Monday, August 22, 2011

Beach DO or Beach DON'T?

As I mosey down the boulevard of broken boogie boards, also known as a family beach vacation, I desperately seek the advice of my wise friends.

The dilemma:

If your rented beach house had a basket chock full of tempting and trashy magazines such as Us Weekly, Star, Cosmo, and People, would you read them?

Yes, you say?

Well, what if this basket was in the main BATHROOM of said beach rental?

Would the gross-out factor of reading a magazine that has been read by many strangers, in the most intimate of settings, override the siren song of learning about what Nick and Vanessa are doing, whether Lindsay is in jail or not, or who will star in the movie adaptation of "The Hunger Games"?

For now, I'm going with the gross-out factor. No promises as the week progresses. What do YOU think?


  1. -->Read them all. Then wash your hands. When we spend a week at the beach (and I live in a beach town) that is my favorite type of magazine to read. Chances are the toilet handle is even dirtier.

  2. What a dilemma! I'd be tempted to read, but I think my neurosis would kick in and spoil the fun. I promise not to judge if you choose to read those bacteria laden things. ;)

  3. I wouldn't even think about the gross out factor but thanks a lot, that's exactly what I'll be thinking about if this ever happens to me.

    But if I forget, I would do what WebSavvyMom said - wash hands afterwards and forget about it.

    But... I'm not sure if she's right about the toilet handle. Somehow I think house cleaners clean toilet handles more than they clean magazines...

  4. I so want to say "eew don't touch them" but I also find myself unable to resist the urge to look at People Mag in a doctor's office where you KNOW everyone is sick touching them. Just do it.

  5. Meh, read 'em. Do you read mags in doctors' offices? I do. Then I wash my hands.

  6. Ooh, I'd say ew for sure. Then I'd just log onto msn and catch up on the "news".

  7. I would be tempted to put on gloves, pick up all the magazines, and hide them in a bag somewhere until you leave, then put them back out. AND I'd use some of my vacation fund to go to the store and buy new ones and keep them just for you. But that's just me! I won't judge if you read them!

  8. Oh, I wouldn't WANT to, but I dang well know that by the time Thursday rolled around (OK, I'm not kidding myself - Wednesday), I'd be reading them to keep up with the Kardashians, even though I don't give a rip about them. Celebrities - they're just like us, and I have to know that!

  9. This is tough. I think I would say no, but probably cave at some point and then wash my hands VERY thoroughly!

  10. In the bathroom OF A RENTAL, would not touch even with gloves. Who in the world thinks that's a good idea?

  11. I guess I don't think that's such a big deal. People usually set down the reading material when it's time to "clean up", right? But I'm not as much of a germophobe as I should be. The magazine's content is probably worse for you overall than any lingering ickies on the pages.


  12. I'm going to say no, but no judgment if you do. :)

  13. I'm with them all or at least look at the pictures and catch up on all of that very important news, don't touch your mouth or eyes then wash your hands good after you finish your business.

    Did you know the dirtiest thing in the world is money? Yep. Coming in a close second is probably magazines in bathroom baskets.

    xoxo, Julia
