Monday, November 5, 2012

Big News

Sooooo, I have some exciting news to share with you:

I'm writing a book.

A book!

You may think that my light-ish number of posts recently would be a direct result of the fact that I've been typing away in my laundry room/office writing said book. Truth is, as soon as I decided to write a book, fear set in, as did a lovely case of the shingles all over my scalp. This rendered me incapable of writing anything much more detailed than a grocery list or an occasional non-pithy Facebook status update. And then the storm came. Oh my.

Tim said to me tonight, in that most helpful way he has, "I was reading your blog and I think it's time for a more substantial blog post. You know, not like 'I did this today, or I went there.'" Humph.

Here's the thing: I will not let fear make my decisions. I will not let fear make my decisions. I will not let fear make my decisions. Yeah, I typed that three times. It has also been on a hot pink notecard on my fridge for the past 7 years during which, unfortunately, I've let fear make a lot of my decisions.

I did not want to wait another day before telling you, my friends, about this brand new thing. Even though typing it here scares the heck out of me. Thank you so much for the encouragement you have given me and will give me.

You help make me feel stronger than I am.

I hope I'll make you proud.

Oh, and if you want to know what I did today, or where I went, I saw the movie "Argo." Wow. Best thing I've seen in years! That update was for you, Tim:


  1. CONGRATS ANNA!!! Don't be afraid, you are already a wonderful writer.

  2. Oh I'm so glad to hear this news! I've been thinking you should for a long time, as I'm sure so many of your readers and friends have. You are an amazing writer and I will be blessed to read whatever you create.

  3. some words of advice? just don't let fear make your decisions. Ha.

  4. Hooray! I'm so proud of you and so excited for you! God LOOOOOOVES it when we say "Yes" even if we're terrified. That means good, powerful things are gonna happen. Many blessings to you as you create your book "bird by bird." (Yes an Annie Lamott reference b/c your writing is THAT GOOD!) --Jenn in NH

  5. Wonderful!! You are such a great writer, I know your book will be amazing.


  6. Congratulations!! What wonderful, big, big-blessings-or-us-readers news! Please let us know how we can pray for you as you go on this journey! Big hugs to you.

  7. Um, that would be *for* us. Not or. Monday much? :)

  8. Congratulations! You are a wonderful writer and whatever you decide to write will be right! I love that you do "deep" posts as well as the "updates" posts. Always in our thoughts...

  9. I hope that your book will include many of your blog posts. I've hoped that someday you would write a book that could be given to others (and myself).
    You are a tremendous writer.

    Also, shingles on the scalp hurt like heck. I had a "mild case" last year.

  10. Great news, Anna! I have no doubt it will be a lovely book!

  11. This is amazing, and I will be buying it. Please keep us updated! I don't know you IRL, but I am very proud of you. You can do it!

  12. You are already a writer. The book is already inside you. There is nothing to fear. You are loved.

  13. Congratulations! You will do great!

  14. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  15. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  16. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  17. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  18. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  19. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  20. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  21. Congratulations! You WILL do wonderful things!

  22. I am so thrilled for you! This news made my day after a crappy day at work; thank you, I needed that. (I hesitate to post that questionable use of a semi-colon on your blog, not only because you're an English teacher but a writer as well. Oh well; does it work? :)
    Your blog has been such a good companion to me and to friends I've shared it with. Zach and I just built 38' of linear bookshelves in our house, and I can't wait to place your book in my favorite spot.

    And I can only imagine how incredibly proud Jack is of his mom. Love you.

  23. Wow...writing a book!! Well done....what a great decision. I believe the hardest thing is to start so you are in company of a lot of writers! I am so sorry about the shingles though. I believe it is an awful, very painful and debilitating illness. I pray for your quick recovery! I haven't seen Argo but they were talking about it on Breakfast TV this morning and saying it is well worth watching especially as it's true! Joan

  24. Hi Anna. I just wanted you to know that I wrote the above comment. i don't know why it decided to put me as anonymous! Joan

  25. Yay!!! That's wonderful....I'm excited for you and for all of us who will get to read it!

    Please let us know how we can pray for you in this.

    Lisa G. in CT

  26. That's awesome news Anna! I know you have a lot to share with the world and your book will touch people's hearts!

  27. Anna !!
    I am so excited to read this! I have been following your blog since about one month BEFORE your world changed forever. What are the chances of that?! I was reading a friends blog and literally clicked the little 'next blog' button and there you were. And since I totally related to the title of your blog (UGH), I read it~ and loved it! I read lots of your past entries and then It happened. I wept, prayed and yelled at God for you. But I kept reading and I can't tell you how your unwavering faith through all this and Jack's goodness has touched my life. And NOW!You're writing a book! I can't wait to have it on my shelf
    ♥ much love, Kristi

  28. YAY ANNA!!!!! We talked about this at Blog'Her and I've been waiting for an official announcement. Woo-Hoo!! I couldn't be more proud!! No Fear...remember Faith not Fear!! Love you. xo

  29. Super wonderful, Anna! Will know how to pray for you as you face more fears and write a book as I've faced some of my fears, too, of late. After having breast cancer, one of the things that I say to myself is, "The Lord has helped me through chemo,surgeries, and deaths of loved ones, how scary can this be?!" I'll look forward to buying your book but don't let all our "anticipation" intimidate you-----let that rare bird fly!

  30. Congratulations! I think it is so good to move out of our comfort system do more than we think we can am proud of yu- xo Diana

  31. Oh geez......that's great news. I will buy it for myself and everyone I know and you will get those countertops you pine for :)

    And Argo??? I saw it a couple of weeks ago and I'm still talking about it. Smart movie - very, very smart.

  32. lyeah!!!! I'll surely buy a copy and love the pic of your husband. that's what he Something I so would have done!

  33. We've known this all along.

    We were just waiting here, for you to know it.


  34. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to read your book.

  35. Now there's a book I want to read AND a movie I want to see! Thanks, Anna! And, of course, congratulations. :)

  36. Fantastic news. Your voice is too important not to be shared with the bigger world out there. Kudos to you for accepting the challenge, it must be a bit scary, but I know you will be great. Sending you prayers for strength and peace.

  37. Greta news on the book. And take note: Argo is very offensive to the real people involved in the real story. Unfortunately, Ben Affleck has made a real tale o heroism into a big lie.

  38. I like what Empress said.

    You will do this and when you are scared? You will do it scared and make yourself that much prouder.

    We are already proud of you here :)

    Keep us posted. Will be willing those Shingles to take a hike in the meantime.


  39. Sorry about the shingles - they hurt! Many mom bloggers I follow are writing books. YOURS is one I will actually buy.

  40. Thanks for all of the encouraging words. Anonymous 6:54 am-- Thank you for the fascinating article about ARGO. It's a must-read.

  41. Great news about the book, even when you are scare you must write because I am sure it will awesome.

  42. Anna -- how exciting! I can't wait to read it! You are such an amazing writer. Hope the shingles are better...

    ~Ashley in Louisiana

  43. I want to pre-order your book! :) Fear is powerful, but you are stronger. You have so much to share with the world, we would all benefit from a book from you. I am happy to be an encouraging voice through your process/journey!

  44. When I read your latest post the other day, I thought to myself, "gee, I really hope Ana writes a book, she's such an amazing writer"........and then I saw the headline: Big News and got all tingly......hoping....hoping you would announce that your writing a book. Can't wait to read it!!

  45. congrats - i'm with the empress - i think we've all seen the book coming. glad you are ready. it wil be great for us, and hopefully healing for you. :)

  46. I am so excited for you. As someone who is writing a novel, I understand that it is not easy. But it will be so worth it. I will definitely be buying your book. I think of Jack a lot still.

  47. YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I will be first in line to buy it!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!
    Jess in Nebraska

  48. Yay!! That's great news Anna!! I'll be buying it. You're a great writer.

  49. So proud of you, Anna! I will be first in line to buy it. Much love to you today and every day!!!

  50. Hmph. Can you see my super pleased excited expression right now?

    And of course your book will be great. Of course it will. Of course it will.

    You see? I typed that 3 times. Not because I needed to be reminded, but because I believe it.

  51. I had a writing teacher who said remember that it takes 30 minutes before real creativity begins to flow. When writing something longer -- like an article that I'm afraid to start because all I can come up with is horrible stuff -- I think of her words and just start writing and eventually I do settle down and come out with something okay. First drafts are just that. A start. But we all have to get that first draft down. A book is so huge. And my dream too. Look forward to hearing of your journey.

  52. The book will be amazing! Thank you for writing! Feel the fear and do it anyway, and little bits of chocolate.

    Will root for you all the way through!

  53. This is so exciting!! I cannot wait for the finished product. Good luck--you are an amazing writer.

  54. WOW!!!! This is great news - and scary - but that's ok. We've all got your back. So excited for you!

  55. Anna,
    I have been reading your blog for a long time without ever commenting. My heart has ached for you and your family over these past months.

    When I read your post today I just had to leave you a comment. Of course you are writing a book! That makes perfect sense to me and I can't wait to read it.

  56. Woo Hoo!!! A book! You can bet we'll buy and AND we'll watch when you're interviewed by Hoda and Kathy Lee on NBC!
    You go, girl!

  57. Anna, I am crazy excited for you. I know you can do this and I know it will be amazing.

  58. How awesome. I am so proud of you. This is huge. No need to fear, Jack will be right by your side the whole way. NO worries. Nothing is Impossible With God.

    Blessings to all.

  59. Shingles?? I'm so sorry! I hope it will go away soon.

    It's so sweet of Tim to keep tabs on your blogging and to encourage you.

    Good luck with the book!

  60. Oh, and I guess it's a little too soon to ask where we can pre-order? ;)

  61. I have ALWAYS thought you should write a book. Three books:

    And Inch of Gray
    What, More Gray?
    Gray It Is.

    I thought that before the 50 Shades of Gray came out, by the way.

    I am proud of you. You are already my favorite author, and a book will just widen your readership and make you that many more people's favorite writer.



  62. Awesome news about the book. I've always wanted to write a book. I had shingles on my face a few years steeped licorice tea bags helped the pain A LOT!! Got the idea for licorice out of a natural health/healing book. It recommended boiling licorice root and using the cooled water applied with a damp cloth. Used the teabags instead. I used hardly any pain meds.

  63. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I have been saying for the last year that you need o be published! I am so honored to read your heart wrenching, loving, funny, insightful, self-deprecating, honest words. Cannot wait for the book! Get crackin'!

  64. This is totally awesome! Can't wait to read it, you are such a great writer!

  65. Dibs on being first in line to buy it. You're amazing, and it will be too. xo

  66. After I found your biog, I felt as though I knew you--you were so open and honest--funny and deep, as well. I thought then that you had a book in you--and I know you'll write a wonderful one. It will honor you and your family. Not so many have the talent to write a book, but I do believe in you!
    Blessings Anna,
    Sherry's mom

  67. Anna,
    It does not surprise me that you have had an onslaught of struggles after making this decision. It is when we are about to do something great that the devil fights us the hardest. Do not let him discourage you! Do not believe his lies! You are an amazing woman/writer with an amazing story to tell that will change even more lives! Congrats on the big news! I look forward to reading your book! :)

  68. Awesome. I can't wait to read it. Also, Argo ROCKED. Incredible movie.

  69. This makes me so happy! You are an incredible writer, whether you are writing lighter or heavier. Even trips to the mall sound different in your voice.
    Congrats, and we are here for you.

  70. Write like no one is reading. THEN rewrite. You're going to soar! XOXO

  71. I know exactly what you mean about the fear and frozeness that sets in once you decide to write a book. I have been there and have recently released myself from the task by deciding to write a small, easier ebook to possibly sell on my blog. We will see if I can even do that!
    Blessings on your new project!

  72. Wonderful news, Anna! I'll look forward to reading your book. BTW, I had shingles a couple of years ago and a way to help the pain is to apply Listerine, the AMBER colored kind, to your scalp. It has been proven to help and it sure won't hurt you to try it! Best wishes to you! Karen L.

  73. Wonderful news, Anna! I'll look forward to reading your book. BTW, I had shingles a couple of years ago and a way to help the pain is to apply Listerine, the AMBER colored kind, to your scalp. It has been proven to help and it sure won't hurt you to try it! Best wishes to you! Karen L.

  74. Wonderful news, Anna! I'll look forward to reading your book. BTW, I had shingles a couple of years ago and a way to help the pain is to apply Listerine, the AMBER colored kind, to your scalp. It has been proven to help and it sure won't hurt you to try it! Best wishes to you! Karen L.

  75. Wonderful news, Anna! I'll look forward to reading your book. BTW, I had shingles a couple of years ago and a way to help the pain is to apply Listerine, the AMBER colored kind, to your scalp. It has been proven to help and it sure won't hurt you to try it! Best wishes to you! Karen L.

  76. Wonderful news, Anna! I'll look forward to reading your book. BTW, I had shingles a couple of years ago and a way to help the pain is to apply Listerine, the AMBER colored kind, to your scalp. It has been proven to help and it sure won't hurt you to try it! Best wishes to you! Karen L.

  77. Also, this verification system seems to be messed up hence all the times my comments were posted and the above reader's multiple posts as well!! (It said it "hadn't matched" but then was posted too many times---aach! So sorry....)

  78. I am so happy and excited for you! Of course, I'm sure it induces writer's block to consider such a big project. The advice everyone gives me about writing a dissertation (a different kind of book) is to write at least an hour every day. Some days you will just sit in front of your computer for that hour, some days it will flow. But I'm sure you knew that - you probably gave me that advice yourself :)

    I love the new pictures, too. Goofy Tim looks so much like Goofy Margaret and Goofy Jack!

  79. Ever since I started reading your blog I thought you should write a book. Fiction, non-fiction, whatever, you have a unique and interesting voice. Go for it!!

  80. 1. You and Tim are adorable and hilarious


    Who on this blog DIDN'T know you'd have to write a book someday - your writing style is unmatched, your storytelling is top notch, and you and your family are amazing. Book time.

    When I tell stories out loud, I apparently have a tendency to ramble. Brett has always says he's going to "save up and send me to Storytelling Camp". Then the other day, he said "You know, it's not that you have bad stories, it's just that... when you tell them, time means NOTHING to you." So if I ever attempted to write a book, the need for an editor would be paramount. :)

    So, are you finished yet? Cuz I wanna read it!

  81. It's going to be wonderful. I knew it had to be only a matter of time....the world needs your book. You will do it for yourself and for all of the people who need to read your words. Can't wait.

  82. I awoke on this morning after the election, grateful that PBS funding would remain intact at least for another four years. A small issue, I know, but one of my favorite parts of every week is listening to a PBS radio program called "On Being " every Sunday morning at 7 on 88.5 WAMU. Check it out. I think you might find much inspiration for your writing.

  83. Congrats that is big! I'm supporting you 100% - get it out there. Do you have a publisher yet? Mary in NY

  84. I tried to post twice yesterday and they disappeared, looks like others had problems too based on all the double and quadruple postings I see. But...

    HOORAY!! Your book will be excellent because you are a gifted writer. I cannot wait to read it.

  85. Anna, You will write a wonderful book! You have always written so transparently and from your heart and that is why it will be great!
    Blessings! Denise

  86. This is exciting news and I know it will be a great read because you are truly a writer! ((HUGS))

  87. From the moment I started reading your blog, I thought to myself "This chick should write a book!"
    No lie. Your style is approachable and that's much appreciated.
    Congratulations! :D

  88. My heart is happy, this is exactly what you need to do! The time is now!!!

  89. Now this, is a new chapter...literally. Congratulations.

  90. To Anna:

    I knew you would. Its part of your destiny, how could we keep your lovely writing all to ourselves?? You will do wonderful, without ANY doubt. God Bless you and your familia.


  91. Congratulations! That is a wonderful thing to do. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.

  92. I will buy several of your books! I will give them as gifts. Poor your heart into it, like I know you will. Don't question yourself! You are such an amazing writer and you are beautiful inside and out. And I love Jack. I love him! I love that you named him Jack before it was trendy. I love that he loved Taco Bell. I look up to you, for you are a few months ahead of me...

  93. Anna - your book is going to be amazing. I saw you speak at Listen to your Mother last year and had always thought back then that you needed to write your story. I'm at a writer's conference this weekend (Sanibel Island) and I met a woman who had lost her son years ago in a tragic accident. I immediately thought of you and found her after one of the lectures to tell her about your blog, about your Jack. She was so appreciative. Congratulations on deciding to write your book. I'm very proud of you as weird as that might sound coming from a stranger. But I just feel like I know you from your blog. I think of you often and think you are an incredible person.

  94. That is amazing news! I'll definitely be at that first book signing! :)

  95. Anna I'm just catching up. I'm so glad you have this to dig in to. You have so much to share.

    It's interesting because I've been thinking about you lately and wondering if you're familiar with Melody Beattie. I keep her book "More Language of Letting Go" by my beside and it's a huge source of comfort to me. She writes a lot about faith and trusting your path--and she, too, lost a son at age 12.

    Anyway, a huge congratulations on your exciting endeavor. xo

  96. Anna, I've read every blog post since I met you just days before Jack died (weeks may pass before I check in, but I always catch up). Every post strikes an amazing balance -- authentically revealing the depth of grief, the dependence on truth, and your commitment to marching on. You manage to be consistently winsome, funny, raw and real. So the question is: how could you NOT write a book? I'll be praying that the process is a healing one for you, that you'll even enjoy it, that the words and stories will flow effortlessly -- I know there are many who cannot wait to read it. Sign me up! With Admiration, Kristie

  97. Thrilled for you! Congrats!

  98. How ironic that after reading your last few posts, I thought this woman should write a book.You have a wonderful way with words. Good wishes with this endeavor!

  99. I will be first in line to buy that book. No pressure or anything, though. But go get writing. x

  100. You are a terrific writer; I'll buy your book!

  101. I can't WAIT to read your book! Proud of you!!

  102. Congratulations Anna!You are an amazing writer!

  103. A book I will for sure want to buy! You are one of the best writers I know!
    I will not let fear make my decisions..I like that :)
    Much Love

  104. Cannot wait to buy your book! You are a beautifully gifted writer! And I have a feeling this project will be healing for you. So HOORAY! Don't be scared! You already have loads of fans, so your books are already sold.
