Monday, October 8, 2012

Chilly Monday Warm-up

Cold and dreary Columbus Day. I'm in my comfy pants cozied up to my computer with my 6th (!) cup of tea for the day. At this rate, I'll need some serious Crest Whitestrips by the end of the winter.

Experiencing procrastination and writer's block, so I thought I'd finally share this amazing picture sent to me by a wonderful blog reader. Perusing photos on the blog, she saw something interesting and sent it to me as an encouragement. Cloud photo on left courtesy of local friend who saw this in the sky while thinking about our family shortly after the accident while being urged, "Look for Jack." Photo on the right is from the Jack's birthday balloon launch in March.

Hmmmm, do you see what the reader saw?

Pretty cool, huh?

Hope you are staying cozy today.


  1. Great ability to see things just beyond our reach sometimes. We often just miss stuff that our loving God wants to encourage us with....even things in His Word. So glad you're cozy up there. We're here in Williamsburg seeing the same weather. As always, praying for you and yours. Happy birthday, Christ, Karen L.

  2. Very, very cool. Keep those coming, please. Thought of Jack yesterday as my 4 year old and I made homemade birdfeeders with pinecones, peanut butter, and birdseed (yes; I've had better ideas). Having glorius "bluebird" weather here (with the utterance of that phrase, I've become my mother) in South Louisiana. Happy belated birthday, and prayers always.

    ~Ashley in Louisiana

  3. Anna, That is really nice. Your Jack was an amazing soul. xoxo, Susie

  4. Beautiful. I totally see it.

    I nominated you for one of those chain-maily blogger awards. I hope you'll do it - they're kind of fun and great for writer's block! :) (Please humor me, I love your blog - details on my blog - Liebster award)

  5. I cannot see a rare bird sighting without thinking of you and your Jack. ♥

  6. Been struggling with my faith for a while now. Thank you (and Jack!) for always giving it a much-needed boost, especially on days like today.

    P.S. Happy belated birthday!

    P.P.S. Zhena's Gypsy Earl Green tea is the bomb, if you're into the green stuff.

  7. Oh, I bet you did. I sent you a birthday message on your birthday only about you - but Jack was behind every word and XOXO. I know you know that already, but just thought I'd tell you too.

    That sign is incredible. He is so close, yet so far.

    Love you so much.

  8. That's pretty amazing, Anna. I feel your pain every time I read one of your posts. I'm so PROUD of you for trudging along and not crawling under the covers like I"m sure you're inclined. I was diagnosed with cancer on June 29th and my entire world is changed forever. I've had two surgeries since then, the second one to look for stray cells and I'm blessed to say there were none. No chemo for me, at least at this point, but I so YEARN to have my old life back when I felt as healthy as a horse. I'm in sudden surgical menopause and it ain't pretty! Blessings to you, Anna.

  9. I'm sure that most milestones and anniversaris and holidays are all just, ugh, DIFFERENT now. But I hope you were feted nicely on your birthday.

    Maybe just use a straw for your tea....bypass your pearly whites altogether.


  10. Thanks to the reader who sent that image, and thank you for sharing it with us. That's wonderful to see!

    Birthdays sure must bring mixed feelings, but I want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday, anyway. So proud of you.

    @Terri, Sending you well-wishes.

  11. in case it validates what you're seeing, i noticed this angel/bird shape in the balloons when you originally posted these pics. it stood out so vividly to me i assumed everyone was seeing it (including you!). i'm glad someone pointed it out! it's a beautiful image :)

  12. Browsing tonight and this caught my eye immediately!

  13. I totally see it! Amazing how God shows us so many things if we look at things through His eyes. Blessings and continued prayer for your family!

  14. Amazing.

    God's abundant blessing.

    And how affirming and comforting this is.

    WIthout a doubt, I see it: and how many other things do we miss that God sends our way?

    This is no coincidence, and I'm grateful for the peace it brings you and all of us.

    Jack is alive, and he's living in his eternal home now.

    He goes on, and we're blessed with bits of the evidence we need, being the humans that we are.

  15. I absolutely see it Anna. I love that Jack is all around you (and us). Still praying non-stop for your family and thinking of Jack daily.

  16. Absolutely Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always prayers and much peace & love wished upon you all!

  17. I sure DO see it! Wow. Hugs to each of you today, Anna.

  18. Hi! I missed you. What kind of tea? I had plain ole Lipton today. Just 2 cups though. (And 2 cups of coffee).

    I do see what the reader saw - in all pictures. So neat. I hope you get de-blocked soon. I mean it in the literary sense, of course.

    Sending love!

  19. Wow. That is amazing. I meant to whiten my teeth before my 25th reunion but totally spaced it because of other waxing, grooming, dyeing activities - but it turns out that everyone old like I am drinks WAY too much tea. Thank goodness.

  20. A birthday without Jack? Sucky probably doesn't even come close to describing it. I always miss your words when you take a little break. I'm a tea drinker, too. I developed the habit every afternoon from an Irish coworker many moons ago. It solves all my temporary problems. Sending sun, love, hope and birthday wishes your way.

  21. Yes, I see it as clear as can be...wonderful. I am the mom of a 6yr old boy. I started reading your blog from a post a few months back on Momastary. I am in awe of your strength, and on weaker days your honesty. I hug my son tightly after every post, with a reminder to be grateful for every day and cherish it. Thank you.

  22. Have you heard Pink's song "Beam Me Up"? It hits me hard for many reasons, but when she talks about the blackbird flying across the sky...I can't help but think of you and Jack.

  23. Definitely cool! I love signs from heaven. xoxo

  24. Amazing! We have a birthday balloon launch for Isaiah as well. It's a comforting sight.

  25. You don't know me, and we will probably never meet in real life, but I just need you to know that I love you and think of you and your sweet family often.


  26. Returning to let you know you remain in my prayers, and I'll be thinking of you this weekend.

    May God bless you.

  27. LOVE THIS!! I see it. I soo see it!! Gave me goosebumps.
    Love you.
