Saturday, October 13, 2012

YOU Oughta Be in Pictures!

I started getting Facebook and Blog messages last night that there was photo of Margaret, Jack and me on the NBC Nightly News! I had no idea that was going to happen! Last week, when I read a blog post called, "The Mom Stays in the Picture," I sent in a comment and a picture with the kids and said why I was so glad I had made sure over the years to "be in the picture." I didn't know that the post, about how moms are too seldom in photos with their kids, would go viral. The writer ended up on the Nightly News, the Today Show, and Katie Couric's new show. Talk about being in pictures! What a wild week she must have had.

As you know, I always tried to be in a lot of photos with my kids because when my mother died, we had so few pictures with her in them. I yearned for more glimpses of our life together than just what was in my memories. So, I made sure I was in photos so that my kids would have something to remember me by. Of course now, in the unexpected way my family's life has changed, those photos are really a gift to ME!

Here's the clip:

And remember, no matter how your hair looks, whether you have a few extra pounds on you, or even if  your green dress has an awkward "dart" showing, you "oughta be in pictures!"


  1. I read that post about "Always Being In The Picture" and it reall struck a cord with me as a mama. That is exactly why I am always taking those silly arm extended self pictures of my Little and myself. My husband groans every time I ask him to snap a picture, but I don't care! I will always be in the picture. What a neat thing to have your sweet family picture shared with everyone and don't worry I have a dress with a wonky dart that I refuse to wear without a cardigan.

  2. I saw you on Katie,too! I remember always being the photographer--so although there were a lot of pictures of the kids/house/adventure, I was seldom featured. (My mother said the same thing.) I'm glad that your original wish to have "more Mom in the picture" turned out to have that bittersweet bonus--precious pictures of you WITH your beautiful children. As always, my deepest sympathy for your terrible loss.

  3. i was never in pictures with my kids, but a few years ago, a friend was killed in a car accident. She left 4 daughters behind and it made me realize the fragility of our families--that if i'm lucky enough to be there for the pic, then i shld be in it, even if my bathing suit is too small or some other mortifying flaw. so glad you have all those beautiful pics of you and jack and the fam.

  4. I wrote a post about this too, but it sure didn't go viral. Sigh.

    But the idea is spot on. Mom's encourage slighting because they don't look good enough for pictures. Gosh, my mom's been gone for 21 years, and I'd love to see her in her jammies and curlers at ANY given moment...

  5. I saw her on Katie Couric show and agreed that we never have enough pics with the moms in them. Usually because its the mom behind the camera. Very true for my family too. Weird to open this up and see your connection also.

  6. Made me cry. I lost my Mom 2 years ago and have so few pics of her. I am guilty of this with my own 3 kids. What a fabulous reminder. You've done a public service by sharing.

  7. This is so true-even if you don't have kids yet. I know without looking that there are few pictures of me over the last 20 years. I have been trying to get more pictures of "us". I bought a tripod and remote activator for the camera. However,I am still the one with the camera in hand 99.9999% of the time. I bought a point and shoot to carry around when the big camera just can't go with me. From now on-whether he likes it or not--the husband is getting that camera when I am photographing. I want to be in pictures--for me--for us---for our (future) kids.

  8. So true! I have tons of pictures of my kids and my husband, kids alone, kids with the dog, but hardly any with me and my kids!

    What a cute picture of you that made the news!

    Take care,

  9. I was so excited when I saw you on Today, this morning!

  10. I don't like my photo taken I always critique myself.But when it comes to family photos I don't even think about it I am right there.We only have one child so maybe it means even more to me.I get a bit sad when all three of us my husband,myself and daughter can't all be in the photo to share that special memory.
    Continue to keep you all in our prayers <3

  11. My cousin lost her darling 2 year old son in an accident on their farm last September. With 2 older sisters, and a young baby plus the farm they run, they didn't have many pictures of the gorgeous Liam - and nothing recent with him and his parents together. These accidents just come from nowhere. Becky took a rare photograph of Liam and his older Sisters the day before the accident - that's so precious now.

  12. Awesome story. Pictures of those we love are so precious, especially after they are gone. That picture of the 3 of you will be treasured by your daughter for many years to come.

  13. Anna, I just watched and having you in the segment was the best reminder of all. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, we have to make the most of today. I am in few pictures with my children. Now they are 33 and 31. I am going to definitely get myself into a whole bunch of photos with them. Thank you for sharing this important message. I may have to share this if your okay with that. ((HUGS))

  14. This is so true! I always joke with my husband as I typically carry the camera, but then a huge part of me is serious. I want my kiddos to see me, know me at this age. I've resorted to shoving the camera in his hands and we're getting there. Great reminder!

  15. i just watched it and cried..... it's such a sweet video and reminder to cherish the moments we are given. they pass too quickly, and sometimes the memories of those moments are all we have left. i am definitely going to try to do this more.

  16. Your blog is so touching. I have been following on and off for a few months now. I couldn't find an email contact on the blog, but I edited that picture for you. I removed the boob dart. Let me know if you want me to send it to you.


  17. Oh, my goodness, that beautiful photo....Words fail me...Hope you're feeling a lot better.

  18. My husband and I had a fight about this. Actually, I yelled at him while he listened and said I was right... lol. I was angry because HIS mother was in more pictures that I was. Because no one but me ever bothers to pick up the camera. We're still working on it, but it's definitely getting better. I don't even care what I look like. I just have this horrific morbid thought that if I died tomorrow my kids would have nothing but my things to remember me by. Isn't that just awful? -Kristen

  19. That's crazy! I saw that article and put a challenge out on fb last Sunday for moms to get their cameras out, just as they were and go take a pic with their kids. When Mike died I realized how few pictures included me. I can't go back but I can make sure I'm in more now.

  20. Oh Anna..that's SO awesome!! And it's a great message too. It got me thinking and you know what..I rarely jump in the photo. I'm gonna start doing that. It's important!

  21. I am never in the pictures because of those extra pounds. But I will repent right now!

    I am so happy Jack (and company) went viral. Again.

  22. I'm never in pictures with my kids because I always feel like I look fat. That's going to change this Thanksgiving when my oldest is home from college. Whatever happens in our family going forward, I want a record of my and my two precious sons...they're 17 and 20 now, but no less my babies.

    Thank you for this.Your blog is a gift to me.

  23. Your blog is such a gift to us, Anna. And I agree with JennyExplainsItAll--what a bittersweet bonus for you now. Thank you, as ever, for continuing to inspire me.Love to you and your precious family.
    Jen G.

  24. I'm guilty - deleting the bad ones. No more of that! I like that green dress on you by the way. It looks like a dart to me.

  25. Debby sent me over and I had to come read this to see what she was referring to. I think it's so very important and I know that I'm the one that's in the photos the least, but I do try!

  26. Wow, this has totally made me think. I am so guilty of deleting pics where I think I look bad. That will change from here on out. Life is not perfect and my pictures should reflect that. Good and bad from here on out.

  27. I think that blog post "Always Being in the Picture" is so important. It's exciting how it spread and so perfect that you are a part of it, as a mom who exemplifies getting in the picture. I'm struck so much by the insecurities of so many of us women and what messages we are passing on to our kids. I'm guilty, too, of shrinking from the pics and since seeing all your pictures have moved more to into them...because of you.

    Thanks, as always, for shedding light on once again on something so important for us! And for sharing all your pics of Jack, Margaret, you and Tim. Super treat!

    big love!

  28. Thnaks for the reminder, I am usually never in the picture myself, and if I am, I am with other people and not my son, but I will make sure to be in the pciture more often

  29. I needed that reminder today. I just found the most awesome picture from last week's field trip of my and my baby and all I could think was how wide my nose looks and how chubby my cheeks look...and that is awful! I'm in it, I'm with him and that is wondrous!

  30. I'm the worst. After reading this entry a few days ago, I went looking thru my picture box and it's like I'm not even in this family. With almost 11 years of parenting under my belt, I have no proof that my kids even have a mother. Sad day for me that's for sure. Time to forget about the extra 25 pounds and 4 chins and get in some pictures. Thanks for the reminder.

  31. I hate being in pictures, but I know how special the pictures that I have with my mom are to me now that she's gone. I hope my boys will have these to cherish for years and years...thanks for the great perspective.

  32. Great post Anna.

    I was reminded by your story to start taking more pictures of my children period! But this makes me more aware of the fact that I also must resonate as part of that visual walk through their lives. Thanks so much for sharing and blessings as always my dear. I loved that they showed your picture, and mentioned you!! God bless you and your family. Love, hugs, and prayers.


  33. So so true. I have very few pictures of my son and me. I cherish them and wish I had more

  34. I saw you! I was so excited to see you three front and center.

  35. I saw you on the news! (Well you dart anyway...j/k;) So true. Loved her gentle reminder to us. xo

  36. I loved that - I had somehow missed that post but it really struck a chord with me as well! I need to be "in the picture" more often :( I am always the one documenting the fun things we do but I am never the one in the pictures! Thank you for sharing this with me :)

  37. Wonderful! I saw that link from Making it Lovely, I think. I have since also made a better effort to be in snaps, and on a recent visit with my kiddos' grandparents, I made sure to take lots and lots of photos of my parents with my little ones, and to get some of me with my parents too.


  38. I love this post and story and say "AMEN"! I took a lot of pictures over the almost 2 years my husband was sick and wasting away from cancer with each of our daughters and myself. Even though they are extremely hard to look at and the decline from cancer is not something others are used to seeing - I am forever glad along with my daughters we have those pictures and am determined to be in the picture for them as we move forward.

  39. Loved that post about moms being in pics more often. I, too, am guilty of demanding it then deleting them all bc I look like my dad or 4 mos pregnant. I love the notion that we should document the here and now regardless of how we view our post natal bodies.

  40. wow! that hits home to so many - made me tear up - thanks for sharing - I didnt catch it on TV so glad I got to catch it here :)

  41. Thank you for sharing this, Anna.

    I love how you have photos of all of you throughout your blog. The ones of you having your roots touched up, or an article of clothing you tried on and decided, uh, NO. :)

    And those Christmas card ones where you had that series of pictures that didn't quite work out. That was so funny!

    Like many of the other moms who are chiming in here... I also vow to try to ignore my extra pounds and imperfect skin, and be in more photos with my daughters and my husband. Wish I had more photos of me with my own Dad - he was the photographer in my family.

    Love, Coach Jess

  42. i loved the original post. Such an important reminder for me, as I am one of those mom's who is in less than 1% of her family's photos for the exact same reasons. It is so true that our kids won't care what our hair looked like or if our skin was wrinkley or broken out -- they will just care that they get to see US and that we were there with them during those times.

  43. I am always the one taking the pictures. Thank you for this...

  44. Just stopping by to let you know I'm thinking and praying about you and your family. I hope you can feel the prayers.

  45. You're great. That is all. Sending you love and strength via a big virtual hug.

  46. There is a woman named Molly who lost her daughter and has written about this fantastic way to help remember those who have passed. Her blog is called Hope Smiling Brightly. I thought of you and Jack when I saw this.

  47. Your family will be in my prayers this weekend. Please take good care.

  48. You need some share buttons on here, or is my sight failing me of late too ;) Had to repost to FB today - because I never like to be in pictures evah!

  49. I awoke on this morning after the election, grateful that PBS funding would remain intact at least for another four years. A small issue, I know, but one of my favorite parts of every week is listening to a PBS radio program called "On Being " every Sunday morning at 7 on 88.5 WAMU. Check it out. I think you might find much inspiration for your writing.

  50. Anna, I am the one who wrote the article, and when I saw your picture and story on the HuffPost slideshow, it affected me deeply. I was the one who brought it up to my Nightly News and Katie Couric producers. Your Jack was beautiful and obviously special, and I am enjoying getting to know him through your blog, even if it does make me cry. Thank you for being part of my story... I am glad it brought us together!
