how your vulnerability is a gift to us all. Ava has type 1 diabetes, and we were able to talk about how, she has a choice now. To be a victim, or to see how God wants to use her to bless and encourage others. I pray that you will find yourself drowning in God's sweet love and how proud he must be of you. Love, Missy

  39. Such a blessing. I'm touched. The song-amazing. SO amazing!

  40. Sometimes I don't even mind the depths of despair that come to me occasionally because it is those times when I feel Jesus' presence most acutely.

  41. Your faith is truly an inspiration, Anna.

  42. I came across this book that I'm sure will help us through our pain. The end of the present world and the mysteries of the future life. Our boys had most definitely completed their mission here. Both were so wise. Thank you for reaching out to me on Dr. Neal's page. Jenna

  43. This is so precious and so beautiful. Such a pure soul.

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  45. I have just started reading your blog and going back through your entries. My 25 year old son drowned last month after a rain delayed Nationals baseball game. We don't really know what happened but in the 5 days that he was missing I KNEW that God knew exactly where my son was. Your young son's song blessed my broken heart.
