Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Border

Soooo, I've mentioned a time or five that our family loves Taco Bell. The winning combination of cheese and thrift is impossible for us to resist. The fact that Jack refused to eat french fries, chicken nuggets, or ketchup sealed the deal years ago.

Since Jack's death, Margaret has noticed a few interesting menu developments at Taco Bell, all of which she attributes to her big brother.

First there was the Doritos Loco Taco, a regular hard taco with a Dorito shell. Tacos coupled with Doritoes? He loved them both! Add a Dr. Pepper and Jack would have died and gone to heaven. Okay, you know what I mean.

There's also the Beefy Nacho Burrito-- a burrito stuffed with NACHOS!. Can you say salty orange processed cheese food goodness? Making nachos and popcorn are the only two reasons I even own a microwave.

And now? There's the Cheesy Gordita Crunch, which is basically a hard taco INSIDE a soft tortilla. This is Jack's own invention he ate at home and at Taco Day at school. When we saw that one, we knew something was afoot. Oh, it also comes with "zesty pepper JACK" sauce!

Margaret figures Jack must be infiltrating a Taco Bell exec's dreams and leading to the invention of these yummy delights. I'm with her on this one. I wonder if his next invention will have something to do with Dill Pickles.

Sooo, on the last day of school we were going through the Taco Bell drive through and she was pointing all this out to me. We were laughing about it, and I decided to take a picture of the menu board with my phone. Oh how much we all missed before I finally got a camera phone! I took a couple of shots and then pulled forward.

When I got to the pick-up the window, I discovered I had forgotten to order! Ooops.

Laughing, I apologized to the worker. He replied, "That's okay. I saw you guys taking pictures back there. I told the others this must be your first drive through experience."

As if.

More laughter.

Loving, laughing and missing you, Jack! Wonder what you'll do next!


  1. The others are new but the cheesy gordita crunch has been around for a long time. I used to eat them a bunch back in the late nineties before I had to uh, ahem, give up eating fast food due to expansion..... ;)

  2. OK, the Taco Bell post is leaving me with goosebumps. What a funny combo! I am totally captured by your writing and your "realness." So sweet,funny, and touching all at the same time. Thanks again for sharing your story.
    Stacy in Birmingham, AL

  3. So I'm picturing Jack yelling down, "Mom! You forgot to order!" Love it!!!

  4. Aaaannnd . . . now I need a taco.
    (or two)

    There's really no telling what Jack will do next. Just like his Mother, he continues to amaze me.

  5. Lol, I just started chuckling when I read the part about the Taco Bell attendant thinking this was your first drive through experience. ;P

    Praying for you all.

  6. Smiling through tears.

    My favorite emotion.

    Thank you for this today.


  7. Huge smile on my face after reading this post. Thanks for sharing this experience with us.

  8. Beautiful image of you two laughing in the car.....not a huge TB fan myself but my youngest daughter would have eaten it three times a day in middle school, if she had been given the chance.

    In one of my tender attempts to put her off and direct her taste buds in another directuon, I told her that the tacos were made from ground up chihuahua puppies! Bad bad mother. She still loves them.

    Thanks for your inspiration and love, you are a beacon.

  9. have you tried Lay's Dill Pickle chips? Not to be confused with ACTUAL dill pickle chips- but rather potato chips seasoned EXACTLY (to a creepy degree, frankly) like dill pickles...I cannot get enough of these chips. They have them at Giant. Who knew?
    And isn't so very NoVa that it could be a grown-ups first drive-thru experience? That part made me laugh out loud :)
    take care,
    Barbara ( your friendly estalker from down the road)

  10. Man, I love me some Taco Bell!

    Pity my family doesn't... I save my run for the border for lunch on the days when I telework. Tee!

    Know that we continue to send our love and prayers, from the other side of town, to you, Tim, and Margaret?

  11. SO glad you and Margaret are enjoying some Jack-related laughs together. How healthy for you -- (psychologically, I mean, not nutritionally LOL)!

    Keep laughing, it is the best medicine, and thanks for sharing.

    I just buried my mom yesterday -- nothing like what you went through as my mom was 83, but I feel at peace and that she is where she belongs. She herself had to bury my brother when he was just 19 and the priest (a long-time family friend) referred to how she grew after that -- it was a focus of his homily.

    Blessings to you, Anna,and thanks for sharing and giving me some joy today,
    Joan in PA

  12. haha That's great! Sounds like something i would do!

  13. That is hilarious! And thanks, Jack, I appreciate the cheesy nachoy goodness of that new burrito! Well done. ;)

  14. Love this.

    @Joan, I'm so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace. That priest sounds like a good man.

  15. Your stories are so so funny! I am just laughing at Jack's mischief and your antics. First drive thru lol. Thanks for sharing!

  16. My son loves Dr. Pepper so much, we've been to the Dr. Pepper museum in Waco. As for TBell, when he was a vegetarian, he would go there and just substitute rice for meat.

    My husband does not like Taco Bell, so when he goes out of town, guess where I'll go. Next time I'll be looking to order something that will become, in my mind, "The Jack Special."

    As for not ordering in the drive thru--priceless!

    No tears here, just smiling and feeling thankful that I just ate, so I don't have to sneak out.

  17. This post made me laugh. I'm SURE Jack had something to do with all those menu changes - how could he not?! I'm thinking tacos for lunch tomorrow!

  18. Anna,
    I LOVE this!!!!! Yes I think maybe Jack has a little hand in this.How are those?My we have not been there in a while and my husband keeps reminding me that we need to try those out! Keeping you all in our prayers.

  19. Thanks for the smile today Anna!

    Blessings to you Joan.

  20. I paid for my food one time at Burger King and then drove off before they handed it out the window to me. Apparently I was in the throes of a age induced "heatwave" at the time which also caused periodic mental lapses. :) I can't imagine what the kid in the window must have thought about that - I was too embarassed to go back and find out!

  21. I have a friend who can't believe I go to "Taco Hell" (as she laughingly refers to it). I am also partial to the "KenTacoHut" - KFC+Taco Bell+Pizza Hut.

  22. Anna it was great to see you and the family in Baltimore. Sure hope the play was great and you all had a great rest of your trip.


  23. so happy to hear these fun stories... he is up to some serious stuff up in heaven:) LOVE and HUGS!!!

  24. Ok. I'll be honest: I eat there WAY more than any human being should...but it's sooooo good!
    My mom and I have our "usual" and that consists of the cheesy gordita crunch! Love it. She also just tried, for the first time, the burrito with dorritos inside and loved it. :-)
    I love that Jack is giving you "winks" through all different mediums....even fast food!
    The last time I went through the drive through at taco bell, I paid, got one bag of food, then drove away without waiting for my second bag (i was ordering for my family)!! Maybe it's just taco bell that does that to people!!

    Love, hugs, and continued prayers,

  25. I love that you can remember Jack with such humor. We do that with memories of our Joey - just today, in fact, with my other boys in Pottery Barn Kids. We found animal print bedshets which he would have loved. So we were all talking about his menagerie of animals. Thanks for sharing your memories with us. Hugs.

  26. Oh, that was so funny! Jack was certainly a rare bird; I seriously can't believe he didn't like french fries, chicken nuggets and ketchup.

    I was thinking about you and Jack the other day. We were signing a song in a story time class at the library and it had to do with Jack the bird. Loved it!

  27. It's not the same thing of course but we miss you too, Anna. It's lovely to see this new post.

    Best wishes and lots of love.


  28. What a sweet story. Sounds like Jack is working his magic at Taco Bell. So funny how you forgot to place your order!

  29. This was an enjoyable have to find the laughter amongst the other "stuff". So glad you were both able to share a laugh and enjoy something that sounds like Jack may have been guiding from above.

  30. Loving and laughing with you!

  31. Great post about another special moment between you. Love how you and your family have learned to "see" Jack all around you in your daily lives. A good lesson for all of us.
    I miss Taco Bell, was a favorite before the job losses, upside is that I've finally learned how to cook at home! Lol!

  32. I'm so touched by the way you and your family continue to find reasons to smile and laugh, and by Jack's obvious continued presence in your daily lives. It must bring him great joy to see you remembering him in such an uplifting way. Though I've never met you, you guys are in my thoughts much more often than could possibly be healthy or normal, and I pray for your continued healing.

  33. An instant favorite!

    Next, Jack will infiltrate the Taco Bell Executive's dreams and inspire the next marketing genius. No more talking about a talking Rare Bird?!?!

  34. Jack is such a part of my life now that I think about him daily. Now Taco Smell will make me think of him. Sending comfort and peace your way.

  35. very interesting, and funny! Mary in NY

  36. That was hilarious about the drive-through!

    Reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live sketch called "Taco Town"... can be found at this link (ok for kids)- check it out!

  37. I'm sure Jack would appreciate you both sampling the new treats in his honor.

  38. This made me laugh a lot. But if they ever make a dill pickle taco, I might have to have some words for Jack.

  39. You make me laugh and it makes me happy to know that you are laughing. You are incredible writer. I hope you will write more not just blogs but consider short stories.

    Always thinking of you and your family

  40. I have avoided the Doritos taco because I imagine I'll drain the bank account once I get started . . .

  41. My son's favorite restaurant has always been Taco Bell- he never requested McDonalds. He's chosen it for birthday meals & even our mother son valentine dance date. I have to say, I don't mind. My husband is constantly incredulous that I am light skinned, blonde, & sprinkled with freckles because he thinks I simply must have some Mexican in my blood!
    Forgetting to order?! Classic 40 something mom brain- fabulous!

  42. Love to hear echoes of laughter!!

  43. I soooo wonder what all Jack is doing....

    Love you!

  44. BAHAHAHA! Hysterically funny on many levels. The guy thinking you were taking photos of your first drive thru experience is priceless. Also, I guess Jack just redeemed Taco Bell for me a little bit. :)

  45. It's not even 7 am and I'm craving tacos. Thanks for that! xo

  46. You have made me want to make a run for the border. Maybe dinner tonite?

    I am a collector of quotes. I keep them pasted in a spiral I call the Book of Wisdom. I just came across this one and I thought of many especially. It is such a perfect thought and I would say readers of your blog aren't the same people we were before September. I do not know who the author is or I would give profound credit.

    "And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in."

    Thinking of you..........

  47. Firs time at a you were tourists! This is hilarious. Let us know if they come up with something that has pickles...

  48. I was captivated by the whole thing, but laughed out loud at the "first time at a drive-through (or thru)"

    Okay Jack - you've got some good taste kid. :-)

  49. Love this one--and I read it Friday and "dragged" my husband to TB yesterday for lunch.
    So thankful I didn't marry a health nut.

    I'm thinking that Taco Bell's sales surged this weekend and you deserve a cut of the profits.

  50. All my son eats is french fries and chocolate milk. I strongly feel Taco Bell is totally healthier than his meal of choice. We are a Del Taco family but there is a Taco Bell near us. I haven't been to one in over a decade... I bet Finn would love the Dorrito taco! :) Hugs sent your way friend.
