Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Almost-FREE Decorating Ideas

So my computer died and I can't upload photos from my camera. I have to limp along on a borrowed computer and use cell phone pictures. If you can excuse the poor photo quality, I'd like to share 4 no-to-low cost ideas I used in Molly's tween bedroom re-do.

1. Ribbon drawer pulls. This inexpensive dresser previously had TWELVE knobs butterfly knobs that Molly didn't like anymore. I did not want to pay for 12 new ones, which would probably have cost more than the dresser itself, so used satin striped ribbon for drawer pulls. Because the drawers glide open easily, the ribbon is an easy, inexpensive solution that will last a long time.

2. Carpet tile area rug. The shag rug we wanted from Target was 60 dollars, which was more than I wanted to spend. I went to a carpet store and asked for carpet samples. They gave me as many as I wanted for free! I put them in a pattern I liked, flipped them over, and used duct tape to secure them to each other. When I flipped them over again, I had a rug for ZERO dollars!

3. Spray painted hardware. On the room's other 3 dressers (yes, I know-- too much furniture!) I spray painted the hardware to match the room. This should be an easy change when Molly wants to change her color scheme again (ugh!)
4. Duct taped stool. Molly's new bookcase is very tall. Fortunately, Tom secured it to the wall for me. Still, I needed a way for Molly to reach the top shelves. We found an aged (gross!) step-stool on the curb and I covered it with turquoise duct tape. Nearly free and super fun! Colored and patterned duct tape is very popular with the tween and teen set right now. In fact, I think Molly's favorite part of her room was the extra roll of duct tape I gave her to go with it.


So there you have it. If I've learned one thing from my kids, it's that their taste in room decor does not last forever. Having some free-to-low cost projects helped me create a fun room without breaking the bank.


  1. Love the duct tape carpet idea; will definitely use it. THANKS!!

  2. Wow you are so resourceful! I love it all - the rug is genius! And the painted step stool is adorable! Go ANNA!

  3. Such great ideas! On HGTV, they do carpet tiles a lot in place of a rug. I always wondered how they got them to stay in place.

  4. Great tips. Wish I had a kid to share them with! I'm sorry your're working with a borrowed computer, I feel your pain as I am typing on my son's here in Baton Rouge...hardship!

  5. You are one smart cookie! I especially love that $60 was too much to pay for a rug. It drives me nuts when someone says they ONLY paid $xxxx for some little something.

  6. love all these ideas. great thinking. you have me thinking, for sure. and your phone camera did just the trick. keep it up.

    thanks for the post.

  7. where did you get your carpet samples?
