Monday, September 3, 2012

Passing the Torch

A new era has begun.

Tim taught Margaret how to touch up my roots.

It takes a village to cover this gray.


  1. Love it!
    Especially the mask. ;-)

  2. I want to hear Margaret's commentary! Now that would be entertaining.

  3. daughters are very special aren't they! you are barely grey though. surely any grey hairs just mingle in with your blonde hair. (that's what I tell myself anyway)
    Fiona xx

  4. Love. And funny that Tim outsourced his job to Margaret.

  5. Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, during what I'm sure is a horrible week for you. Love that Margaret is wearing a Nats shirt along with her hazmat gear. Thinking and praying for you and your family so much these days.

  6. Bless her, she's so attentive!

    Lots of love to you all x

  7. I love it- the question is ...does Margaret love doing it? xo Diana

  8. Anna, I think of you all the time. I will keep you and your sweet family very clOse to my heart this week.

  9. I NEED Margaret. Please, just for a touch up, I'll send her back. ;)

  10. That first picture tugs at my heart. Don't let Miss Margaret read this, because of course, she's very grown-up, but she looks so little in that one. I, too, would love to be a fly on the wall and hear what she had to say.

    Every father dreams of the day his little girl grows up, and he can pass along the highlighter comb to the next generation. This must have been a VERY special day in Tim's life.

  11. She can make some serious cash in college with that skill!

    I love that you previously trusted your husband with your hair--I trust mine with a lot of things, but my hair is not one of them.

    You should make her speak in a French accent so you feel like you are at a high priced salon...haha.

  12. So glad that you've gone back to your "roots"--ha--- with the name of your wonderful blog being what it is. :) I adore all the things you share with us even if I don't comment much because the "prove you're not a robot" sometimes messes me up. May the Lord bless you and your sweet fam. Have a boat load of fun with your talented daughter as she learns so much about being a girl from you, Anna. I often pray for y'all during each day.

  13. Anna... Boy, would I love to be able to borrow Margaret for an afternoon... My younger DD is not at all shy about letting me know that my grays are getting grayer. Guess it's time for me to schedule an appointment at the salon.

    Know that I am keeping you, Tim, and Margaret close in my thoughts and prayers, and especially so in the coming days...

    With love from the other side of town....

  14. she loves doing this for you.

    How beautiful.

  15. I need you to explain just how you got Tim (before he outsourced the job) to do your roots? I wonder if I could get my husband to do mine? I wonder if I could trust him enough....nah, probably not.

  16. I love it!! This was a great post to wake up to. Margaret looks like a pro. :) Love you guys. -Annie

  17. This was not the post I expected. It really made me smile. And yes - the hazmat gear.

    So ... how does it look? Does she have the job?

    Love you

  18. Love!!! I love the mask, too - I imagine she'd look cute in a hazmat suit!

  19. So great that she went along for the job!

  20. This is awesome, and i need to figure out how i can get in on this lol.

    Jan @

  21. There is something so very comforting about seeing photos of you girls at home, doing girly stuff together.

  22. I love Margaret's gear...too funny.

  23. Fun! That brown wall in the first pic is pretty. That's quality mommy daughter time :)

  24. That is so many kinds of awesome, I just don't know where to start.

    So I'll just say: Love the smiles!

  25. I love this! So cute.

  26. I love her mask! Way to go Margaret, this is the best kind of mother-daughter bonding. Hope you all had fun!

  27. I love that she's wearing a face mask...but letting her hair fall all into everything! *laughing*

    Way to go -- as a mom of only boys, I can't even imagine this!

  28. That is awesome - Margaret looks like a pro!


  29. I have three girls - I never thought of having them do this! Oh the assignments they will get now.

    I met you at Blogher this year, we sat together at lunch at a random conference table outside of actual lunch. I'm so glad we met, I kept your card and I'm finally reading your blog. It's wonderful. Your writing is perfection.

  30. I had no idea I could get my three girls to do this. I might get a makeover with this kind of effort.

    I met you at Blogher, we sat together on lunch, in the hallway at a small table. I so enjoyed meeting you and now finally reading your blog. It is such a wonderful read.

  31. That's so funny. Glad she can help you out :) I was wondering why she had the mixture on your nice white dresser top?

  32. I just found your blog through the Mommastery blog. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. My heart aches for you and your family. I just spent the past two hours reading through many of your posts and listening to your heart. After a night of worry and fear for my children, God used your blog to remind me to be thankful to Him that they are alive and healthy. Also that the number of their days is in His hands, and to trust them in His hands. I wish this had never ever happened to you. Thank you for being brave enough to share it publicly like this; I am so, so, so very sorry.
