Friday, September 7, 2012

LTYM Videos are Up

The videos from the Listen to Your Mother shows back in May are now up on Youtube! It was a hard experience for me, but I'm so glad I did it. It was an honor. And now? I am LOVING going through and hearing women's stories from all over the country, and I know you will too. Oh my. They are so funny. So heartbreaking. So real.

I hesitated putting the link to mine on here. You see, when I post pictures on this blog I can mitigate (somewhat) the pointy nose thing, the jowls, the "I sucked a lemon" school marm mouth thing. But the video camera doesn't lie. And the voice. The voice you hear though the written words on this screen most likely has a different sound than the one God gave me. And that can be unsettling.

But we are friends here. And friends love each other, pointy noses and all. And friends forgive friends for complete and utter lack of eye contact because a certain friend couldn't see the audience in the darkened theater, her bangs were giving her trouble, and she apparently had no idea where the video camera was located. Ok? Whew.

Here's the link to my piece:

Why B Normal?


  1. I saw no pointy nose then and I don't see one now in this stunning portrait here. Just a beautiful soul baring her soul so others may learn what grace, strength, and courage look like under theatre lights.



  2. Oh I can't wait to take some time this weekend to watch all of these. I as SO SO sad to miss the actual event. I am quite sure that even on video it will be your words that we really pay attention to. Although, that stunning photo above clamored for my attention on this post :)

  3. You did great. You're so brave. And I like you.

  4. I think you looked beautiful, and you did amazingly well with such a difficult reading.

  5. rYou are beautiful, amazing, and eloquent. Yesterday evening, my almost 9-year-old son was driving me a little crazy, but I stopped, hugged him HARD ("Mom, you are squeezing me a little hard.") and remembered. Remembered Jack, his beautiful mother and father, and one-of-a-kind, hilarious, gorgeous sister. Many prayers for you, many loving remembrances of a very special boy.

  6. You, Anna, are grace personified.
    Completely so.

  7. Anna as much as I wish I had never heard/met you, you are my friend now and an inspiration to me. You have taught me so much. You have strengthened my commitment to God (even when I didn't think it needed strengthening). You have strengthened my love for my children (and I didn't even think that was possible). You have shown such grace and dignity during what can only be described as the most shittist of times. Keep on Anna. KEEP writing, KEEP loving and KEEP believing. I can see Jack shining from your face. This I have no doubt.

  8. thank you for posting this! I was at the event, and thought you did an amazing job, but looking back, I don't think I was really able to listen. I was too busy gripping my arm rest, nervously willing you through it, trying not to cry. You are much braver than I am! Anyway, this time, knowing what a beautiful job you did, I could relax and really hear what you had to say--which is good because I think the message that grief is alienating is such an important one. hopefully by saying it out loud, you help to bridge the gap for yourself and for others. bravo.

  9. I want to click over, but I'm nervous.

    I have come to love you, and to hear your voice -- if you speak of beautiful Jack --I don't know.

    I'm going to click over because I do love you

    But to hear you speak of that which broke your heart to the point of where you work every day to rebuild it anew, with not all the original pieces there...

    I thank you, Ann, for how you've changed my life.

    You have.

  10. You look and sound beautiful, of course.

    Very courageous, very well done.

    Love you

  11. I was there. You looked and sounded great! My thoughts are with you tomorrow.

  12. anna ~ i just see a beautiful mom who misses her jack. you are brave and you are courageous. thank you for sharing your heart and your hurt so that others may learn and grow and understand. i hope that you are able to find peace and that the help you are giving others is somehow coming back to you. love you! xoxo

  13. If I didn't know your voice, I'd think that you're so beautiful that you deflect attention by pointing out imagined flaws, so that you won't make others feel lesser by comparison. Because I DO know you, I believe you in fact do think you have a pointy nose, and a school-marm voice. (NO.)

    So proud. Keeping you in my prayers.

  14. That was amazing. I cannot believe the way you approached this and the finesse that you showed as you gave this talk. You did a wonderful job-and I know that you wish with all your heart that you did not have the background necessary to give that speech- Blessings- xo Diana

  15. Anna, you are beautiful!! I don't see a pointy nose at all, but a beautifully sculptured face that any model would be envious of.

    Your bravery is sharing your heart touches me deeply.

    Thank you for posting this.


  16. Holy smokes, I have not listened yet but you look gorgeous. What a hottie!

  17. Thanks for the link, def have to take some time in the weekend to watch them.

    Jan @Door251

  18. Hi Anna.

    I don't know you, I only heard of your story and visited your blog yesterday when Kristi Quill shared a link.

    I don't have the adequate words, or explanations, but I do know you have touched my heart in a way I dont think will ever go away. Your loss and your families situation cause me a heartache I can not explain. As a mother, I simply can not imagine what it is like, I won't pretend to think it would be easy or that I would know what to do, how to feel. But your grace, honesty, faith, love and real ness are such an inspiration.

    I am sure we will probably never meet, but I am sure I will never forget you. You are inspiring.

    I don't know the right words, but I pray with all my heart and soul that you find peace that passes Ll understanding. I pray with all my heart that your beautiful daughter and your husband do as well.

    Love, prayers and hugs,
    Jessica numbers

  19. I cannot wait to watch the videos. And your picture. . . Beautiful!!!

  20. Anna,

    You do NOT have a school marm voice - you have a beautiful and kind voice. I loved watching you speak.

    Thank you for sharing with us all.

    Lisa G. in CT

  21. We are always our own harshest critic. I found the delivery of your piece to be perfect. I cried when I read the original piece, and I cried again when I got to hear your beautiful voice tell it again. Thank you, Anna.

  22. Now, Anna!!!! I was there and you were amazing, beautiful and so well spoken. You are beautiful inside and out. Don't forget that!! xo Andie

  23. Thank you for sharing that with us. I was sorry that I couldn't be there in person. You are way too hard on yourself and you are truly one of the most beautiful women (inside and out) I have every seen. You are also one of the bravest. I don't know how you held it together the way your did, I'm sure that I couldn't have done it nor even had the courage to get up there. Praying for you, Margaret and Tim.

  24. Your voice has the exact same sound I've 'heard' all along. All I can hear is courage, honesty, humor, amazing strength, and the kind of inspiring love and compassion found only in someone as breathtakingly beautiful ~ both inside and out ~ as you.
    The Donaldson Family is forever in my prayers ~ with extra special ones being offered up this week.

  25. I just watched and you were amazing Anna. Even though I had read this several times it was so different to hear you read it. You are beautiful! Love and prayers this week and always.

  26. Oh god Anna...once again I'm in my office bawling with the door shut.

    You are beautiful, your family is beautiful, and your words are far, far beyond beautiful.You will all be on my heart tomorrow.

  27. You see? This is what I mean. You have a way of connecting us to you. I felt the same way. I wanted to be unique enough to be interesting but not weird. Then the twist with being different bc your sweet boy died. It is a powerful message that lets us know we are all in this life together and we are called to bear each others burdens. I just pray that some how, the millions of times I pray for you and you family have some impact on the unbearable pain you feel. You are an amazing woman and I am so very grateful to you for your soul bearing honesty.

  28. I think you looked beautiful and spoke eloquently. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Anna, you are beautiful, inside and out. Sending you tons of love from Purcellville.

  30. Great job Anna!

    You looked very nice, and its lovely to hear you voice. I cried as I heard this post that I have already read many times. God is with you Anna, as you spread your message far and wide. Again, I'm so sorry for this terrible loss. I am praying for you and your family during this especially difficult period. Love, prayers, and hugs.


  31. Beautiful Anna~ It is so nice to hear your voice, almost like meeting you in person. You wrote that post so beautifully and I loved hearing you share it with us. It just confirms what I had suspected from reading your blog all this time... You are the sweetest! I have adopted your idea of paper sign before the school year on my blog~ thanks for sharing!

  32. First of all Anna, you are absolutely beautiful and I loved hearing your voice. And as always, you spoke from the heart with such courage and grace. You and your family have touched more hearts than you will ever know. I am so sorry that you have been put in this position. But I am so thankful that you have shared your story. Hugs to you all Anna!

  33. Wow, you are gorgeous. And your spoken piece??? You are one of those women of whom I wrote of today. I was thinking about you as I wandered about Costco this afternoon. My heart is heavy for you often, but this week especially so. Peace to all who loved Jack, especially you and your brave family.

  34. I love your words. They are the truth, and that is wonderful to experience. I especially love the word "niggling". <3

  35. Can't click thru to the vid on my phone, so that'll have to wait til I am off work, but had to risk the crazy autocorrect typos I always get when posting anything with my phone to say OMG HOTTY McHOT-MOM to that photo! xoShana

  36. First of all, shut the hell up about pointy noses and 'jowls' (ruh???) because you bare a striking resemblance to Nicole Kidman. Seriously.

    Also: you are awesome. I would have to write a lot, too much for a comment, to describe and elucidate to you the extent of your awesomeness.

    One last thing: Because of what you've done here, I know a little bit about Jack. I'm a total stranger who wouldn't have otherwise ever heard of him. But now I feel like I know him, and I think of him and your family often.


  37. So wonderful to hear you read your words. You are beautiful, your words are beautiful, your story is heartbreaking. I will be thinking about you tomorrow. A family I have never met, but who has touched me so deeply. Know that you have lots of energy flowing your way tomorrow and always.

    (a mom in Oakland, CA)

  38. You are gorgeous and radiant, inside and out. And so it that beautiful daughter of yours.

  39. You did wonderful. As I sat watching your clip, my seven-year-old came and stood next to me. When you mentioned, "Finding out about Santa..." he looked at me and asked, "What about SANTA?" and I was able to distract him for a moment until you mentioned "S-E-X" and then he whipped out, "What is X-E-S? Is that a video game??"

    Um ... I don't know. Could be?

    Anna, you are beautiful ... your voice, your nose, your courage and your spirit. You're always in our hearts, but especially this week as you approach the one-year mark. Sending much love from Fairfax.

  40. First, your portrait is gorgeous. I see your beauty in Margaret.

    Second, your performance was great. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    I am the sister of a brother who died in his teens. It was a suicide, so particularly traumatic. When I think of it, my strongest sensation was the painful awareness of my parents' heartbreak. But I am OK (really I am, at least I think so!) and I am confident that your sassy, funny, Margaret will be as well.

    I ache for your family but do wish for joyful future times for you, even though they may be accompanied by sighs.

    -- Joan in PA

  41. Dear Anna,

    I'm sorry for what you and your family have gone through. As many others who have read and followed your blog from afar I have been deeply moved by your story.

    Jack was a real treasure and will now be remembered by so many people across the world because of you.

    The reading was perfect and you should be very proud of the job you did. You come across as kind and compassionate, and someone who is trying to make sense of what has happened in her life. You are just a beautiful person who didn't deserve what happened but who has been dealing with it in the most gracious manner.

    Always thinking of you Anna......

  42. Anna... Love to you, Tim, and Margaret. You are being held so closely in prayer by so many.

    You were on my heart on Thursday, you were on my heart today, and you will definitely be on my heart tomorrow (and all the tomorrows after that).

    Your boy Jack is loved by so many, and by so many who never got to meet him in person. You have shared him with us, and for that we thank you.

    I hope you all take a small measure of comfort from all the blue ribbons around town, the faded and the shiny new...

    With love from the other side of town...


  43. What a powerful, eloquent and truly honest testimony for such a great cause! Just reading through the comments here shows what an incredible impact you have on not only friends, but total strangers. Thank you for sharing this video of your dreams, your hearteaches and your hope.

  44. I find it so strange that my family knows your family on a first name basis yet you have no idea who we are. :) I check your blog each morning as I sit in the kitchen while my kids eat breakfast. I even check you before facebook. And that's saying something. You remind me daily to love the chaos that is motherhood. And getting to hear your voice was just a bonus. Thank you for posting the link.

  45. Hate to burst your bubble, but you sound about like I thought you would. And you looked fantastic. I am most impressed that you could speak so well without puddling up. You did an excellent job!

  46. Anna,

    This was beautiful, thank you for sharing.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family as you navigate through this difficult week.

    I am so grateful for the lessons that you have taught me through this blog. I only wish we had 'met' in very different circumstances.

    Love and prayers to all of you. -- Theresa in Colorado

    PS: you have a remarkable resemblance to Nicole Kidman.

  47. I can't believe we don't look different, that we aren't somehow physically scarred. I've said and thought that countless times. "Normal" shouldn't include cemeteries and gravestones, but now it does. Praying for you as you journey through sucky september

  48. Thank you for sharing this! You did a wonderful job and are beautiful inside and out.

  49. Hearing your voice sharing the words I had previously read was jarring and amazing. Thank you for sharing. My thoughts are with you this week.

  50. I'm unable to watch the whole video right now, but I had to just check the first minute... so far you and your voice are beautiful! My first thought was, you need to be the official reader for audio books!

    I look forward to hearing the rest of it a little later tonight. Thanks for sharing!

  51. Anna,
    For starters you look BEAUTIFUL in that photo. Just gorgeous!! What are you talking about with the pointy nose and jowels? You're crazy! I remember reading this piece when you wrote it. So moving! I loved listening to you read it. I cried. It was great to hear your voice again. Made me miss you even more. I am thinking about you SO much this week and I know today (9/8) is going to be hard. I'm praying. I love you. -Annie

  52. It was amazing to read and even more amazing to hear you read. Thinking of you.

  53. Praying for you, Anna. I went to Wake Forest too, a few years after you I think. Thinking of you and your family often, especially right now. Hang in there!

  54. Praying for you, Anna! I went to Wake Forest also, a few years after you I think. Thinking of you and your family often, especially during this time. Hang in there!

  55. Not that I've ever stopped, but I've been thinking about you so much the past few days. Now that the crapiversary is here my heart is heavy and you, Tim and Margaret are all on my mind as I hope you get through this the best you can. I never even met Jack, but boy do I smile when I see his picture. Sending as many virtual hugs as possible xoxo

  56. Oh, Anna! Thank you for the gift of hearing your voice, after all these years. You have always had a special place in my heart, just as your mom still does. You are a beautiful, courageous and delightfully different young woman and I would have given anything so you didn't have to walk this path.

  57. That was amazing. You are amazing. xo

  58. Your writing is always so beautiful, authentic, and revealing. Hearing you read your words only deepened my adoration for you. Sitting here with my headphones on laughing and crying while I listen - you and Margaret sound just alike!! Way to be brave, Anna. Keep it up. Praying special prayers for all of you today.

  59. Prayers, Love and Peace to all today. Pure Grace

  60. Thank you for posting the link and for sharing. I don't think anyone gets the sense of being an "alien" who hasn't lost, I hate that you do, and I appreciate so much how eloquently you put it. You and your family are in our hearts and thoughts.

  61. Dear Anna,
    Amen to OSMA's words--you are a beautiful soul.

    Much love, prayers without ceasing...


  62. Anna,
    You are all in my heart, today especially. I am carrying Jack with me as well. Love and peace to you.

  63. You and your sweet family were my first thought this morning when I woke up. My heart is so heavy for you. Much love to you, especially today.
    Jen G.

  64. Dear Anna,

    I love your video, your strength, and your faith as you go through each day until you see your Jack again. I am thinking and praying for you and your family today. And we are believing and reading Luke 1:37!

    Love & Hugs,

  65. Beautifully written...and read outloud to us. You are way more beautiful than you will ever realize...inside and out.

    I am so sorry that you are now that mom...but what a messenger you have become.

    Because of you, Jack was born and will never, ever be forgotten.

    xoxo, Julia

  66. Anna, how I wish it were that your experience and testimony were not the foundation for a leap forward in my faith this last year. But it is. What a Mother and Warrior you are. Eternally grateful and sad to understand in a new way the truth of Jack's belief that With God, All Things Are Possible.

  67. There was no doubt in my mind that you could do this. Absolutely amazing. With your broken heart you are healing others along this journey called grief. You never cease to amaze me. You are so beautiful. ((HUGS))

  68. I am so glad you posted the link for us! I loved hearing your voice, it was perfect! And please stop talking about your so-called "pointing nose", it is adorable!

  69. We met at the Hilton bar in NYC and you made a Belieber out of me - have thought of you many times since and am sending you love and strength on this day. And I'm sending your daughter some mental Swag (she will get the JBiebs reference.) I hope our paths will cross again some day soon.

  70. Thinking of you this day. Much love to you.

  71. I'm returning to say that you and your family are very much in my thoughts, even though words feel so deeply inadequate. May God bless you.

  72. Thank you for linking Anna. I know how you feel. I hate how I look/sound in my video (seriously - time to have surgery to correct my crooked nose!) - but people want to see yours. And of course they think you look/sound just as lovely as you are!

  73. Thank you so much for sharing, Anna.

  74. I hope you see, in everyday day, how you and Jack touch the world even without his physical prensence in it. It is not how you wanted it, or envisioned it... but it is a thing of beauty and grace. I am feel privledged to 'know' you and to learn from you both.

  75. Wow -- Your composure is no less than amazing. I am blown away. Good job. And such good words. -ML

  76. I am thinking of you today and sending as much love as I can from all the way across the country. Your courageous, beautiful LTYM reading was such a wonderful tribute to Jack. You are stunning, inside and out. May God hold you even tighter than usual as you make your way through this anniversary and the upcoming weeks. Continued love and light. xoxo

  77. Prayed for you and your family today.
    "I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121 1-2

  78. Anna, I have been thinking of you all week. I am hoping that you, Tim, and Margaret were able to find a little bit of peace today and that something made each of you smile. Much love, megan

  79. I loved everything about your speech! You are beautiful, inside and out.
    Love & hugs to you & your precious family!

  80. Anna, you and your family have been in my prayers all week, but most especially today. Your willingness to share your life with your readers is a gift, and inspires me to be the best mom I can be for my boys. You will remain in my prayers.

  81. I live in your town ... you and your family have been on my mind all day today, especially with this weather. Sending you loads of love and positive thoughts.

  82. Anna, Many prayers of strength for you today. You continue to inspire all of us.

  83. I went back and read you post, "That terrible night". I found it alarming that you were reading an article about " a family that gave up their affluent serve the poor " and that you intended to share the story with your family, etc... It just strikes a chord with me. How could you have known that this exact thing of "giving up" and somehow through this inadvertently helping others would happen? You have given up your "wealth" and comfort of a loving family of four and now, through and with jack, I see you as serving the "poor", those of us ( yes, me!) who have been poor in faith, in our devotion to family, etc... I don't know if I explained this well, but I do hope there is a minutae of comfort in that Jack's death and you family, your writings, your words, has brought many people great riches this year in their relationships and spiritual life. Love to you. I guess I am hoping that if you know you inadvertently helped others, it could somehow help and comfort you, even in the tiniest of ways. You so deserve peace and comfort. Xx

  84. praying, praying, praying - today and every day.
    You are loved!

  85. You have a gift with words, both written and spoken. My heart aches for you and your family -- what a terrible loss... The sky glowed with a spectacular sunset tonight, and I thought of your sweet Jack. Prayers to you for comfort and continued strength.

  86. I thought of you on Tuesday as I took photos of my Jack with his first day of 5th grade sign. I thought of you today as swirling wind and thunderous rain sent us scrambling for cover at the end of the Nats game.

    I hope you had moments of peace and maybe even a little joy today, I think your beautiful boy would want that.

  87. As Elizabeth said....Hearting the Donaldsons today.

  88. I just watched your youtube video, my cousin Mariann sent it to me. It was awesome. Try to remember that no one in the whole world shudders at your voice except you. To us, you just sound like a bright healthy woman. :)
    and wise too.
    You did a great job talking about a really tough subject. I am sorry for your loss.
    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  89. Anna. You are simply gorgeous in the photo, poised and controlled in the video, and as usual, a gifted, articulate writer. I'm proud of you, and loved watching your talk at LTYM (and am eager to watch the other videos too).

    I can't believe it's a year.

    Sending you lots of love--for you, Tim and Margaret.


  90. Anna and family,

    I am thinking of you all today. Knowing that a year means so little. That there is no trophy for surviving such a year. That even a year later it is all still so wrong. I hope somehow, someway there is peace. I hope you see a year as not farther away from Jack but closer to where he is. I hope, I pray, I beseech our Father that there be come comfort. Mostly I hope the sun shines today. That the sky be brilliant b,use and cloudless. That there be joy and comfort. And that in the darkest of moments your Jack finds a way to send his love and let you know he is safe, content and waitng.

    Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes...remembering Jack's twelve seasons of love!

  91. Anna, am I gonna have to come down to DC & slap some sense into you, woman? You are BEAUTIFUL and your words are beautiful, and you are a brave woman for reading. Much love to you! I just wish I could have been there in person to hear you, but as you went up at the EXACT same day & time as our NYC show, that was impossible. Watching this video the next best thing. xoxoxo

  92. You are stunning, your voice was beautiful and clear and emotive, and I was freshly in awe of your innate grace and faith. Love to you.

  93. Could the sky be any bluer this morning? A hopeful sun, a cloudless sky. One more person thinking of your family. As an aside, my daughter went to VPC bible camp this summer. The cd of music includes a song with lyrics being Jack's life verse. As we drive around town, she practically SCREAMS the words, "nothing is impossible with God.....anything is possible ith God.". Makes me laugh and cry. Hugs and love, especially today, 1 year plus a day,, know we are all still here with you. Xx

  94. Remembering Jack today and always. He has a permanent place in my heart now. As does your beautiful family.

    We've never met, but I keep you close and pray for you often. And I think every day of a special boy I wish I had known.

    God bless.

  95. I watched it again and showed Eduardo. Such an amazing reading, well written, well was such an honor to even hear you share it!

    By the way, this picture of you is STUNNING!

  96. You did beautifully!!! Such an amazing woman you are. I am so terribly sorry, still, for your loss. But I don't think your nose is too pointy ;0)

  97. thinking about you and your family alot the past few days. love from kansas city.

  98. All I saw was a beautiful mom with such GRACE. You were wonderful! Thinking of you at this sad time of year.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Such a beautiful picture Anna and such a well written piece despite its sad topic. :( Thinking about you this week. <3

  101. As amazing as you were at LTYM, I will NEVER hear anything as poised, beautiful and moving as your tribute at Jack's funeral. Perhaps my memory is lacking (and here I am on my phone again making it too hard to check), but has your church uploaded this video and could repost a link? Perhaps they could consider doing so...yesterday was one long prayer for you...thanking God for the rainbows he sent to Vienna after the storm! Love you! Karen

  102. That was terrific. Loved it.

  103. I just watched it. You are inspiring moms all over the place.

  104. Anna, I'm not sure how you were able to convey such deepness, humor, wistfulness, sadness, and grace while telling your story, but doing so was a truly amazing and brave feat that reiterated your inner strength and true talent.

    Thank you for participating in LTYM and for sharing your performance with those of us who couldn't attend. I was a sobbing wreck by the end and rather grateful to be in the privacy of my own home while taking it all in.

    You are beautiful!

  105. Anna I have been thinking about you and your family so much this weekend. My prayers are with you all.

    Millie xxxx

  106. Anna- The video is amazing, you are a beautiful person and your family is so lucky to have you. You are an inspiration to all mothers. I pray for you, Tim and Margaret every day.

  107. you are so brave anna. i enjoyed watching your piece and will look at some of the others later. you looked beautiful and i am amazed at your composure. not sure how you keep it together, but wow! i am a founding member of the pointy nose club (who knew our noses keep growing!!??!), but i must say that you and your nose are very pretty; but more importantly, because i've read your heartfelt, brutiful words -- to me, you absolutely radiate beauty, strength and GRACE. many prayers to you and yours.

  108. I watched your video and it was like you were talking about me. It's not normal to lose a child. No parent should have to plan a funeral, pick out a casket or a headstone. It's not normal and neither is life after. On January 17, 2008 I lost my 16 year old daughter in a one car accident. She was the light of my life. And even though it's been 4 years, some days the pain is as strong as it was then. She would turn 21 on the 23rd of September. I miss her with every fiber of my being and I always will. My heart goes out to you and I will keep you in my prayers. You are an inspiration. Hang in there-God will lead you through this and you will find peace-not as it was before, but you will get there. Much love and prayers to your family.

  109. That's a stunning photo of you. Just read a half a dozen or so of your posts. I'm deeply touched by the way your community--online and IRL--have held you guys over the anniversary.

    Keep enjoying those peaceful moments where you find them.

